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Cold Survival Learn and Teach Project By Grant Guttschow.

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2 Cold Survival Learn and Teach Project By Grant Guttschow

3 Survival? Over 2600 deaths alone were caused by cold weather conditions in the United States last year. Over 3/4s of those deaths were during December through January. These are some of the busiest travel months also. Most of the deaths were due to hypothermia and frostbite. Hypothermia: lower than normal body temperature. Frostbite: injury by frost or extreme cold. These are dangerous untreated but preparation is the key to survival.

4 Signs of hypothermia (worse signs from top to bottom) Loss of ability to use hands to zip coat/tie shoe etc. Start to shiver then shivering stops(bad sign when shivering stops). Inability to walk without falling. Irrational/incoherent. Severe muscular rigidity. Semi consciousness. Unconscious.

5 PREPARATION! Most cold survival kits are easy to find and cheaper then going to the hospital for frostbite, hypothermia or death. However if you don’t want to go online to find survival kits, many of the items can be found around the house. Do you think you're prepared for disasters like these?

6 Your survival kit! You should have a small box in your home and car such as a first aid kit to keep all your survival items together. Flint and steel or lighters/matches are necessary to make fires. Some type of blanket to keep warm and dry (space blankets are great because of there portability and can be used to signal help). Dry clothes in case yours get wet. Also a hat. Bandages(first aid kits) for injuries to keep them from infections. Knives useful for many situations also can be used with fire starter as steel. A whistle to help rescuers pinpoint location.

7 Different Survival situations might include…

8 Car accident leaves you stranded! What to do? Treat all injuries with first aid kit and try to call for help on a cell phone. Stay warm and dry but make it apparent to all those who might be driving by that you are still in the car and you need help! If you cannot call for help the previous step is EXTREMELY important because hypothermia will set in fairly quickly if you cannot maintain normal body temperature. Do not warm up frostbitten areas of your body until you are positive that you can maintain heat to the area and keep it unfrozen.

9 Fallen through a frozen lake or are wet and away from civilization. What to do? To get out of lake if you are alone grab onto something so you can drag yourself out of the water then distribute your bodyweight over the ice by sprawling out then working your way towards shore. If you are with someone then have them lie flat on the ice to help you out of the water then do not crawl back to shore side by side for risk of the ice breaking. Dry off and change clothes so you do not freeze. Find help! Make a fire if help is not found with flint and steel and stay warm.

10 Now you know how to survive using your survival kit in cold weather conditions! Thank you

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