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Skeletal System Part II. Appendicular Skeleton ______ bones of the limbs and pectoral and pelvic girdles 126 In RED.

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Presentation on theme: "Skeletal System Part II. Appendicular Skeleton ______ bones of the limbs and pectoral and pelvic girdles 126 In RED."— Presentation transcript:

1 Skeletal System Part II

2 Appendicular Skeleton ______ bones of the limbs and pectoral and pelvic girdles 126 In RED

3 Hand Carpals Metacarpals Phalanges 8 Total27 bones 5 14 Please Take Long Strides Here Comes The Teacher

4 Pisiform Triquetral Lunate Scaphoid Hamate Capitate Trapezoid Trapezium

5 1. Pisiform 2. Triquetral 3. Lunate 4. Scaphoid 5. Hamate 6. Capitate 7. Trapezoid 8. Trapezium

6 phalanges medial distal proximal Metacarpals carpals

7 Foot 7 5 14 Tarsals Metatarsals Phalanges Total26 Crunch Crunch Crunch Corn Needs Thorough Chewing

8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 st cuniform 3 rd cuniform 2 nd cuniform cuboid navicular talus calcaneous metatarsals phalanges distal medial proximal

9 tarsals

10 Difference in Male and Female Skeleton Female inlet larger and more circular

11 Difference in Male and Female Skeleton Female pelvis shallower, bones lighter and thinner

12 Difference in Male and Female Skeleton Female ileum flares more laterally

13 Difference in Male and Female Skeleton Female sacrum shorter, less curved

14 Difference in Male and Female Skeleton Ischial spines more rounded because outle larger. Angle of pubic arch is greater

15 Joints Also called articulations Hold bones together Give the skeleton mobility

16 Joints Classified 2 ways: Functionally Structurally The type of movement The way the bone is made

17 Joints Functionally Structurally Synarthrosis Amphiarthrosis Diarthrosis Fibrous Cartlaginous Synovial

18 Joints Functionally Structurally Synarthrosis Immovable Fibrous Sutures of Skull

19 Joints Functionally Structurally Amphiarthrosis Slightly movable Ends connected by joints Cartilaginous

20 Joints Functionally Structurally Diarthrosis Freely movable Has a joint cavity with synovial fluid Synovial

21 Examples of Diarthrosis or Synovial Joints Plane joint or gliding joint Movement across Wrist bones

22 Examples of Diarthrosis or Synovial Joints Hinge joint Movement in one direction only Elbow, knee

23 Examples of Diarthrosis or Synovial Joints Pivot joint allows rotation around an axis. The neck and forearms

24 Examples of Diarthrosis or Synovial Joints Saddle joint Movement back and forth and up and down Thumb

25 Examples of Diarthrosis or Synovial Joints Ball and Socket joint Moves in all directions. Hip shoulder

26 Inflammatory Disorders of the Joints Bursitis Inflammation of the bursa

27 Inflammatory Disorders of the Joints Arthritis Inflammation of the joint

28 Inflammatory Disorders of the Joints Osteoarthritis Inflammation of the joint Most common Caused by aging

29 Inflammatory Disorders of the Joints Rheumatoid Arthritis Inflammation of the joint. Chronic 40-50 year old usually Can occur at any age 3x more in women than men No known cause

30 Inflammatory Disorders of the Joints Gout Inflammation of the joint usually in the great toe. Cause by too much uric acid.

31 Shaft of long bone? diaphysis Review

32 Groups of tissues make? organs Review

33 Compound fracture? open Review

34 Keystone bone of the cranium? sphenoid Review

35 Keystone bone of the face? maxilla Review

36 largest bone of the face? mandible Review

37 Cheek? zygomatic Review Inferior part of sternum? Xiphoid process

38 Large opening (hole) in a bone? foramen Review Soft spots in infant skull? fontanels

39 Increase uric acid in the blood can cause a painful condition called? gout Review Bone forming cells? osteoblasts

40 Freely movable joint? Diarthrosis or synovial Review Sutures are examples of what type of joint? Synarthrosis or fibrous

41 Axial or appendicular? phanlage Review Axial or appendicular? vertebrae

42 Forms nasal septum? vomer Review Cause of rickets? Lack of vitamin D

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