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Islam  Current Population: 1.2 Billion  Location: Most reside in the countries that make up the Middle East.

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2 Islam  Current Population: 1.2 Billion  Location: Most reside in the countries that make up the Middle East



5 Origins  Founded by Muhammad (570 BC)  Muhammad was an Arab Trader who was instructed by the Angel Gabriel to “proclaim” the word of GOD.

6 Origins  Forced to flee Mecca to Medina- had not converted many people  Hejira Migration of Muhammad from Mecca to Medina Turning point in Islam Marked the expansion of Islam- gained many converts

7 Origins  Muhammad Returns: 630 AD returns to Mecca with a large following Destroyed images of other gods Mecca becomes the holy site for all Muslims

8 Origins  Death of Muhammad 632AD Spread Islam across the Arabian Peninsula and brought most of the region under his control


10 Famous Writing  Koran (Qu’ran) Holy book of the Muslims Contains the revelations of Muhammad

11 Places of Worship: Mosques Mecca- most famous place to worship

12 Religious Leaders: Caliph- ultimate religious leader of the Muslims No clergy- Islamic scholar classes (ulama and imam) may conduct ceremonies)


14 Beliefs  Jihad: (holy war)- God will reward you if you die fighting for Islam Some see this as the sixth pillar

15 The Family  Extended families  Polygamy- men were allowed to have more than one wife  Women- treated differently depending on the region Islam says that men and women are created equal before Allah ○ Allowed to inherit property ○ Manage a business ○ Get divorced Over time their rights have weakened Men asserted greater control ○ Women lived in secluded sections of the house called the haram- where men can not enter

16 Veiling- became a custom in many areas ○ Forced women to cover themselves in a dark veil with exception of the eyes ○ Not allowed to look directly into a man’s eyes

17  Women were expected to do all housework  Marriages were usually arranged

18 Beliefs and Islamic Law and Government:  Sharia Governs all aspects of life Based on the teachings of the Koran Religion is a way of life and the law Regulates moral conducts, family life, business practices and government decisions Punishment is similar to the Code of Hammurabi (Eye for an Eye) ○ are often swift and severe

19 Government  Traditionally ruled by a king or emperor  Territory subdivided into regions called caliphates Rulers were called a caliph

20 Division of Islam:  Sunni: any proper Muslim could become a caliph majority of Muslims today  Shiite: only descendents of Muhammad could become caliph Iran is the only modern nation where Shiites rule

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