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Materials and performance. Aluminium and Titanium.

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1 Materials and performance. Aluminium and Titanium

2 Introduction. Aluminium and titanium are two very important metals used in aircraft industry.

3 Properties of aluminium Pure aluminium is a silvery- white metal with many desirable characteristics. It is light, nontoxic (as the metal), nonmagnetic and nonsparking. It is decorative. It is easily formed, machined, and cast. Alloys with small amounts of copper, magnesium, silicon, manganese, and other elements have very useful properties. Alloys

4 Aluminium Strength depends on purity. 99.996 per cent pure aluminium has a tensile strength of about 49 Megapascals (MPa), rising to 700 MPa following alloying and suitable heat treatment. Although not found free in nature, Aluminium is an abundant element in the earth's crust.

5 Aluminium A key property is low density. Aluminium is only one-third the weight of steel. Aluminium and most of its alloys are highly resistant to most forms of corrosion. The metal's natural coating of aluminium oxide provides a highly effective barrier to the ravages of air, temperature, moisture and chemical attack.

6 Aluminium Aluminium is a superb conductor of electricity. This property allied with other intrinsic qualities has ensured the replacement of copper by aluminium in many situations. Aluminium is non-magnetic and non-combustible, properties invaluable in advanced industries such as electronics or in offshore structures.

7 Aluminium Aluminium is non-toxic and impervious, qualities that have established its use in the food and packaging industries since the earliest times. Other valuable properties include high reflectivity, heat barrier properties and heat conduction. The metal is malleable and easily worked by the common manufacturing and shaping processes.

8 Aluminium Physical Properties Density / Specific Gravity ( at 20 °C)2.70Melting Point (°C)660Specific heat at 100 °C, cal.g-1K-1 (Jkg-1K- 1)0.2241 (938)Latent heat of fusion, cal.g-1 ( (397.0)Electrical conductivity at 20°C (% of international annealed copper standard)64.94Thermal conductivity (cal.sec-1cm- 1K-1)0.5Thermal emmisivity at 100°F (%)3.0Reflectivity for light, tungsten filament (%)90.0

9 Aluminium These properties can be very significantly altered with the addition of small amounts of alloying materials. Aluminium reacts with oxygen to form a microscopic (0.000000635cm) protective film of oxide, which prevents corrosion. alloying materials Aluminium in massive form is non-flammable. Finely divided particles will burn. Carbon monoxide or dioxide, aluminum oxide and water will be emitted. This is a useful property for making rocket fuel.

10 Uses of aluminium 1) Low density and strength make it ideal for construction of aircraft, lightweight vehicles, and ladders. An alloy of aluminium called duralumin is often used instead of pure aluminium because of its improved properties. duralumin 2) Easy shaping and corrosion resistance make it a good material for drink cans and roofing materials. 3) Corrosion resistance and low density leads to its use for greenhouses and window frames.

11 4) Good conduction of heat leads to its use for boilers, cookers and cookware. 5) Good conduction of electricity leads to its use for overhead power cables hung from pylons (low density gives it an advantage over copper).overhead power cablescopper 6) High reflectivity makes it ideal for mirrors, reflectors and heat resistant clothing for fire fighting. mirrorsreflectors

12 Properties of titanium Titanium is lightweight, strong, corrosion resistant and abundant in nature. Titanium and its alloys possess tensile strengths from 30,000 PSI to 200,000 PSI, which are equivalent to those strengths found in most of alloy steels. The density of titanium is only 56 percent that of steel, and its corrosion resistance compares well with that of platinum. Of all the elements in the earth’s crust, titanium is the ninth most plentiful.

13 Titanium Titanium has a high melting point of 3135°F (1725°C). This melting point is approximately 400°F (220°C) above the melting point of steel and approximately 2000°F (1100°C) above that of aluminium.

14 Uses of titanium Titanium is important as an alloying agent with aluminium, molybdenum, manganese, iron, and other metals. Alloys of titanium are principally used for aircraft and missiles where lightweight strength and ability to withstand extremes of temperature are important. molybdenum manganeseiron

15 Titanium Titanium has potential use in desalination plants for converting sea water into fresh water. The metal has excellent resistance to sea water and is used for propeller shafts, rigging, and other parts of ships exposed to salt water.

16 Summary In this slide show I now know that titanium is a better material than aluminium and that it does not corrode in sea water. I also know that many things are made from aluminium. They have this type of metal because it gives off a good finish and is lightweight.

17 References 0300AE95E74F/0/colouredplastics.jpg 0300AE95E74F/0/colouredplastics.jpg 08_RGB_large.jpg 08_RGB_large.jpg

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