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GRAMMAR Grammar is one the kind of skill to be studied in English. This is an important part in English and it is among the most difficult to be learned.

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Presentation on theme: "GRAMMAR Grammar is one the kind of skill to be studied in English. This is an important part in English and it is among the most difficult to be learned."— Presentation transcript:

1 GRAMMAR Grammar is one the kind of skill to be studied in English. This is an important part in English and it is among the most difficult to be learned. Many people said that without grammar we can to communicate each other however we still have to learn grammar because the grammar makes other people will better understand what we mean when conversing.


3 In structure grammar there are some aspects, and several aspects are important thing for teaching structure; moreover, tense and aspect are closely related and are combined to make up the 12 verb tenses that are commonly learned in school.  . The aspects that I will consider are; The simple (infinite) aspect This aspect does not relate to the flow of time (it does not indicate where on a time line an action begins or ends), but merely states whether or not the action occurs. It is used indicate habitual or repeated actions or conditions. Example: - Simple past tense : I went - Simple present tense : I go - Simple future tense : I will go

4 The perfect (complete) aspect
This aspect indicates that the end of the action or condition is known and is used to emphasize the fact that the action is complete. The action may, however, may be completed in the present, in the past, or in the future. Example: - Past perfect tense : I had gone - Present perfect tense : I have gone - Future perfect tense : I will have gone

5 Teaching grammar is very hard to do so that the teacher should decide the best approach to be used, and the approach of teaching grammar can devide into two kinds, namely: Inductive approach Deductive approach These approach are able to be used in teaching grammar and it will be used depending on the situation, material, student’s ability or student’s level. So thats why the teacher have to decide which one is the best approach to be used in the teaching grammar that based on the situation, material, and student’s ability are able to make these aproach become reliable and make the fun classroom atmosfire.

6 What is inductive and deductive teaching?
Deductive teaching is a more traditional form of teaching. In deductive teaching you typically provide information (lecture), share specific examples of the concept or skill being taught, then, allow students to practice the skill being taught. This is a more teacher-centered model of teaching that is rule driven. Some of the positives of this method are that it is time saving and gets to the point of the lesson easily. Inductive teaching is a constructivist model of teaching that is more student-centered. In inductive teaching first provide examples, then have students practice and figure out the rule themselves. This method of teaching is more experiential and based on a guided discovery learning philosophy.

7 How can you check students have understood what is being presented?
Checking students have understood what is being presented are the most important thing for teacher because the the teacher have to know the student understanding to compare about their ability and it can considers about the teacher’s approach that used are efecttively or not. The way to know it by giving test and there are a variety of types of grammar tests, such as fill-in-the-blank, multiple choice, sentence diagramming, etc.

Technique is one key to successful teaching grammar because with the right technique a teacher can teach grammar to the students well and students become understand of what was described by their teachers. there are some techniques in the grammar, namely: Main map Interview Role-play Repeating Snow-ball throwing Etc,


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