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Presentation Basics EC Division Meeting April 24-25, 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Presentation Basics EC Division Meeting April 24-25, 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presentation Basics EC Division Meeting April 24-25, 2012

2 Our recent presentations Google form survey summary

3 Presentation Basics Presentation Skills –Speaker –Audience –Content Supporting your message Display Basics


5 Are exceptional presenters born that way?

6 What percentage of people say their #1 fear is death? 19%

7 What percentage of people say their #1 fear is public speaking? 41%

8 Below Average Presenters Average or Good Presenters Exceptional Presenters ~80% ~15% CONTINUUM OF Effective Presentation Skills T. J. Koegel, 2007 5%

9 Below Average Presenters Are uncommitted to improving Lack training Avoid critique and feedback Don’t know how to practice

10 Don’t forget: You can copy- paste this slide into other presentations, and move or resize the poll.

11 Three Key Components Presentation SpeakerAudienceContent

12 Speaker

13 If people knew how hard I had to work to gain my mastery, it wouldn't seem wonderful at all. Michelangelo

14 Be Organized Set-up Materials Activities Content

15 You’re the expert…right?

16 Everyone is looking at me

17 Combating Nerves Be prepared Use the release of adrenaline –Improve focus –Block out distractions Pause Collect your thoughts Take deep breath

18 Keep in mind- Is 93% of communication based on non- verbal First Impressions : –7% based on what is said –38% based on style of speech –55% based on body language (Mehrabian, 1968)

19 Non-Verbal Communication Gestures Posture Facial expression

20 Eye Contact

21 To Sit or Stand? Standing is 43% more persuasive

22 Communicate your passion for the subject

23 Verbal Communication: Paint a picture

24 Tell a story Under 2 minutes Less is better Practice to find length Divide into segments Focus on a few points

25 How you say it Accents Contractions Grammar Enunciation How do you say it?

26 Verbal Graffiti

27 …Ok? …right? …see? Sort of maybe I think Kind of um You know? Like

28 How to cover up the graffiti Awareness Recognize patterns Anticipate Pause

29 Try humor… carefully

30 Using notes? Don’t read to the audience!

31 Speaker Strategies Use names Smile Practice Begin and End Strong

32 Think, Pair, Share Discuss with a partner: –What is the most challenging for you as a speaker? –How are you or could you work to improve in this area?

33 Audience

34 Is your audience engaged?

35 Keep in mind- Typical adult attention span (retention) is about 20 minutes Pike (1994) suggests the 90/20/8 rule. –Duration less than 90 minutes –Change pace at least every 20 minutes –Audience participates every 8 minutes

36 So what?

37 Buy-In Strategies Importance Value Struggle Administrator concern School concern District concern Link to other things already implemented

38 Make Connections

39 Seek Agreement

40 Audience Questions Information seeking Challenging

41 Handling questions Answer group vs. individual Keep to your objectives/outline Move forward, maintain eye contact Active listening Correct inaccuracies If you don’t know… find out.

42 Handling Questions Pause Indicate topic will be addressed later Open the question to the group Ask a question Clarify the question Take a break

43 Audience Strategies Relevance Respect Research Individualize Get them involved

44 Content

45 Where’s the Beef?

46 Different Learning Styles Visual Auditory Kinesthetic

47 Good Activities Leading question or comment Organized execution of activity Group feedback/comments Closure with link to content

48 Content Strategies We retain 20% of what we hear We retain 30% of what we see We retain 90% of what we say as we do


50 Consider: Type of content –Giving information –Participating –Constructing Level of detail In person vs. distance vs. single learner Live or archive?

51 Animation, Audio, & Video

52 To PowerPoint, or not? Web-based PowerPoint-like options –Google Docs Presentation –SlideRocketSlideRocket –280 Slides280 Slides Prezi –EC Grants - Valencia DavisEC Grants –Medicaid in Education - Lauren HolahanMedicaid in Education –School Leaders and NCSIP - David TillmanSchool Leaders and NCSIP

53 Activity Explore the tools and examples from the previous slide with your group Discuss similarities and differences Be prepared to share how/when you would choose PowerPoint (and similar tools) vs. Prezi


55 Visual Presentation Minimum 24 point font Maximum 2 different fonts, 2 sizes Use upper and lower case 6 words, on 6 lines Chunk Color choices

56 Not Measurable fighting swearing talking out out of area on task bothering defiant oppositional rude inattentive lazy Measurable Data Considerations: Measurable Descriptors

57 Presentation Basics Presentation Skills –Speaker –Audience –Content Supporting your message Display Basics

58 Resources Sparks, D. & Hirsh, S. (2008). A National Plan for Improving Professional Development. Received online from on 7/03/08. Erard, M. (2007). In the Beginning Was the Word, and the Word Was “UM.” Retrieved online from on 7/03/ Mehrabian, A. (1968). Communication without words. Psychology Today, 2 (9), 52-55. North Carolina Department of Public Instruction - Professional Development- Koegel. T. (2007). The Exceptional Presenter. Green Leaf Book Group, Austin: Texas. Carnegie, D. (1962). The Quick and Easy Way to Effective Speaking. Pocket Books, New York: New York. Carnegie, D. (1956). How to Develop Self- Confidence and Influence People by Public Speaking. Pocket Books: New York, New York. Pike, R. (1994). Creative Training techniques Handbook, 2nd Ed. Lakewood Books: Minneapolis, Minnesota.

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