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In your culinary journal:

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Presentation on theme: "In your culinary journal:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Baking & Dough You will learn: How to prepare complex dough recipes by applying baking principles.
In your culinary journal: What do you feel is something that is very important when baking? What are some types of dough's you have made? What are some dough's you would like to make?

2 Baking: Basic Ingredients
Baking Formulas: Have been developed using exact types of , if the formula is not followed precisely, the products will be affected. Baking, unlike cooking leaves little margin for error, you cannot just substitute the same amount of cake flour for bread flour and expect it to turn out with the same results. You must understand how the ingredients work together in the BAKING FORMULA

3 Basic Ingredients Gluten: Firm elastic substance that affects the of baked products. The higher the flours content the more potential it has to form gluten. Gluten Replacement: Crumb: The internal of a baked product

4 Basic Ingredients: Flour
The proteins and starch in flour give structure. Examples: B flour Soft Wheat flour flour Cake flour Hard wheat- bread flour; soft wheat- cake and pastry flour, bread flour has high gluten, allowing bread to rise fully and develop a fine crump, bread has a firmer chewier texture. Cake flour produces softer more tender product, pastry flour is not as fine as cake flour but not as high in protein as bread flour in the middle.

5 Basic Ingredients: Liquids
Liquids are essential in baking. Too water to a pie dough will cause gluten formation with may result in a texture. Examples: Eggs Sugar syrups butter Water is necessary for gluten structure, usually used in bread and pie crusts Milk & Cream- changes flavor, adds fat, protein and sugar, used in cream puffs,

6 Basic Ingredients: Fats
Fats surround or enclose the flour particles and prevent long strands of gluten forming. This the baked goods as well as adding For example: Oil Margarine

7 Basic Ingredients: Sugars & Sweeteners
Sugars and sweeteners add a sweet, pleasant flavor to baked products as well as:

8 Basic Ingredients: Sugars & Sweeteners
Types of: Molasses Brown sugar Superfine sugar Turbinado sugar Corn syrup Coarse sugar Maple syrup honey

9 Basic Ingredients: Eggs
Second most important ingredient in baked products. They add: Structure & thickener Emulsification- Aeration- Flavour Colour-

10 Basic Ingredients: Leavening Agent
Causes baked goods to by introducing Carbon Dioxide or other gases into the mixture. The gases expand from the heat of the oven, stretching the cell walls in the baked product. The end result is a For Example: Air Steam Yeast

11 Basic Ingredients: Salt
Enhances the product through its own flavor as well as bringing out the flavor of other ingredients. Salt also acts on gluten and results in acceptable texture.

12 Basic Ingredients: Flavouring
Enhance the flavor of the final baked good influencing the baking process. For example:

13 Basic Ingredients: Dough
Contains less liquid than a batter, making it easy to work with your . Doughs may even be stiff enough to cut into Doughs are formed when the dry and liquid ingredients are combined to create products.

14 Mixing Methods: Beating
ingredients vigorously to add or develop gluten. Use: spoon, electric or bench mixer with paddle attachment.

15 Mixing Methods: Blending
two or more ingredients together until they are evenly . Use: Spoon, whisk, rubber spatula, or bench mixer with paddle attachment for blending.

16 Mixing Methods: Creaming
Use: Electric or bench mixer with paddle attachment on medium speed

17 Mixing Methods: Cut In Mix solid with until lumps of the desired size remain. Use: Pastry cutter, bench mixer and paddle attachment, two knives, or fingers.

18 Mixing Methods: Folding
Gently adding light, airy ingredients such as to ingredients by using a smooth circular movement. Use: spoon or hands

19 Mixing Methods: Kneading
Working the dough to develop and evenly ingredients. Use: hands or bench mixer with dough hook

20 Mixing Methods: Sifting
Passing dry ingredients such as flour through a to remove lumps, blend and add air. Use: Rotary sifter, or mesh strainer by tapping the side over your bowl. You will learn: How to prepare complex dough recipes by applying baking principles.

21 Mixing Methods: Stirring
blending the ingredients until combined. Use: spoon, rubber spatula or whisk

22 Mixing Methods: Whipping
Vigorously beating ingredients to . Use: whisk, electric or bench mixer with whipping attachment.

23 BISCUITS!!! How to make? Watch video

24 BISCUITS: What makes a good biscuit?
Appearance: Color: Crumb: Texture: *Separates into layers Flavour: * Bitter flavor? Too much baking powder. What can we add? Cheese, raisins, dried fruit, nuts, fresh fruit, meat, veggies, spices, etc…

25 BISCUITS How do we serve biscuits?
Honey, butter, jam, preserves, meat, peanut butter ETC.

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