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The Process of Scope and Standards Development

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Presentation on theme: "The Process of Scope and Standards Development"— Presentation transcript:

1 Using the ANA Standards of Nursing Practice and Professional Performance

2 The Process of Scope and Standards Development
Scope of Nursing Practice Standards of Professional Nursing Practice: Standards of Practice Standards of Professional Performance

3 Building Nursing Practice for Consumer Protection

4 Scope and Standards of Practice
The Scope of Nursing Practice and the Standards of Professional Nursing Practice also address: The scope and standards of generalist practice by registered nurses The scope and standards for graduate-level specialty prepared nurse and the advanced practice registered nurse

5 Scope of Nursing Practice
The Scope of Nursing Practice answers the questions: Who, What, Where, When, Why, and How … … of nursing practice.

6 Standards of Practice Authoritative statements that describe a competent level of nursing care as demonstrated by the critical thinking model known as the nursing process: Assessment Diagnosis Outcomes Identification Planning Implementation Evaluation

7 Standards of Practice : Example
Standard 1. Assessment The registered nurse collects comprehensive data pertinent to the healthcare consumer’s health or the situation.

8 Standards of Professional Performance
Authoritative statements that describe a competent level of behavior in the professional role, including activities related to: Ethics Collaboration Education Professional Practice Evaluation Evidence-based Practice and Research Resource Utilization Environmental Health Quality of Practice Communication Leadership

9 Standards of Professional Practice: Example
Standard 11. Collaboration The registered nurse collaborates with the healthcare consumer, family and others in the conduct of nursing practice.

10 Areas of Application for the Standards of Professional Nursing Practice
Nursing education Leadership and administration Performance and quality improvement Research

11 Applications in Nursing Education
Can be used in all levels of nursing education programs Basis for curriculum development Curriculum and conceptual framework framed in ANA Scope of Practice and Standards of Professional Nursing Practice Standards and Code of Ethics for Nurses are also mainstays of clinical evaluation tools Used as evaluation tools for curriculum and for nursing programs by higher education accrediting bodies

12 In Education: Freshman-level Applications
Introduction to the conceptual components of the Standards of Practice Introduction to ANA as originator of standards Introduction to the standards by reviewing upper-level clinical tools Develop class norms from the standards

13 In Education: Sophomore-level Applications
In-depth discussion of development and use of standards, scope of practice, code of ethics Actual application of standards in clinical experiences in long term and acute care at beginning level Evaluation of others’ clinical performance based on standards Clinical evaluations based on standards

14 In Education: Junior-level Applications
Application and analysis in specialty practice areas OB Pediatrics Mental health Med-surg Rehab Evaluation of scope of practice, standards of practice, and code of ethics

15 In Education: Senior-level Applications
Application and analysis in specialty practice areas Critical care ER Community health Leadership and administration Evaluation of scope of practice, standards of practice, and code of ethics Critical reflections

16 In Education: RN to BSN Track
Pervasive lack of knowledge about: Standards of practice and how they affect their work environments What nursing’s single scope of practice is and what nurses define as their own scope of practice How the Code of Ethics for Nurses is used in their work environments Go back to the basics: analysis, application, evaluation The RN’s role as change agents in their practice

17 Uses in Leadership and Administration
Minimum competent expected practice Format for job descriptions Format for evaluation of role, professional competence Orientation Application to all settings (acute care, long term care, home health, ambulatory)

18 In Leadership & Administration: Use in Orientation
Assessment of data collection systems and processes to support nursing practice involves: Meeting with unit leadership to analyze workflow related to effectiveness and efficiency Meeting with unit leadership and information technology to identify necessary resources to support data collection

19 In Leadership & Administration: Use in a Job Description
Assessment of data collection systems and processes to support nursing practice that: Analyzes workflow related to effectiveness and efficiency of unit assessment processes. Identifies, documents and secures necessary resources to support data collection.

20 Uses in Performance and Quality Improvement
Many opportunities for use: Evaluating variation Evaluating costs Evaluating outcomes of practice Information technology

21 The standards universally apply. For example:
Uses in Performance and Quality Improvement The standards universally apply. For example: Identifying assessment elements specific to nursing patient, client, and resident indicators appropriate to a given organizational context. Identifying and securing adequate resources for decision analysis in collaboration with appropriate departments.

22 Uses in Performance and Quality Improvement (cont’d)
Assisting in identification, development, and utilization of databases that include nursing measures and desired outcomes. Facilitating the development and continuous improvement of organizational systems in which plans related to the delivery of nursing services can be developed, modified, documented and evaluated.

23 Uses in Performance and Quality Improvement
Leading initiatives in innovative programs and new implementation alternatives. Utilizing appropriate findings to evaluate and improve care processes, structures and measurement of outcomes that promote organizational effectiveness.

24 Uses of Standards in Research
Making statements of accountability for evidence-based practice Maintaining current knowledge Evaluating practice

25 Legal Implications of the Standards
Nurse practice acts and licensing Certification Regulatory groups, such as The Joint Commission and NCQA that use the standards Format for writing policies and procedures (including job descriptions, orientation programs, and competency and evaluation tools.)

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