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H ONORS E NGLISH 9 Week 6: September 24-28, 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "H ONORS E NGLISH 9 Week 6: September 24-28, 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 H ONORS E NGLISH 9 Week 6: September 24-28, 2012

2 M ONDAY, S EPTEMBER 24, 2012 Walk-In: Open up to a new sheet of paper and title it Of Mice and Men Theme Notes. Learning Objective: Students will be able to analyze in detail a theme’s development over the course of the text, including how it emerges and is shaped by specific details, events, characters, and settings. Agenda: Of Mice and Men Theme Analysis Of Mice and Men Literary Analysis Essay Due Today: Turn in your Compare and Contrast Paragraph Homework: Complete your Literary Analysis Essay Plan

3 T HEME E XPLORATION Theme development through conflicts/events: Alienation: Examples that develop theme subject in order of text structure Chapter 1. Chapter 2. Chapter 3. Chapter 4. Chapter 5. Chapter 6.

4 T HEME E XPLORATION Theme development through conflicts/events: Stereotypes: Examples that develop theme subject in order of text structure Chapter 1. Chapter 2. Chapter 3. Chapter 4. Chapter 5. Chapter 6.

5 T HEME E XPLORATION Theme development through conflicts/events: Friendship: Examples that develop theme subject in order of text structure Chapter 1. Chapter 2. Chapter 3. Chapter 4. Chapter 5. Chapter 6.

6 T HEME E XPLORATION Theme development through conflicts/events: Hopes and Dreams: Examples that develop theme subject in order of text structure Chapter 1. Chapter 2. Chapter 3. Chapter 4. Chapter 5. Chapter 6.

7 O F M ICE AND M EN L ITERARY A NALYSIS E SSAY Thesis Statement: Identifies the topic of your essay and the purpose for writing Topic: + Purpose: = Thesis:

8 O F M ICE AND M EN L ITERARY A NALYSIS E SSAY Body Paragraphs: Each body paragraph should focus on an aspect of the thesis Main Idea: Example: Analysis: Link: For each body paragraph you are expected to repeat this and provide two examples from the text as well as an analysis for each.

9 O F M ICE AND M EN L ITERARY A NALYSIS E SSAY Main Idea: Example: Analysis: Example: Analysis: Link:

10 O F M ICE AND M EN B ODY P ARAGRAPH R OUGH D RAFTS Each paragraph must have the following parts for Proficient: Main Idea Background, summarizing part of the book where the quote is from Evidence—Direct quote with lead-in and parenthetical citation Analysis—explaining how the quote proves main idea/thesis Link—closing sentence For advanced each paragraph must have the following: Main Idea Background—summary of the part of the book where the quote is from Evidence—Direct quote with lead-in and parenthetical citation Analysis—explaining how the quote proves main idea/thesis Background # 2—summary of the part of the book where the quote is from Evidence # 2—Direct quote with lead-in and parenthetical citation Analysis # 2—explanation of how the quote proves main idea/thesis Link—closing sentence

11 I NTRODUCTION O UTLINE Take out a sheet of paper and label it Introduction Paragraph. 1) Hook the reader —start with a brief anecdote from the book that shows alienation, friendship, or hopes/dreams, and gets the reader interested in the story, but does not spoil the story. This can be a paraphrase of a specific scene or you can use a direct quote to start out your essay. 2) Introduce the topic of essay —theme of OMAM and specific theme topic 3) Introduce book with title, author, basic plot (exposition). 4) Introduce characters you will be focusing on. 5) Thesis statement.

12 C ONCLUSION O UTLINE Take out a sheet of paper and label it Conclusion Paragraph. 1) Connect back to introduction back by connecting back to your hook and briefly summarizing the outcome of the book in relation to your topic. 2) Summarize and explain how all your main ideas work together to prove your thesis. 3) Leave the reader thinking —provide a closing message about the topic of your essay.

13 T UESDAY, S EPTEMBER 25, 2012 Walk-In: Take out your Of Mice and Men Essay Plan, your book, and your theme notes. Then turn to a new sheet of paper. Learning Objective: Students will understand the expectations for crafting and organizing their ideas in a literary analysis essay. Agenda: Of Mice and Men Literary Analysis Essay Due Today: Essay Plan Homework: Complete a Typed Rough Draft of your Literary Analysis Essay

14 O F M ICE AND M EN L ITERARY A NALYSIS E SSAY Thesis Statement: Identifies the topic of your essay and the purpose for writing Topic: Theme from Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck + Purpose: Identify theme = Thesis: In the novel, Of Mice and Men, by John Steinbeck, the underlying message or theme is…

15 O F M ICE AND M EN L ITERARY A NALYSIS E SSAY Body Paragraphs: Each body paragraph should focus on an aspect of the thesis Main Idea: Example: Analysis: Link: To get advanced, for each body paragraph you are expected to repeat this and provide two examples from the text as well as an analysis for each.

16 O F M ICE AND M EN L ITERARY A NALYSIS E SSAY Main Idea: Example: Analysis: Example: Analysis: Link:

17 O F M ICE AND M EN B ODY P ARAGRAPH R OUGH D RAFTS Each paragraph must have the following parts for Proficient: Main Idea Background, summarizing part of the book where the quote is from Evidence—Direct quote with lead-in and parenthetical citation Analysis—explaining how the quote proves main idea/thesis Link—closing sentence For advanced each paragraph must have the following: Main Idea Background—summary of the part of the book where the quote is from Evidence—Direct quote with lead-in and parenthetical citation Analysis—explaining how the quote proves main idea/thesis Background # 2—summary of the part of the book where the quote is from Evidence # 2—Direct quote with lead-in and parenthetical citation Analysis # 2—explanation of how the quote proves main idea/thesis Link—closing sentence

18 O F M ICE AND M EN S AMPLE B ODY P ARAGRAPH --A LIENATION Main Idea: Another character, Candy, in the novel is alienated because he feels that he won’t be of any use on the ranch because of his old age. E—Background: At a point in the story, Candy was pressured into having someone kill his dog because the other men on the ranch thought that the dog was old and stinky and that he was of no use to them anymore. E1—Direct Quote: “’When they can me here I wisht somebody’d shoot me. But they won’t do nothin like that. I don’t have no place to go, and I can’t get no more jobs.’’(Steinbeck 60). Analysis: Due to the fact that the rest of the men on the ranch are young, Candy feels alienated because of his age. He is worried that he won’t fit in and won’t have much of a future. Link: Because Candy is worried about his age and because he is old, he feels alienated.

19 O F M ICE AND M EN S AMPLE B ODY P ARAGRAPH —H OPES AND D REAMS Main Idea: Hopes and dreams can have a profound impact on a person’s life; one character from Of Mice and Men that was impacted by his dream was Lennie; Lennie’s hopes and dreams provided Lennie with happiness, security, and motivation that he can overcome his disability.E—Background: Lennie is a Migrant worker that has been traveling with his best friend George. Lennie relies on George to take care of him since Lennie has a mental disability, which often gets him and George in trouble. However the common dream that Lennie shares with George helps Lennie remain positive. E1—Direct Quote: When Lennie remembers what George tells about their new job, “George replies ‘Good boy! That’s fine, Lennie! Maybe you’re getting better. When we get the coupla acres I can let you tend the rabbits all right. ‘Specially if you remember as good as that ”(Steinbeck 15). Analysis: Lennie struggles with his mental disability, which often gets George and him in trouble and leaves them running from their problems. However, Lennie’s dream of tending the rabbits on the ranch that he and George will own motivates him and gives him the encouragement that he can overcome his disability and make the right decisions to keep George and him out of trouble. Link: Clearly, the dream that Lennie and George share provides motivation, security, and confidence for Lennie, that he can overcome his hardships and do what he needs to do to achieve his dream.

20 O F M ICE AND M EN S AMPLE B ODY P ARAGRAPH --F RIENDSHIP Main Idea: Friendship provides Lennie with security and someone to depend on. E--Background One night Lennie barges in on Crooks because the other men have gone it to town and Lennie would like to talk to someone. Crooks knows that Lennie depends on George and to try to explain how alienated he feels from all he other men on the ranch. He asks Lennie how empty he would feel without George to talk to. Crooks and Lennie start to get to know each other and Crooks begins to tease Lennie saying the man he relies on George might not come back. E1—Direct Quote: Lennie begins to become scared and frustrated at the fact and replies “ George wouldn’t do nothing like that. I been with George a long time. He’ll come back tonight” (Steinbeck 71). Analysis: Lennie knows that he would not be able to survive or be successful in life without George and he relies on George to help him through the difficult times in life. When Crooks was teasing Lennie and telling him George might not come back, Lennie became upset, but because of the long friendship that he has with George ha knows that he can rely on George and he would not leave him to struggle on his own. Link: Based on Lennie getting so upset at the thought of George leaving him we know that friendship gives Lennie someone to rely on.

21 I NTRODUCTION O UTLINE Take out a sheet of paper and label it Introduction Paragraph. 1) Hook the reader —start with a brief anecdote from the book that shows alienation, friendship, or hopes/dreams, and puts the reader in the setting/story, but does not spoil the story. This can be a paraphrase of a specific scene or you can use a direct quote to start out your essay. 2) Introduce the topic of essay —OMAM and specific theme topic 3) Introduce book with title, author, basic plot (exposition). 4) Introduce characters you will be focusing on. 5) Thesis statement.

22 I NTRODUCTION P ARAGRAPH E XAMPLE Alienation Sample Introduction (1) A ranch-hand, short and ill-tempered, walks in front of another man, looming large with a lonely expression on his face. The larger man mumbles sadly under his breath, “Come on George give me back my mouse. I didn’t kill it; it was dead when I found it.” The other man responds, “Jesus, Lennie, you never learn. I could get on so much easier without you.” Lennie falls behind George further, feeling alienated and alone. (2) Alienation is a major theme subject in this novel, Of Mice and Men, and many other characters besides George and Lennie, experience alienation in many different forms. (3) Of Mice and Men is a heart-wrenching book about two alienated ranch hands that travel up and down California looking for a job. (4) When they arrive to a ranch in Soledad they encounter many other characters, such as Candy, Crooks, and Curley’s Wife, that feel alienated from their surroundings as well. (5) In the novel, Of Mice and Men, by John Steinbeck, the author’s underlying message or theme is people are alienated because of how they were treated due to their differences, which makes them lose confidence, withdraw from and alienate others, and lose hope for the future.

23 I NTRODUCTION P ARAGRAPH E XAMPLE Friendship Sample Introduction (1) Lying on his bunk, his face painted with a slight grin, the old ranch swamper quietly whispers to himself, “We gonna do it now….Me an’ Lennie an’ George. We gonna have a room to ourself. We’re gonna have a dog an’ rabbits an’ chickens”(Steinbeck 76). Candy can hardly sit still as he looks to the future, dreaming about what life will soon be like on the farm with his new friends. (2) Friendship is a major theme subject in the novel, Of Mice and Men, and many of the characters besides Candy desire the comfort that comes with friendship. (3) Of Mice and Men is a heart-wrenching story set in a time period filled with uncertainty where people struggled to find security and stability amid the chaos of life. Two friends, George and Lennie, travel through California to find work and somehow fulfill their dream of owning a farm. (4) When they arrive to the ranch in Soledad, they meet other characters such as Candy, Crooks, and Curley’s Wife, and all realize the power that friendship has. (5) In the novel, Of Mice and Men, by John Steinbeck, the author’s underlying message or theme is friendship provides people with a sense of security and belonging, as well as support through the tough times and hope for the future; however a lack of friendship can cause a person to feel isolated, sick, alienate themselves and act meanly toward others.

24 I NTRODUCTION P ARAGRAPH E XAMPLE Hopes/Dreams Sample Introduction (1) With his hand on Lennie’s shoulder and tears welling up in his eyes, George says, “Look acrost the river, Lennie, an’ I’ll tell you so you can almost see it….we gonna get a little place…we’ll have a cow…an’ we’ll have maybe a pig an’ chickens…an’ down the flat we’ll have a….little piece alfalfa…an’ you get to tend the rabbits” (Steinbeck 105). When George finished the description of his and Lennie’s dream, Lennie giggled with happiness at the thought of owning their own place and tending the rabbits. (2) Hopes and dreams is a major theme subject in the novel, Of Mice and Men, and many of the characters besides Lennie and George have a dream for what they hope their life to be. (3) Of Mice and Men is a heart-wrenching story set in a time period filled with uncertainty where people struggled to fulfill their dream and stay hopeful amid the chaos of life. Two friends, George and Lennie, travel through California to find work and somehow fulfill their dream of owning a farm. (4) When they arrive to the ranch in Soledad, they meet other characters such as Candy, Crooks, and Curley’s Wife, and all realize the power that hopes and dreams has. (5) In the novel, Of Mice and Men, by John Steinbeck the author’s underlying message or theme is having hopes and dreams provide people with happiness and security, a sense of belonging and motivation; however, hopes and dreams can also cause people to forget about the present and lose touch with reality.

25 C ONCLUSION O UTLINE Take out a sheet of paper and label it Conclusion Paragraph. 1) Connect back to introduction back by connecting back to your hook and briefly summarizing the outcome of the book in relation to your topic. 2) Summarize and explain how all your main ideas work together to prove your thesis. 3) Leave the reader thinking —provide a closing message about the topic of your essay.

26 C ONCLUSION P ARAGRAPH E XAMPLE Alienation Sample Conclusion (1) All is quiet on the ranch in Soledad. George looks out across the small body of water, and says to his friend, “I’m sorry Lennie, I want you to know I ain’t never been mad at you” (Steinbeck 106). No matter how hard George tried, his frienship with Lennie and their dream of owing a ranch together could not save Lennie from being alienated from society. (2) Other people did not have the patience that George had with Lennie, and could not accept him for his differences. Candy, Crooks, and Curley’s Wife also could not escape the feelings of loneliness and alienation. These characters were often alienated because of their differences and when a person is continuously alienated they often lose their self-worth and experience pain and suffering. (3) The only way that people can prevent this is to accept others for who they are, build strong friendships and support each other through tough times. With the help and support of others, only then is it possible for people to achieve their dreams.

27 C ONCLUSION P ARAGRAPH E XAMPLE Friendship Sample Conclusion (1) All is quiet on the ranch in Soledad. George looks solemnly at Candy and says, “Lennie never done it in meaness…all the time he done bad things, but he never done one of ‘em mean” (Steinbeck 95). No matter how hard George tried his friendship with Candy and Lennie and their dream of owing a ranch together could not save Lennie from being alienated from society. (2) Candy was only beginning to experience the friendship that George had with Lennie, and the benefits that came with it. Unfortunately Candy, Crooks, and Curley’s Wife also could not escape the feelings of loneliness and alienation that comes with a lack of friendship. Friendship provides people with the comfort and support that they need to get through the tough times in life and when a person does not have that friendship in their life they find it more difficult to get through the pain and suffering that comes with life. (3) The only way that people can prevent this is to accept others, for who they are, build strong friendships and support each other through tough times. With the help and support of others, only then is it possible for people to achieve their dreams.

28 C ONCLUSION P ARAGRAPH E XAMPLE Hopes/Dreams Sample Conclusion (1) All is quiet on the ranch in Soledad. George looks solemnly at Candy and says, “I think I knowed from the very first. I think I knowed we never do her. He usta like to hear about it so much I got to thinking maybe we would” (Steinbeck 94). No matter how many times George told Lennie about their dream and even with the help from Candy, their dream of owing a ranch together seemed to always be just out of reach. (2) Unfortunately for many other people on the ranch such as Candy, Crooks, and Curley’s Wife their dream was also out of reach and could not escape the feelings of loneliness and alienation that comes with a lack of hope for a better life. Maintaining hope and having dreams provides people with the motivation and encouragement that they need to get through the tough times in life, as well as a sense of belonging and self worth, and when they lack this it often causes them to lose touch with reality and pits people against each other and makes them hesitant to build friendships which are necessary in achieving one’s dream. (3) The only way that people can prevent this is to accept others, for who they are, build strong friendships and support each other through tough times. With the help and support of others, only then is it possible for people to achieve their dreams.

29 W EDNESDAY -T HURSDAY, S EPTEMBER 26-27, 2012 Walk-In: Turn in your vocabulary chart for chapters 4-6. Take out your rough draft for your Of Mice and Men Essay. Learning Objective: Students will demonstrate their reading comprehension proficiency, their literary terms application proficiency, and word study proficiency on a multiple choice and short answer test. Agenda: Of Mice and Men Reading Test Due Today: Rough Draft of Essay Homework: Make sure to have your essay in class on Friday

30 R EADING T EST R EVIEW Reading Comprehension Multiple Choice: Possible reasons for a incorrect answer: Misread the question Did not read all and eliminate possible answers Did not read closely enough Short Answer: Possible reasons for a score below a 4 Incorrect Inference Correct Inference but did not use specific details to support answer or did not analyze examples Did not answer all parts of the question Possible reasons for a score not receiving a 5 Did not provide multiple examples to support your main idea Did not incorporate quotes into your answer Did not fully analyze examples Did not make multiple inferences when appropriate

31 R EADING T EST R EVIEW Literature Study Multiple Choice: Possible reasons for a incorrect answer: Misread the question Did not read all and eliminate possible answers Did not know what the literary term was Short Answer: Possible reasons for a score below a 4 Incorrect understanding or application of the literary term Correct Inference but did not use specific details to support answer or did not analyze examples Did not answer all parts of the question Possible reasons for a score not receiving a 5 Did not provide multiple examples to support your main idea Did not incorporate quotes into your answer Did not fully analyze examples

32 R EADING T EST R EVIEW Word Study Multiple Choice: Possible reasons for a incorrect answer: Did not use context clues to figure out possible definitions Did not read all and eliminate possible answers Did not think about the context of the situation and connotation of the word Did not know the grammar concept associated with word

33 F RIDAY, S EPTEMBER 28, 2012 Walk-In: Pick up the handout on the table and take out your typed rough draft of your essay. Learning Objective: Students will use various strategies to revise their essay for ideas and organization, craft and style, as well as conventions. Agenda: Self Guided Workshop Due Today: Draft in Class Homework: Final Draft of Essay Due Tuesday Electronic Copy due Tuesday

34 E SSAY F EEDBACK On a new sheet of paper, identify one area in your essay that you are unsure of and would like feedback about. Things to consider: Have you used the best quotes to support your thesis? Have you analyzed your quotes and connected them back to you main idea and thesis? Do your main ideas relate to an aspect of your thesis? Do you have all parts of the introduction? Do you have all parts of the conclusion? Do I follow the MEA(E)(A)L Paragraph? Do my sentences flow and make sense? Is my word choice accurate? Am I using conventions correctly?

35 E SSAY R EVISION Grammar/Punctuation Comma splice —look back where you used commas. Read each side separately. If they are both complete thoughts or sentences then you need to use a semicolon. Incorrect use of semicolon —find where you used a semicolon. Read each side separately. If one side is not a complete sentence, then you need to use a comma. Use of Colon —go back where you used a colon. Read the part before the colon. This must be a complete sentence. The second part should also add specifics to the first sentence. Use of Dash —find where you used a dash. This should be for emphasis and follows the same rules as the comma. Use of Hyphen —find where you used a hyphen. These are used to create a more specific noun or adjective. If it is not one of these, remove the hyphen. Run-On Sentences —read your longer sentences. These will need punctuation. If you have more than one complete sentence, you will need to break it up into multiple sentences, or use a comma with a conjunction (and, but, or, however). Fragment/Incomplete Sentences —find your short sentences. Read each one to make sure is has a subject and a verb. Spell Check —run spell check, and be sure proof read and read it out-loud to yourself.

36 MLA F ORMAT 1 inch margins Size 12 font - Times New Roman 2 Spaces after the end mark of a sentence Heading Title Page Numbers Works Cited Parenthetical Citations

37 Bubba 1 Billy Bubba Ms. Keyes Honors English 9 1 October 2012 Shared Dreams With his hand on Lennie’s shoulder and tears welling up in his eyes, George says, “ ‘Look acrost the river, Lennie, an’ I’ll tell you so you can almost see it….we gonna get a little place…we’ll have a cow…an’ we’ll have maybe a pig an’ chickens…an’ down the flat we’ll have a….little piece alfalfa…an’ you get to tend the rabbits’ ” (Steinbeck 105). When George finished the description of his and Lennie’s dream, Lennie giggled with happiness at the thought of owning their own place and tending the rabbits. Hopes and dreams are major

38 Bubba 2 subjects in the novel, Of Mice and Men, and many of the characters besides Lennie and George have a dream for what they hope their life to be. Of Mice and Men is a heart- wrenching story set in a time period filled with uncertainty where people struggled to fulfill their dream and stay hopeful amid the chaos of life. Two friends, George and Lennie, travel through California to find work and somehow fulfill their dream of owning a farm. When they arrive to the ranch in Soledad, they meet other characters such as Candy, Crooks, and Curley’s Wife, and all realize the power that hopes and dreams has. In the novel, Of Mice and Men, by John Steinbeck the author’s underlying message or theme is having hopes and dreams provide people with happiness and security, a sense of belonging and motivation; however, hopes and dreams can also cause people to forget about the present and lose touch with reality. Hopes and dreams can have a profound impact on a person’s life; one character from Of Mice and Men that was impacted by his dream was Lennie; Lennie’s hopes and dreams provided Lennie with happiness, security, and motivation that he can overcome his disability. Lennie is a Migrant worker that has been traveling with his best friend George. Lennie relies on George to take care of him since Lennie

39 P ARENTHETICAL C ITATIONS In the book on page 1: On one side of the river the golden foothill slopes curve up to the strong Gabilan mountains, but on the valley side the water is lined with trees... In my essay: “On one side of the river the golden foothill slopes curve up to the strong Gabilan mountains, but on the valley side the water is lined with trees...” (Steinbeck1).

40 In the book on page 15 “Good boy! That’s fine, Lennie! Maybe you’re getting better. When we get the coupla acres I can let you tend the rabbits all right. ‘Specially if you remember as good as that.” In my essay with a parenthetical citation “ ‘Good boy! That’s fine, Lennie! Maybe you’re getting better. When we get the coupla acres I can let you tend the rabbits all right. ‘Specially if you remember as good as that ’” (Steinbeck 15).

41 P ARENTHETICAL C ITATIONS – Q UOTES WITHIN QUOTES When Lennie remembers what George tells about their new job, George replies “ ‘Good boy! That’s fine, Lennie! Maybe you’re getting better. When we get the coupla acres I can let you tend the rabbits all right. ‘Specially if you remember as good as that ’” (Steinbeck 15).

42 P ARENTHETICAL C ITATIONS “ ‘Look acrost the river, Lennie, an’ I’ll tell you so you can almost see it….we gonna get a little place…we’ll have a cow…an’ we’ll have maybe a pig an’ chickens…an’ down the flat we’ll have a….little piece alfalfa…an’ you get to tend the rabbits’ ” (Steinbeck 105).

43 Bubba 5 Works Cited Steinbeck, John. Of Mice and Men. New York: Penguin Books, 1936. Note the reverse indentation, single spacing between lines and a single space after all punctuation.

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