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 What does culture mean?  What is the culture here at UI?  Culture of different gyms?  Culture of different universities?  What makes something a.

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Presentation on theme: " What does culture mean?  What is the culture here at UI?  Culture of different gyms?  Culture of different universities?  What makes something a."— Presentation transcript:


2  What does culture mean?  What is the culture here at UI?  Culture of different gyms?  Culture of different universities?  What makes something a culture and not just a fad?

3 Visible 1.Artifacts such as dress, office layout, symbols, slogans, ceremonies Invisible 2.Expressed values, such as “The Penney Idea,” “The HP Way” 3.Underlying assumptions and deep beliefs, such as “people here care about one another like a family” Deeper values and shared understandings held by organization members Culture that can be seen at the surface level

4  1) Integrates members so that they know how to relate to one another. Mood, interactions, feedback procedures.  2) Helps the organization adapt to the external environment. Outward appearances, marketing

5  Culture Strength: the degree to which all members buy-in to the culture at hand. Increases cohesion & commitment to values, goals & strategies of the organization.  Culture Gaps: age, generation, maturity all play a part in how a wide spread a culture can be.

6  The whole is more important than the parts and boundaries between parts are minimized. Emphasize the big picture. Consideration in each part, for each part.  Equality and trust are primary values. Community, caring, relationships. Increased trust allows for risks to be taken.  Honest and open communication top-down in order to facilitate trust.

7  Culture encourages risk taking, change, improvement. Inherently, followers and leaders question the status quo. Constant re-examination of the basic assumptions guiding practice. Rewards distributed to those successfully challenging the status quo. If learning occurred, reward those that fail.

8  Articulates a vision for the culture that followers can believe in. Coach messes this up how…? Exercise leaders messes this up how…?  Heeds the day-to-day activities that reinforce the cultural vision. Do as I do and say. Leaders must exhibit the values they want to see displayed by their followers.

9 Ceremony A planned activity that makes up a special event and is generally conducted for the benefit of an audience Story A narrative based on true events that is repeated frequently and shared among employees Symbol A object, act, or event that conveys meaning to others

10  Specialized Language: using a catch phrase to remind followers of culture, vision, values, expectations quickly and frequently.  Socialization: merging new followers on the bus into the current culture.

11 External focus Flexibility Internal focus Stability Clan Culture Values: Cooperation Consideration Agreement Fairness Social equality Bureaucratic Culture Values: Economy Formality Rationality Order Obedience Adaptability Culture Values: Creativity Experimentation Risk-taking Autonomy Responsiveness Achievement Culture Values: Competitiveness Perfectionism Aggressiveness Diligence Personal initiative

12  A relationship between leaders and followers that is based on shared, strongly internalized values that are advocated and acted upon by the leader. Gives meaning to company culture by showing the leader’s values match the company’s goal values.  Problems with this idea? Personal sacrifice by the leader for the betterment of the company.

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