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Immigration Policy and International Security

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1 Immigration Policy and International Security
Aparna Agnihotri Cary Chang Daniel Nguyen Diana Thai Melissa Gutierrez Rina Patel

2 From Past to Present PAST US welcomes immigrants
European immigrants were a large majority in the First Wave 1890’s: security at the ports of entry now, necessary to pass a health examination Freedom to move freely within borders PRESENT In the 21st century, immigration policies and international security is more complex Restriction on the amount of immigrants entering the country, due to the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965, passed by Johnson Original paperwork proving legality Time consuming to become a citizen, lengthy process More difficult to receive visa’s More rules and regulations

3 Effects of 9/11 importance of international security has heightened since September 11, 2001 international scare and more emphasis needed to regulate the free movement of individuals need for tighter security and border control creation of the Department of Homeland Security in 2003 Senate and the House drafted many bills in order to prevent another 9/11 from occurring

4 The Patriot Act acronym stands for Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism Act of 2001 increases the ability of law enforcement agencies to search telephone, communications, medical, financial, and other records detaining and deporting immigrants suspected of terrorism-related acts. signed into law by President George W. Bush in October 2001 criticized for weakening protections of civil liberties

5 The REAL ID Act of 2005 Became a federal law by Bush
imposes certain security, authentication and issuance procedures standards for the state driver's licenses and state ID cards Homeland Security checks for these forms of identification for “official purposes” such as when boarding commercial flights, entering federal buildings, and nuclear power plants Changes the visa limits for temporary workers New national standards for state issued drivers licenses Tightens laws on the application for asylum and deportation of aliens

6 The Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act of 2007
Known as S. 1348 Would have provided legal status and a path to legal citizenship for 12 million illegal immigrants in the US Seen as a compromise to legalization and increased border enforcement Would fund for 300 miles of vehicle barriers 105 camera and radar towers 20,000 or more Border Patrol agents Attempting to restructure visa criteria for high skilled workers Bill did not pass

7 H. R. 4337 – The Border Protection, Antiterrorism, and Illegal Imm
H.R – The Border Protection, Antiterrorism, and Illegal Imm. Control Act of 2005 Introduced by Sensenbrenner, a Republican from Wisconsin 700 mile fence on the U.S. and Mexico border Mandates employers to verify workers’ legal status through electronic means Perhaps having a fence on the U.S and Canada border Makes it a crime to assist undocumented people to stay in the U.S. – human smuggling Infringes human rights of asylum seekers Did not pass in the Senate

8 Border Security and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2005
Bill was not passed If implemented would cost an additional $870 million over the period Give more power to DHS by allowing them to dictate over maritime borders and international land would instruct the Department of Homeland Security: to hire more personnel at borders for inspection install monitors which can detect radiation at ports of entry into the U.S. create a division of Office of Air and Marine Operations

9 Border issue with Mexico
Most bills passed to deter illegal immigrants from entering the US Threat of drugs, crime, and terrorism as people cross the border Fear that criminals could be entering the country

10 Conclusion 9/11 questioned US supremacy militarily
According to Professor Bach, at UCI, in the past 4 decades 23,000 people have died from terrorism – so are anti terrorist laws really that effective? Many of these bills have not passed because they are extreme and don’t really ensure safety International security has been heightened and more rules and regulations have been created to make it harder for “terrorists” to strike, yet it is a problem that will never reach a finite solution

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