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By Miranda Wang ENGLISH-FRENCH FALSE FRIENDS. Faux Amis/ False Friends Cognates: words in different languages that have similar spellings and meanings.

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Presentation on theme: "By Miranda Wang ENGLISH-FRENCH FALSE FRIENDS. Faux Amis/ False Friends Cognates: words in different languages that have similar spellings and meanings."— Presentation transcript:


2 Faux Amis/ False Friends Cognates: words in different languages that have similar spellings and meanings Advantages: Words Expansion and Reading Comprehension False Friends: Inter-lingual deceptive cognates, pairs of words that appear similar, but have different meaning in some or all contexts

3 Cognates and False-Friends can be distin- guished on the basis of an additional “translation” feature: if the two words are translations of each other in a bilingual dictionary, they are classified as Cognates; otherwise, they are assumed to be False- Friends. A key point in the formation of false friends is that the majority of these words came into the language through specialist fields and when they transferred to the common lexicon, they underwent a process of generalization.

4 English as language of English parliament : From Norman Conquest to Hundred Years War Ex judge, mayor, noble, state, baron, duke Influence of French continues: Renaissance and Language of Diplomacy Vulgar Latin: French 11 th -18 th :22,000-25,000 number of words transfer to English,75% of which are still in use

5 Three Broad Categories Words that have a common root but which have taken on quite different meanings over the centuries Words that have no common root and which look alike through pure accident Words that have a common root and one or more meanings in common but whose meanings also diverge

6 Préservatif: a condom in French Preservative: a substance used to preserve foodstuffs, wood, or other materials against decay. Français English Etymology: < Middle French, French préservatif that preserves, protects (1314; also as noun (1539 in sense ‘medicine that gives protection from disease’; 1567 in figurative use)) and its etymon post-classical Latin preservativus that preserves, protects (from 1239 in British sources), also preservativum (noun) medicine that gives protection from disease (from a1350 in British sources)

7 Demand: to ask for a thing with legal right or authorities Demander: ask, request EnglishFrançais

8 Actually: in fact Actuallement: at the present, currently EnglishFrançais

9 Assist: help (someone), typically by doing a share of the work Assister: intransitive verb: be present, be at… Transitive verb: help EnglishFrançais

10 Chair: a separate seat for one person, typically with a back and four legs. Chair: flesh, meat La chaise: chair in French EnglishFrançais

11 College:an educational institution or establishment, in particular one providing higher education or specialized professional or vocational training Collège: middle school or high school in French EnglishFrançais

12 Pretend: speak and act so as to make it appear that something is the case when in fact it is not Prétnedre: claim, assert, affirm in French EnglishFrançais

13 Journey: speak and act so as to make it appear that something is the case when in fact it is not Journée: day EnglishFrançais

14 Library: a building or room containing collections of books, periodicals, and sometimes films and recorded music for people to read, borrow Librairie: bookstore EnglishFrançais

15 I am full Je suis pleine: I am pregnant EnglishFrançais

16 Partial False Friends French Additional meaning(s) in French Circulation traffic Dramatique tragic Manifester demonstrate, march (in protest) Parfum flavour (of ice cream, yoghurt etc.) Souvenir memory


18 References Oxford Languages Dictionaries Online: cResources.html?direction=b-fr- en&sp=S/oldo/resources/fr/Difficulties-in-French-fr.html False Friends: A Historical Perspective: Implications for Lexical Acquition False friends: their origin and semantics in some selected languages OED

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