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Jeopardy Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Final Jeopardy Presidents State Capitals Government U.S StatesWars.

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2 Jeopardy Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Final Jeopardy Presidents State Capitals Government U.S StatesWars

3 $100 Question from H1 The person elected to govern the U.S.

4 $100 Answer from H1 Who is the President?

5 $200 Question from H1 The person that will become President if the President dies.

6 $200 Answer from H1 Who is the Vice President.

7 $300 Question from H1 The person that assist the president in foreign affairs?

8 $300 Answer from H1 Who is the Secretary of State.

9 $400 Question from H1 Executive Branch picked by the President.

10 $400 Answer from H1 What is the Cabinet.

11 $500 Question from H1 Part of the Judicial Branch that consist of 9 justices (judges) by the president.

12 $500 Answer from H1 What is the Supreme Court.

13 $100 Question from H2 Where the attack of Pearl Harbor Occurred.

14 $100 Answer from H2 What is Hawaii.

15 $200 Question from H2 The state that is home to Niagara Falls.

16 $200 Answer from H2 What is New York.

17 $300 Question from H2 The reason for the 2000 ballot recall.

18 $300 Answer from H2 What is Florida.

19 $400 Question from H2 Home to the Liberty Bell.

20 $400 Answer from H2 What is Pennsylvania.

21 $500 Question from H2 Officially became the 49 th State on January 3,1959.

22 $500 Answer from H2 What is Alaska.

23 $100 Question from H3 The U.S’s First President

24 $100 Answer from H3 Who is George Washington.

25 $200 Question from H3 Our current President

26 $200 Answer from H3 Who is Barrack Obama

27 $300 Question from H3 This President’s Vice President was Al Gore.

28 $300 Answer from H3 Who is Bill Clinton

29 $400 Question from H3 He was the president during the majority of the Great Depression.

30 $400 Answer from H3 Who is Franklin D. Roosevelt.

31 $500 Question from H3 He was the President when Hurricane Katrina hit.

32 $500 Answer from H3 Who is George W. Bush.

33 $100 Question from H4 After the Attacks on the World Trade Center this war began.

34 $100 Answer from H4 What is the War on Terror.

35 $200 Question from H4 This war led to the freeing of slaves.

36 $200 Answer from H4 What is the Civil War.

37 $300 Question from H4 The U.S entered this war after the bombing of Pearl Harbor.

38 $300 Answer from H4 What is WWII

39 $400 Question from H4 Spain lost control of Cuba and Puerto Rico after this war and it was given to the U.S.

40 $400 Answer from H4 What is the Spanish-American War.

41 $500 Question from H4 The treaty of Versailles was signed after this war.

42 $500 Answer from H4 What is WWI

43 $100 Question from H5 The Capital of the “Show Me State”

44 $100 Answer from H5 What is Saint Louis

45 $200 Question from H5 The “Silver State’s” Capital.

46 $200 Answer from H5 What is Carson.

47 $300 Question from H5 The “Peach State’s” Capital.

48 $300 Answer from H5 What is Atlanta.

49 $400 Question from H5 This state’s capital is known for their Cajun food.

50 $400 Answer from H5 What is Baton Rouge.

51 $500 Question from H5 This state’s capital is located on the island of Oahu.

52 $500 Answer from H5 What is Honolulu.

53 Final Jeopardy This document was signed by Abraham Lincoln during the Civil War to free the slaves.

54 Final Jeopardy Answer What is the Emancipation Proclamation.

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