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FPGA vs. ASIC Design Flow
Curriculum Path ASIC Design
FPGA and ASIC Technology Comparison Intro to VHDL or Intro to Verilog 3 days FPGA and ASIC Technology Comparison FREE Curriculum Path FPGA vs. ASIC Design Flow FREE ASIC to FPGA Coding Conversion FREE Virtex-5 Coding Techniques Spartan-3 Coding Techniques FREE Don’t forget to listen to these FREE RELs… FPGA and ASIC Technology Comparison, Part 2 FPGA vs. ASIC Design Flow ASIC to FPGA Coding Conversion, Part 1 and 2 Virtex-5 Coding Techniques, Part 1 and 2 Spartan-3 Coding Techniques, Part 1 and 2 Fundamentals is a very essential course if you are new to FPGA design. I recommend that all customers take this course every 3-5 years, since the tools change every year. for ASIC Design Fundamentals of FPGA Design 1 day Designing for Performance 2 days Advanced FPGA Implementation 2 days
Welcome If you are an experienced ASIC designer transitioning to FPGAs, this course will help you reduce your learning curve by leveraging your ASIC experience Careful attention to how FPGAs are different than ASICs will help you create a fast and reliable FPGA design Most ASIC designers struggle with understanding the tools Xilinx offers. The best way to get up to speed on the ISE Design Suite is to attend Fundamentals.
After completing this module, you will able to:
Describe key differences between ASIC and FPGA design flows, including Design methodology Verification techniques Test-generation logic Tools Most ASIC designers struggle with understanding the tools Xilinx offers. The best way to get up to speed on the ISE Design Suite is to attend Fundamentals.
Design Flow ASIC and FPGA design and implementation methodologies differ moderately Xilinx FPGAs provide for reduced design time and later bug fixes No design for test logic is required Deep sub-micron verification is done No waiting for prototypes Coding style For high-performance designs, FPGAs may require some pipelining When retargeting code from an ASIC to an FPGA, the code usually requires optimization (instantiation) Basically, Xilinx FPGAs are a guaranteed off the shelf product. They are proven devices. However, there can be reasons why a design will not work. Those reasons are rarely about the silicon not working, and most likely involve asynchronous design, metastability, or ground bounce. The reason we say no waiting for prototypes is that testing only takes as long as the designer takes to build their HDL, synthesizing, and implement their design. This is a fraction of the length of time to build and test an ASIC.
ASIC Design Flow ASIC tools are generally driven by scripts
Post-synthesis static timing analysis and equivalency checking are musts for sign off to foundry Verification of deep sub-micron effects (second- and third-order effects) is required for ASICs Internal, deep sub-micron effects are already verified for Xilinx FPGAs The ISE Design Suite does support running from scripts, however, not all the utilities support this. The Implementation process (place and route) supports scripting.
FPGA Design Flow FPGA tools are generally GUI-driven, pushbutton flows
FPGA tools also have scripting capabilities After the design passes behavioral simulation and static timing analysis, verification is completed most efficiently by verifying in circuit Fast turnaround times Static timing analysis is used to verify timing of the design Timing simulation is supported This is a simplified/typical design flow With an FPGA there is no time spent to complete an equivalency check or to have the device made at a foundry. This save months of development time. Static Timing Analysis is supported with the Xilinx Timing Analyzer which provides worst-case timing delay reporting. Typical FPGA designers spend most of this time determining why their timing constraints failed. This is usually resolved with making design changes. Some users do complete a timing simulation, but the more experienced designers (that have experience building FPGA designs) generally only check certain system transitions. Most FPGA customers spend 80% of their simulation time doing behavioral, and 20% doing timing simulation.
ASIC Implementation Create HDL Synthesis Place & route
Optimized for ASIC technology and area Synthesis Primarily driven by scripts Synopsys design compile Design for test logic insertion (BIST, Scan, and JTAG) Place & route Foundry tools, Cadence, AVANT Design for test includes: ATPG - Automatic Test Pattern Generation: Test vectors generated and run through the circuitry to test the part. BIST - Built-In Self Test: Used to test functionality of memory resources (specifically RAM) Scan - Internal Scan chain: Creates an internal shift register to test the functionality of the part.
ISE FPGA Implementation Create HDL Synthesis Place & route
Optimized for Xilinx FPGAs and performance Synthesis Synopsys, Mentor, XST Pushbutton flow with scripting capabilities Place & route Completed by the user Xilinx implementation tools – ISE® software Pushbutton flow, scripting capabilities ISE ISE Design Suite (Integrated Synthesis Environment). The ISE software tools encompass the entire flow. XST: Xilinx Synthesis Technology is a synthesis tool provided with the ISE software. Synopsys and Mentor are the primary 3rd party synthesis tool vendors that support the FPGA industry. Synopsys now includes Synplify synthesis.
ASIC Verification Key ASIC verification points
Behavioral simulation* Post-synthesis static timing analysis Post-synthesis equivalency checking Post-place & route static timing analysis* Post-place & route equivalency checking Post-place & route timing simulation* Verification of second- and third-order effects Verify in circuit* * Applies to both FPGA and ASIC design flows Post-synthesis timing simulation and Post-place & route timing simulation are also often done. In general, equivalency checking and static timing analysis are replacing timing simulation verification steps.
FPGA Verification Three key verification points for FPGA implementation Behavioral simulation Post-place & route static timing analysis Download and verify in circuit Post-synthesis gate-level simulation and post-place & route timing simulations can be done for production sign off Post-place & route timing simulations are also often done to verify board- and system-level timing Most FPGA customers spend 80% of their simulation time doing behavioral, and 20% doing timing simulation. Some users do complete a timing simulation, but the more experienced designers (that have experience building FPGA designs) generally only check certain system transitions.
Deep Sub-Micron Effects
Second- and third-order effects Silicon-induced design flaws due to the small wire delays and narrow silicon of deep sub-micron processes They include cross talk, interconnect delays, and Simultaneously Switching Outputs (SSO) Xilinx FPGAs inherently have fewer deep sub-micron silicon issues Pre-engineered standard product alleviates complex deep sub-micron design issues Recovers design innovation time and facilitates time-to-market Xilinx pre-engineers deep sub-micron silicon issues out of the devices. The only issues with interconnect delays an FPGA designer might have involve getting their timing objectives to be met by the implementation tools. This is discussed in detail in the Designing for Performance course. SSO guidelines are provided in the each FPGAs User Guide. This defines the maximum number of SSO pins that can switch at one timer per IO bank. You should note that this number is dependent on the IO standard chosen and the slew rate.
Design for Test Logic ASIC test-generation logic is not required in a Xilinx FPGA Because of the capability to test in-circuit, automatic test pattern generation logic is normally not included This reduces the time spent on creating and inserting test logic, and allows more time to be spent “on the bench” testing the design Xilinx FPGAs already contain JTAG (boundary scan) logic Xilinx FPGAs have readback capability that is similar to scan logic Readback can verify the configuration as well as the internal status of registers and memory Readback and JTAG resources are dedicated in the FPGA and do not have to be “designed in”. So using these features does not use any general logic resources. For more information on the readback capability, refer to the following Xilinx application notes: Application Note XAPP138: Virtex FPGA Series Configuration and Readback Application Note XAPP139: Configuration and Readback of Virtex FPGAs Using (JTAG) Boundary-Scan
In-Circuit Verification Tools
ChipScope Pro software Integrated Logic Analysis (ILA) provides in-circuit logic verification through the dedicated JTAG pins No need for extra headers The ChipScope Pro software is a standalone tool for logic analysis Data channels from 1 to 256; sample sizes from 256 to 4096 To use the ChipScope Pro software ILA, all that is required is a PC running the ChipScope ILA software, a MultiLINX/parallel cable (JTAG connection), and an FPGA with the appropriate ChipScope cores added. Triggers are setup via the ChipScope software. When a trigger occurs, data is stored in Block RAM in the FPGA to be read back through the download cable. For more information, go to There is also a FREE REL on ChipScope.
Firmware Development ASIC Design Flow
Firmware development begins much earlier in the design cycle for FPGAs No waiting time for prototypes Hardware and software can develop in tandem
Design Flow Comparison
Advanced FPGA Tool Flow
Equivalency checking Synopsys Formality Floorplanning and layout Synopsys Amplify (physical synthesis) Xilinx Floorplanner or PlanAhead™ software Static timing analysis Synopsys PrimeTime Calculating power use Xilinx XPower Edit routing and placement Xilinx FPGA Editor Equivalency checking is not required, but some ASIC designers feel more comfortable using an equivalency software product in an FPGA flow. Amplify allows designers to place area constraints on their design at the synthesis level. Some customers like doing this. PlanAhead allows designers to place area constraints early in the design flow and has functionality that enables designers to make better area constraints. XPower is a power estimation utility included with the ISE Design Suite. The FPGA Editor allows designers complete control of the FPGA design. It also allows changing the design without re-implementing the design.
Equivalency Checking Equivalency checking (also known as formal verification) determines if two versions of a design are functionally equivalent For example, an RTL versus a post-synthesis design Fast and efficient verification of large designs without the use of test vectors Far faster than simulating post-synthesis and post-place & route netlists This is screen shot from Synopsys Formality. Not many of our customers complete an equivalency check.
Floorplanning and Layout
The Floorplanner utility and PlanAhead software are used for design layout The Flooplanner utility is covered in the Advanced FPGA Implementation course. The PlanAhead software has its own course titled Designing with the PlanAhead Analysis and Design Tool. PlanAhead also allows you to implement the logic on an area constraint basis and maintain the placement of logic in IP.
ISE Tool Floorplanner Grey Placement window shows the placement found by the implementation tools Design Hierarchy Displays color-coded hierarchical blocks The Floorplanner allows designers to make area constraints. However, it does not have the analysis capabilities that the PlanAhead software has. Design Nets Highlights a selected net in the design White Floorplan window shows the area constraints you have made
PlanAhead Software Challenging designs
Large devices, complex constraints, heavy utilization Designs experiencing implementation issues Performance, capacity, run time, and repeatability Significant run-time reductions realized after floorplanning Designs requiring implementation control Users looking for options other than pushbutton flow Visualize design issues from many aspects Block-based designs Module-level incremental updates Provides an IP reuse solution The productivity gains enabled by the PlanAhead tool will help to reduce the overall design cycles of large and high performance designs. Designers who need extra performance out of their designs or who have to squeeze a tight design into a particular device are typical users, as well as designers who have experienced implementation issues in the past. The PlanAhead software is not integrated with the ISE tools. It has to be installed and licensed separately. Virtex®-4 FX140 FPGA 24 clock domains 2 processors 1760 I/Os Many resource types
PinAhead Pin assignment analysis
Tool includes a DRC check and WASSO analysis Allows you to see both a Package and Pin view of your design Makes it easy to make pin assignments and attributes I/O Ports View Package Pins View Package View Device View Properties, Selection Views Clock Regions View The PinAhead view layout allows easy selection, sorting, and placement of I/O ports and package pins. The main benefit of using this tool is that it has a Design Rule Checker (DRC) that helps avoid common pin assignment mistakes. It also has a WASSO analysis tool that helps designers avoid creating an SSO problem in their pin layout.
Xilinx SmartGuide Technology and Partitions
SmartGuide™ technology is used to maintain as much of the place & route as possible, while still enabling place & route changes to improve timing Works best when there are small design changes and the original design met timing Saves place & route run time Partitions are used to maintain a place & route solution for unmodified logic in a partition Works best if you have large amounts of design changes between each iteration Works best if a single partition has a high percentage of changes Timing-critical paths should not cross any boundaries SmartGuide and partitions are covered in the Advanced FPGA Implementation course. This functionality is designed to maintain results so you don’t have to re-simulate/re-verify if your design has to change some. Both options are integrated as part of the ISE tools. Note that neither will improve the speed of components that are not allowed to change. So be sure that you like the timing of the components that you are keeping.
FPGA Editor The FPGA Editor is a graphical application that displays
Device resources Precise layout of the chosen device The FPGA Editor is commonly used to View device resources Make minor modifications Done late in the design cycle Does not require re-implementation of the design Changes are NOT back-annotated to the source files Insert probes Make short-term functional changes for in-circuit verification FPGA Editor is covered in the Advanced FPGA Implementation course. Note that when users make changes to their design with the FPGA Editor, the changes are not back-annotated to the source files. So the changes are not recorded or re-traceable unless the user makes their own notes. What is great about this tool is that it gives the designer complete control of the silicon. So a designer can override the place and route solution found by the tools, although this is not very common.
Xilinx XPower XPower is used to estimate the power consumption and junction temperature of your FPGA Reads an implemented design (NCD file) and timing constraint data You supply activity rates, clock frequencies, capacitive loading on output pins, power supply data, and ambient temperature You can also supply design activity data from simulation (VCD file) There is also a Power Estimator worksheet that is available to designers. The worksheet allows you to estimate your power consumption while you are still estimating the resources your design might have (concept level). The XPower utility is still an estimate because power consumption is dependent on the actual activity rates of your system. To find the actual power of your system you will have to use the appropriate lab equipment attached with your programmed device.
Synopsys PrimeTime PrimeTime is a full-chip static timing analysis tool targeting complex multimillion gate designs Ideal for system-on-a-chip designs PrimeTime provides ASIC-quality sign off of multimillion-gate FPGAs Some customers feel better about their FPGA system if they can use a tool to give them an ASIC-quality sign off.
Summary FPGAs provide for reduced design time and later bug fixes
No design for test logic is required Deep sub-micron verification has been completed No waiting for prototypes Firmware development starts sooner in the design cycle for the FPGA design flow Faster production ramp up Xilinx provides powerful tools for advanced control over implementation The Xilinx ChipScope Pro software tool provides powerful in-circuit verification
Where Can I Learn More? Xilinx online documents
Virtex-5 FPGA User Guide (Detailed architecture information) Virtex-5 FPGA Packaging and Pinout Specifications (Pinout tables, PCB design rules, etc.) Virtex-5 FPGA Configuration User Guide (Configuration overview, JTAG, readback, etc.) Xilinx Education Services courses ChipScope Pro software course PlanAhead software course Timing Analyzer is taught in the Designing for Performance course FPGA Editor, Floorplanner, SmartGuide technology, and partitions are taught in the Advanced FPGA Implementation course Free Videos ChipScope Pro and PlanAhead software are add-on products Both are free for 60 days
Trademark Information
Xilinx is disclosing this Document and Intellectual Property (hereinafter “the Design”) to you for use in the development of designs to operate on, or interface with Xilinx FPGAs. Except as stated herein, none of the Design may be copied, reproduced, distributed, republished, downloaded, displayed, posted, or transmitted in any form or by any means including, but not limited to, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written consent of Xilinx. Any unauthorized use of the Design may violate copyright laws, trademark laws, the laws of privacy and publicity, and communications regulations and statutes. Xilinx does not assume any liability arising out of the application or use of the Design; nor does Xilinx convey any license under its patents, copyrights, or any rights of others. You are responsible for obtaining any rights you may require for your use or implementation of the Design. Xilinx reserves the right to make changes, at any time, to the Design as deemed desirable in the sole discretion of Xilinx. Xilinx assumes no obligation to correct any errors contained herein or to advise you of any correction if such be made. Xilinx will not assume any liability for the accuracy or correctness of any engineering or technical support or assistance provided to you in connection with the Design. THE DESIGN IS PROVIDED “AS IS" WITH ALL FAULTS, AND THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO ITS FUNCTION AND IMPLEMENTATION IS WITH YOU. YOU ACKNOWLEDGE AND AGREE THAT YOU HAVE NOT RELIED ON ANY ORAL OR WRITTEN INFORMATION OR ADVICE, WHETHER GIVEN BY XILINX, OR ITS AGENTS OR EMPLOYEES. XILINX MAKES NO OTHER WARRANTIES, WHETHER EXPRESS, IMPLIED, OR STATUTORY, REGARDING THE DESIGN, INCLUDING ANY WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, TITLE, AND NONINFRINGEMENT OF THIRD-PARTY RIGHTS. IN NO EVENT WILL XILINX BE LIABLE FOR ANY CONSEQUENTIAL, INDIRECT, EXEMPLARY, SPECIAL, OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES, INCLUDING ANY LOST DATA AND LOST PROFITS, ARISING FROM OR RELATING TO YOUR USE OF THE DESIGN, EVEN IF YOU HAVE BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. THE TOTAL CUMULATIVE LIABILITY OF XILINX IN CONNECTION WITH YOUR USE OF THE DESIGN, WHETHER IN CONTRACT OR TORT OR OTHERWISE, WILL IN NO EVENT EXCEED THE AMOUNT OF FEES PAID BY YOU TO XILINX HEREUNDER FOR USE OF THE DESIGN. YOU ACKNOWLEDGE THAT THE FEES, IF ANY, REFLECT THE ALLOCATION OF RISK SET FORTH IN THIS AGREEMENT AND THAT XILINX WOULD NOT MAKE AVAILABLE THE DESIGN TO YOU WITHOUT THESE LIMITATIONS OF LIABILITY. The Design is not designed or intended for use in the development of on-line control equipment in hazardous environments requiring fail-safe controls, such as in the operation of nuclear facilities, aircraft navigation or communications systems, air traffic control, life support, or weapons systems (“High-Risk Applications”). Xilinx specifically disclaims any express or implied warranties of fitness for such High-Risk Applications. You represent that use of the Design in such High-Risk Applications is fully at your risk. © 2012 Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved. XILINX, the Xilinx logo, and other designated brands included herein are trademarks of Xilinx, Inc. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
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