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Materials: 1. Classroom set of STD Facts and HIV Facts (You could copy them for each student if you wanted them to have a copy for their notebooks and future reference.) 2. Background Information About HIV (Teacher Notes) *I will put the materials on your desk in the Health room, either Sunday or Monday AM. Copy Page 45, Homework How HIV Would Change My Life Get chart paper for the number of groups you will have in each class, along with bold markers for each group and tape.
FACTS ABOUT STDs Sexually Transmitted Disease isn’t a single disease
STD is a group of communicable diseases spread through intimate (usually sexual) contact. About 1 in 4 sexually active teens gets an STD every year, and about half of all new HIV cases occur in people under age 25. Among 14 – 19 year old women who have had sex, more than one-third (38%) have an STD, with HPV, chlamydia, and gonorrhea being the most common. Ask students what initials STD stand for. How are they spread? How much of a problem are STDs for teens?
Group Report on STDs How could I get it? How could I prevent it?
How would I know I have it (symptoms)? How would I get treatment? How this STD would change my life? Write the names of 5 common STDs across the top of the board: HPV/Genital Warts, Gonorrhea, Herpes, Chlamydia, and HIV. Divide the class into 5 or more groups. (I don’t know how big your classes are, but it seems like groups of 3 or 4 are better than 5 or groups can always work on the same STD and present together.) Have each group select an STD to report on. Give each student a pamphlet on STDs. Have them answer the 5 questions about their STD in particular. *Give each group a piece of chart paper to record their answers and use in their presentation.
Summary Statements How can you get any STD?
You can get an STD, including HIV, from intimate sexual contact with someone who has it. How can you prevent STDs, including HIV? You can prevent STDs, including HIV: By abstaining By having sex with only one, uninfected partner who only has sex with you Or you can reduce the risk by using a latex condom. Have the group tape their chart to the board after their presentation. Then ask them the above questions.
How would you know you have any of these STDs?
A person with an STD may look and feel healthy but can still transmit the disease to others. How would you get treatment for an STD? You should go to a clinic or see a health care provider if you see any symptoms. How might having an STD change your life? STDs have serious health consequences. Some STDs, including HIV, can weaken your immune system, or cause harm to an unborn baby. Some STDs can damage reproductive organs and cause sterility.
How is HIV different than other STDs?
Most STD is spread during sex or other intimate sexual contact (like touching genitals). HIV can be spread in other ways, like sharing needles for drug use or tattooing. This is true of hepatitis B as well. Like some STDs, HIV cannot be cured. But it can also be fatal. Most people are more afraid of HIV than of other STDs. Some heterosexual people don’t think they’re at risk for HIV. They believe it’s only a risk for gay men or injection drug users. The truth is, everyone who has sex or shares needles is at risk. Ask students to consider how HIV is spread compared to other STDs. Consider possibilities of cure. Think about emotional reactions to having these STDs. What do people believe about their risk for HIV compared to other STDs?
How STDs, including HIV, Would Change My Life
All STDs can be treated. Left untreated, many STDs can have serious health consequences. More information on STDs may be found on the Center for Disease Control website or the following hot line: 24-Hour Information Line 800-CDC-INFO ( ) Hand out the worksheet. Complete in class if time or assign for homework.
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