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Common Core State Standards CCSS

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1 Common Core State Standards CCSS

2 Presentation Objectives
TLW: understand the development process and design of the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) become familiar with the ELA components of the CCSS become familiar with the Math components of the CCSS understand the CCSS assessment development and timeline for implementation be able to locate CCSS website resources discuss and develop an implementation plan for the CCSS at the building level

3 CCSS Development The Common Core State Standards Initiative (CCSSI), coordinated by the National Governors Association Center for Best Practices (NGA Center) and the Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO), committed to developing a common core of state K-12 English-language arts (ELA) and mathematics standards. 48 states supported the concept 40 states have officially adopted them External and state feedback teams provided on-going feedback to writing teams throughout the process Revisions made in response to feedback Final standards released June 2, 2010 Michigan State Board of Education adopted in June 15, 2010

4 CCSS are: Aligned with college and work expectations
Internationally benchmarked so that all students are prepared to succeed in our global economy and society Build upon strengths and lessons of current state standards Based on evidence and research Robust and relevant to the real world Focused and coherent Fewer, clearer, and higher standards (???)

5 The Common Core State Standards do NOT define:
How teachers should teach All that can or should be taught The nature of advanced work beyond the core The interventions needed for students well below grade level The full range of support for English Language Learners and students with special needs The assessment framework

6 Along with CCSS, • Educators must be given resources, tools, and time to adjust classroom practice. • Instructional materials needed that align to the standards. • Assessments must be developed to measure student progress. • Federal, state, and district policies will need to be reexamined to ensure they support alignment of the common core state standards with student achievement.

7 Design and Organization
Content standards define what students should understand and be able to do Clusters are groups of related standards Domains are larger groups that progress across grades Domain Cluster Standard 7 7 7


9 Design and Organization
Three main sections K−5 (cross-disciplinary) 6−12 English Language Arts 6−12 Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects Shared responsibility for students’ literacy development Three appendices A: Research and evidence; glossary of key terms B: Reading text exemplars; sample performance tasks C: Annotated student writing samples 9

10 Design and Organization
Four strands Reading (including Reading Foundational Skills) Writing Speaking and Listening Language An integrated model of literacy Media requirements blended throughout

11 Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science and Technical Subjects 6-12
Is the “next generation” of science standards Includes 10 Reading Standards for grades The old standards were written on 15 year old standards. STEM – Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Uses an interdisciplinary approach Includes core democratic documents in American history.

12 Writing Standards for Literacy in History/ Social Studies, Science and Technical Subjects 6-12
10 rigorous standards for “writing across the curriculum” Includes research and writing from “multiple print and digital sources”

13 Design and Organization
College and Career Readiness (CCR) anchor standards Broad expectations consistent across grades and content areas Based on evidence about college and workforce training expectations Range and content 13

14 Reading Comprehension (standards 1−9)
Standards for reading literature and informational texts Strong and growing across-the-curriculum emphasis on students’ ability to read and comprehend informational texts Aligned with NAEP Reading framework Range of reading and level of text complexity (standard 10, Appendices A and B) “Staircase” of growing text complexity across grades High-quality literature and informational texts in a range of genres and subgenres 14

15 Design and Organization
K−12 standards Grade-specific end-of-year expectations Developmentally appropriate, cumulative progression of skills and understandings One-to-one correspondence with CCR standards 15 15

16 Reading Foundational Skills
Four categories (standards 1−4) Print concepts (K−1) Phonological awareness (K−1) Phonics and word recognition (K−5) Fluency (K−5) Not an end in and of themselves Differentiated instruction

17 Common Core State Standards CCSS - Math

18 Design and Organization
Eight Mathematical Practices Carry across all grade levels Describe habits of mind of a mathematically expert student

19 CCSS - Eight Standards for Mathematical Practice
1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them. 2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively. 3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others. 4. Model with mathematics. 5. Use appropriate tools strategically. 6. Attend to precision. 7. Look for and make use of structure. 8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.

20 Design and Organization
State Standards for Mathematical Content K-8 standards presented by grade level Posters available At Address label stickers At

21 Design and Organization
State Standards for Mathematical Content Organized into domains that progress over several grades

22 Fractions, Grades 3–6 3. Develop an understanding of fractions as numbers. 4. Extend understanding of fraction equivalence and ordering. 4. Build fractions from unit fractions by applying and extending previous understandings of operations on whole numbers. 4. Understand decimal notation for fractions, and compare decimal fractions. 5. Use equivalent fractions as a strategy to add and subtract fractions. 5. Apply and extend previous understandings of multiplication and division to multiply and divide fractions. 6. Apply and extend previous understandings of multiplication and division to divide fractions by fractions.

23 Design and Organization
State Standards for Mathematical Content Grade introductions give 2–4 focal points at each grade level

24 Focal points at each grade level

25 Design and Organization
State Standards for Mathematical Content High school standards presented by conceptual theme

26 High School Conceptual themes in high school Number and Quantity
Algebra Functions Modeling Geometry Statistics and Probability

27 CCSS and GLCE Comparisons
Two Resources: Michigan Department of Education Michigan Council of Mathematics Documents are called “Crosswalks” Long form and short form

28 Common Core State Standards CCSS - Assessment

29 Race to the Top Assessment Competition
Assessment Consortia Development of an infrastructure and content for a common assessment in measuring CCSS in English Language Arts and Mathematics Two consortia SMARTER/Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC) Partnership for the Assessment of Readiness for College and Career (PARCC) 29

30 Michigan - Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC)
Governing States Advisory States CT, HI, ID, KS, ME, MI, MO, MT, NC, NM, NV, OR, UT, VT, WA, WI, WV 17 AL, CO, DE,GA, IA, KY, NH, NJ, ND, OH,OK, PA SC, SD 14


32 Assessment Update A new assessment system will be implemented in and will be based on the work of the Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium This will be a ‘system of formative and summative assessments, organized around Common Core standards, that support high-quality learning and the demands of accountability balance concerns for innovative assessment with the need for a fiscally sustainable system that is feasible to implement’ 32

33 Assessment Prototype 19 Multiple Choice questions
3 Constructed Response questions 18 Technologically Enhanced 2 Performance Events Possibly scored by local teachers first



36 Timeline for transitioning
Getting to know the CCSS/Alignment work 2010 MEAP/2011MME remain the same State focus will be on technical assistance Implementation of CCSS in classrooms 2011 MEAP/2012 MME remain the same State focus will be on instruction/professional development 2012 MEAP minimally modified as necessary to reflect the CCSS 2013 MME remains the same State focus will be on student learning 2013 MEAP based on 2012 model 2014 MME remains the same State focus will be on preparing for new assessments from SMARTER Consortium Full implementation: Instruction and assessment based on CCSS Other issues: PA 80, CTE and Algebra II 36

37 Resources Michigan Department of Education
Common Core State Standards Initiative Michigan Council of Teachers of Mathematics Office of Educational Assessment and Accountability Summative Multi-state Assessment Resources for Teachers and Educational Researchers Michigan’s Mission Possible Website for CCSS posters

38 Two words… Rigor Relevance

39 Kent ISD – Questions? Common Core Coaching Network Curriculum Crafter
Summer Common Core work Questions?

40 3-2-1 Summarizer Please write 3 things that you learned about the CCSS. Please list 2 resources that you can go to for more information on CCSS. Please list 1 way that you can begin to familiarize yourself with the new CCSS.

41 Presentation Objectives
TLW: have a basic understanding of the development and design and of the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) become familiar with the ELA components of the CCSS become familiar with the Math components of the CCSS Understand the CCSS assessment plan Discuss and develop an implementation plan for the CCSS at the building level

42 Please discuss the 3 questions on the CCSS
worksheet page. Please discuss and design a CCSS Implementation Action Plan for your building. Building level teams will summarize their action plans to the group.

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