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FORGING EFFECTIVE PARTNERSHIPS TO OPTIMIZE OPERATIONAL SUCCESS „Partnerships in Language Training, Terminology, Translation and Interpretation“ at the.

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Presentation on theme: "FORGING EFFECTIVE PARTNERSHIPS TO OPTIMIZE OPERATIONAL SUCCESS „Partnerships in Language Training, Terminology, Translation and Interpretation“ at the."— Presentation transcript:

1 FORGING EFFECTIVE PARTNERSHIPS TO OPTIMIZE OPERATIONAL SUCCESS „Partnerships in Language Training, Terminology, Translation and Interpretation“ at the Austrian Armed Forces Language Institute (AAF LngInst) Josef ERNST, AAF LngInst/NDA Austrian Armed Forces Language Institute

2 The National Defence Academy (“Stiftskaserne“) in the Centre of Vienna Austrian Armed Forces Language Institute


4 Language Training Interpretation Translation Development/ Events Continuation Training Testing Austrian Armed Forces Language Institute Areas Terminology Partner- ships

5 Where? Austrian Armed Forces Language Institute Partner- ships National Inter- national MilitaryCivilian

6  Memoranda of Understanding with foreign MoDs and/or Armed Forces  Contracts with Companies, Institutions, Individuals  Cooperation agreements with other Ministries and Institutions (Universities, Colleges) Austrian Armed Forces Language Institute Legal basis

7 Symposia: “250 years of LngTrg in the AAF“ “Terminology in the Light of EU Enlargement“ “More Security through Multilingualism?“ Participation/Contribution: Symposia, Conferences, Seminars, Meetings, Workshops (BILC 1998 & 2007, Pre-Conf. WS 2007, TestWS 2014) EU Day of Languages, Lng Trg/ICC Projects Presentations of Lng Books, MA or PhD theses Austrian Armed Forces Language Institute Development/Events

8 (Exchange of) TEACHERS & STUDENTS with DEU, ITA, SVK, CZE, HUN, FRA, USA, SRB, CRO, ALG, JOR, SEN, GBR Cross-border support by teachers via Skype or virtual classroom Language Training 1 – international Austrian Armed Forces Language Institute

9 The Officers´ Cadet School – The Theresan Military Academy Austrian Armed Forces Language Institute

10 International partnerships Austrian Armed Forces Language Institute JORDAN

11 International partnerships Austrian Armed Forces Language Institute

12 Police Academy (based on an inter-ministerial agreement): - Lng activities either at the AAF LngInst or at the Police Academy - conducted either by „our“ teachers or by „their“ teachers - advantage: lng courses/seminars can be conducted more cost-effectively (or at all) - disadvantage: teaching the respective terminology > internal differentiation Austrian Armed Forces Language Institute Language Training 2 – national

13 Civilian institutions/individuals: Language schools, companies, institutes, Individuals (free-lancers) Reasons: - to make language training more lively, attractive and effective through variation - native speakers (quality assurance) Austrian Armed Forces Language Institute Language Training 3 – national

14 TERMINOLOGY Austrian Armed Forces Language Institute Database Dictionary Glossary Mil Lng Experts Austrian Stand. Institute Council for Germ Lng Term Term NetComp.IATE Nord Term Info Term Univ.V CTS

15 Terminology – Products: Language Survival Booklets Austrian Armed Forces Language Institute

16 Products Militär- Wörter- bücher Austrian Armed Forces Language Institute

17 Translation/ Interpretation Austrian Armed Forces Language Institute

18 International partnerships Austrian Armed Forces Language Institute SLOVENIA

19 TESTING Austrian Armed Forces Language Institute

20 Linguistically: - Higher Education (MA, PhD, Postgraduate) - Lecturer at the University - Training in Methods & Didactics - Use of ICT in Lng Trg - University Summer School - Terminology Summer School Continuation Training 1: Austrian Armed Forces Language Institute

21 Militarily: - Career Courses/Seminars for professional and reserve officers - Mil. Term. Trg Courses (CHE, HUN, TKR) - NATO-PfP Courses at NTS in Oberammergau - Career Courses abroad (CZE, FRA, SRB) - PSO‘s (SYR, LEB, ISR, CYP, BHI, TCD) - Participation in CPX‘s (UKR, RUS, SWE) - Verification tasks (RUS, UKR) Continuation Training 2: Austrian Armed Forces Language Institute


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