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Who’s Baby Picture?. An egg goes down the fallopian tube after ovulation; if a sperm makes its way from the vagina through the uterus to the egg within.

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1 Who’s Baby Picture?


3 An egg goes down the fallopian tube after ovulation; if a sperm makes its way from the vagina through the uterus to the egg within 24 hours, conception is likely to occur.

4 1. Ovulation has occurred in the female body. The egg is transported down the fallopian tube.  Fertilization takes place in the F_____. Only one S ____ may penetrate the O____. Conception has occurred! If more than one ovum is present, they may both be Fer_____ and this will cause multiple births.  A fertilized ovum will implant itself in the U__________ and begin to develop.  Beginning of life!

5 Egg surrounded by sperm. A sperm penetrates the egg and conception occurs. It is called a zygote (0-2 wks) until it reaches the uterus in 3-4 days.

6 Signs and Symptoms Pregnancy – 40 weeks A missing menstrual period Morning sickness and nausea Frequent urination Cravings Breasts enlarge Fatigue and dizziness A simple urine test from the doctor will show whether or not a woman is pregnant.

7 Figuring your due date 1. Take the first day of your last period  February 7 th 2. Go back 3 months  November 7 th 3. Add 7 days  November 14 th Give or take 2 weeks

8 Upon implantation, complex connections between the mother and embryo develop to form the placenta. The embryo (3-8 wks) may float freely in the uterus for about 48 hours before implanting.

9 Call the doctor if any of the following occur: Vaginal bleeding Sharp abdominal pain or cramping Loss of fluid from the vagina Severe or prolonged nausea or vomiting Frequent dizzy spells Painful urination High fever over 100 degrees F. Vaginal discharge that is irritating

10 Other considerations: No medications, including over-the counter drugs, unless approved by your doctor. No drugs or alcohol. No x-rays. No saunas and hot tubs. No vaccinations during pregnancy. Avoid cats, cattle, sheep and pigs. They have a parasite that causes toxoplasmosis.

11 Cell multiplication begins Egg attaches to uterus lining Fetal internal organs and circulatory system begin to form Heart begins to beat Small bumps show the beginnings of arms and legs For Mom: -Misses her period. -Already 2 weeks pregnant when she skips a period. -Changes in estrogen & progesterone levels. 1 Month twins


13 ▪ 5 weeks – embryo is ¼ inch long ▪ Face, eyes, ears, and limbs take shape ▪ Bones begin to form ▪Development of internal organs For Mom: 2 Months -Nausea/Vomitting (Morning Sickness) -Frequent urination -Mood swings


15 ▪ Fetus is about 1 inch long ▪ Nostrils, mouth, lips, teeth buds, and eyelids form ▪ Fingers and toes are almost complete ▪ All organs are present but immature ▪ Eyelids are fused For Mom: -Continued nausea. -Frequent urination. -Cravings. -Increased appetite. 3 Months

16 Skin – Every woman’s body reacts differently to pregnancy.  Oily, dry or scaly  Stretch marks  Facial skin may darken Emotions  Need a few extra breaks or time to relax.  May experience mood swings, depression and bad dreams. Feel baby’s movements

17 ▪ Fetus is 3 inches long ▪ Fetus weighs about 1 ounce ▪ Can stuck thumb, shallow, hiccup, and move ▪ Facial features are clearer For Mom: -Body is adjusted to pregnancy. -Increased appetite. -Gained 2-4 lbs. -Clothes fitting snug. 4 Months

18 ▪ Fetus is about 6-7 inches ▪ Fetus weights 4-5 ounces ▪ Hair, eyelashes, and eyebrows appear ▪ Teeth continue to develop ▪ Organs keep maturing ▪ Fetus is more active ▪ Lanugo develops For Mom: -Mild back-aches. -Size change is obvious to others. -Hears heart beat. -Ultrasound. -Feels movement. -Gains 5-8 lbs. 5 Months

19 ▪ Fetus is 8-10 inches long ▪ Fetus weighs 8-12 ounces ▪ Tiny eyebrows and eyelids are visible. ▪ The fetus can hear the outside world. ▪ The fetus’ lungs are filled with amniotic fluid ▪Breathing begins ▪ Fingerprints are formed ▪ Fat is depositing under the skin ▪ Fetus looks wrinkled For Mom: -Increased need for sleep. -Gained 10-12 lbs. 6 Months

20 OVERVIEW Abdomen enlarges Fatigue is common Expectant fathers take more interest because they can feel the baby move. Baby moves a lot  A mother should feel the baby move every couple of hours. If not, she should call her doctor.

21 Discomforts that might be experienced Heartburn Shortness of breath Heart palpitations Leg cramps Round ligament pains

22 ▪ Fetus is 10-12 inches long ▪ Fetus weighs about 1 ½ -2 pounds ▪ Fetus is very active, then rests ▪ Eyelids separate ▪ Vernix develops ▪ Fingernails cover fingertips For Mom: -Effects posture. -Leg cramps. -Back-aches. -Waddling. -Gains 12-15 pounds.. 7 Months

23 ▪ Fetus is 14-16 inches long ▪ Fetus weighs 2 ½ -3 pounds ▪ Fetus may react to noises with a jerking action ▪ Fetus has moved to head-down position For Mom: -Heartburn. -Difficulty breathing. -Multiple small meals. -Increased urination. -Back, leg and muscle aches. -Gains 15-20 pounds. 8 Months

24 ▪ Fetus is about 17-18 inches long ▪ Fetus weighs 5-6 pounds, but weight gain continues ▪ Skin is smooth because fat deposits continue ▪ Fetal movements are slowed due to lack of room ▪ Disease-fighting antibodies are taken from the mother’s blood ▪ Fetus descends into the pelvis and is ready for birth For Mom: Baby drops into pelvis. Contractions. Gains 20-30 pounds. Gives birth!!!! 9 Months

25 Weight gain during pregnancy 25-30 pounds Baby – 7 ½ pounds Placenta – 1 ½ pounds Uterus – 2 pounds Amniotic fluid – 1 ½ pound Extra blood and water – 4 ½ pounds Breast tissue – 3 pounds Maternal stores of protein – 4 pounds

26 Baby’s Arrival

27 Pregnancy Issues Toxemia Ectopic Pregnancy Stillborn Spontaneous Abortion Eclampsia

28 Child Activity Happy B-day Dr. Suess!!!!!! Cat in the Hat party hat and tail!

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