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Safe Sex Vs Promiscuous Sex -Linh N Pham. What exactly is love??? -What does it entitle?

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Presentation on theme: "Safe Sex Vs Promiscuous Sex -Linh N Pham. What exactly is love??? -What does it entitle?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Safe Sex Vs Promiscuous Sex -Linh N Pham

2 What exactly is love??? -What does it entitle?

3 Why choose safe sex over promiscuity? -What is an STI? -Symptoms of STIs -Define promiscuity -Define safe sex & -Longer lasting relationships

4 What is a STI? A sexually transmitted infection (STI) is an infection you can get by having sex. Some STIs (such as gonorrhea and chlamydia) infect your sexual and reproductive organs. Others (such as HIV, hepatitis B, and syphilis) cause general body infections. "Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs)." Sexual Health & Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI) Issues for Teens. Sutter Health, 2014.

5 Symptoms of STIs Unusual discharge from your genitals, such as mucus or pus Any pain in the pelvic area Pain or a burning sensation during sex or urination Small genital blisters/ulcer that turn into scabs Sores on any part of the body Vaginal pain Warts on or near the genitals

6 -Promiscuity- Being promiscuous is the practice of having casual sex frequently with different partners or being indiscriminate in the choice of sexual partners Fact; there are about 20 million new infections in the United States each year, costing the American healthcare system nearly $16 billion in direct medical costs alone.

7 -Safe sex- ( noun) This is when people engage in sexual activity but use precautions so they protect themselves against sexually transmitted diseases such as AIDS

8 Did you know… Women are more prone to getting STIs that show little to no symptoms but in the long run their symptoms end up much worst then in it occurs in men.

9 When you engage in unprotected sex you expose yourself not to only that person but every person that person also has been exposed to. TRUTH

10 Safe sex probably is not as fun as promiscuous sex but it is a safer choice and knowing what we know now a days there should be no reason for irresponsible actions. Especially if we all know the potential outcomes. So think before you walk and you wont trip over your feet.

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