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Management of Neonatal Sepsis
Niki Kosmetatos, MD Anthony Piazza, MD J. Devn Cornish, MD Emory University Department of Pediatrics
Incidence Mortality Meningitis Sepsis 13-69% world wide
13-15% of all neonatal deaths (US) Meningitis /1000 live births (US /1000) Mortality 13-59%; US 4% of all neonatal deaths Sepsis 1-21/1000 world wide; US1-8/1000 live births Culture proven 2/1000 (3-8% of infants evaluated for sepsis) Prematures <1000 g 26/ g /1000
Predisposing Factors General Host Factors Prematurity
Race – GBS sepsis blacks>whites Sex – sepsis & meningitis more common in males, esp. gram negative infections Birth asphyxia, meconium staining, stress Breaks in skin & mucous membrane integrity (e.g. omphalocoele, meningomyelocoele) Environmental exposure Procedures (e.g. lines, ET-tubes)
Predisposing Factors Maternal/Obstetrical Factors
General – socioeconomic status, poor prenatal care, vaginal flora, maternal substance abuse, known exposures, prematurity, twins Maternal infections –chorioamnionitis (1-10% of pregnancies), fever (>38° C/100.4° F), sustained fetal tachycardia, venereal diseases, UTI/bacteriuria, foul smelling lochia, GBS+, other infections Obstetrical manipulation – amniocentesis, amnioinfusion, prolonged labor, fetal monitoring, digital exams, previa/abruption? Premature & Prolonged ROM, preterm labor
Predisposing Factors Overall sepsis rate 8/1000 Maternal Fever 4/1000
PROM /1000 Fever & PROM 87/1000
Preterm Labor/PROM Prematurity (~10%) 15-25% due to maternal infection
>18-24h term; >12-18h preterm Bacterial infection synthesis of PG Macrophage TNF/IL stimulate PG synthesis, cytokine release** Release of collagenase & elastase ROM + Amniotic fluid cultures 15% (with intact membranes)
SEPSIS ORGANISMS Note: 50% G+ and 50% G-
Group B strep (most common G+) Coliforms (E. coli most common G-) Listeria Nosocomial infections Staph epidermidis Candida Note: 50% G+ and 50% G-
Routes of Infection Transplacental/Hematogenous Ascending/Birth Canal
Organisms (Not just “TORCHS”) Syphilis Herpes* Toxoplasmosis Gonorrhea Rubella Mumps Cytomegalovirus TB Acute Viruses HIV Coxsackie Polio Adenovirus GBS Echo Malaria Enterovirus Lyme Varicella Parvovirus*
Ascending/Birth Canal
Organisms - GI/GU flora, Cervical/Blood E. Coli Herpes GBS Candida Chlamydia HIV Ureaplasma Mycoplasma Listeria Hepatitis Enterococcus Anaerobes Gonorrhea Syphilis HPV
Nosocomial Organisms – Skin Flora, Equipment/Environment MRSA
Staphylococcus – Coagulase neg & pos MRSA Klebsiella Pseudomonas/Proteus Enterobacter Serratia Rotavirus Clostridia – C dificile Fungi
Infection Timing Onset Early Onset 1st 24 hrs 85 % 24-48 hrs 5%
Late Onset days
Symptoms Non-specific/Common
Respiratory distress (90%) - RR, apnea (55%), hypoxia/vent need (36%), flaring/grunting Temperature instability, feeding problems Lethargy-irritability (23%) Gastrointestinal – poor feeding, vomiting, abdominal distention, ileus, diarrhea Color—Jaundice, pallor, mottling Hypo- or hyperglycemia Cardiovascular – Hypotension (5%), hypoperfusion, tachycardia Metabolic acidosis NICHD data
Symptoms Less common Meningitis symptoms Seizures DIC Petechiae
Hepatosplenomegaly Sclerema Meningitis symptoms Irritability, lethargy, poorly responsive Changes in muscle tone, etc.
Evaluation Non-specific Specific – Cultures, stains
CBC/diff, platelets – ANC, I/T ratio Radiographs CRP Fluid analysis – LP, U/A Glucose, lytes, gases Specific – Cultures, stains Other – immunoassays, PCR, DNA microarray
Results “Trigger Points”
CBC WBC <5.0, abs neutro <1,750, bands >2.0 I/T ratio > 0.2* Platelets < 100,000 CRP > 1.0 mg/dl CSF > 20 WBC’s with few or no RBC’s Radiographs: infiltrates on CXR, ileus on KUB, periosteal elevation, etc.
Treatment Prevention – vaccines, GBS prophylaxis, HAND-WASHING
Supportive – respiratory, metabolic, thermal, nutrition, monitoring drug levels/toxicity Specific – antimicrobials, immune globulins Non-specific – IVIG, NO inhibitors & inflammatory mediators
Neonatal Sepsis: the special case of Group B Strep Sepsis
GBS SEPSIS RISK FACTORS Gestational age Maternal well-being
Ruptured membranes > 18 hours Location of delivery Infant/Fetal symptomatology Clinical suspicion
Mothers in labor or with ROM should be treated if:
Chorioamnionitis History of previous GBS+ baby Mother GBS+ or GBS-UTI this preg. Mother’s GBS status unknown and: < 37 wks gestation ROM ≥ 18 hrs Maternal temp ≥ 38o (100.4oF)
GBS SEPSIS INFANTS TO BE SCREENED Maternal “chorioamnionitis”
Maternal illness (i.e. UTI, pneumonia) Maternal peripartum fever > 38o (100.4oF) Prolonged ROM ≥ 18 hrs (≥ 12 hrs preterm) Mother GBS+ with inadequate treatment (< 4 hrs) No screening necessary if C-section delivery with intact membranes
GBS SEPSIS INFANTS TO BE SCREENED Prolonged labor (> 20 hrs)
Home or contaminated delivery “Chocolate-colored”/foul smelling amniotic fluid Persistent fetal tachycardia SYMPTOMATIC INFANT treat immediately (in DR if possible)
GBS SEPSIS SEPSIS SCREEN CBC with differential Platelet count
Blood culture x 1 (ideally 1 ml) Chest X-ray &/or LP if symptomatic Close observation and frequent clinical evaluation Role of CRP
Algorithm for Neonate whose Mother Received Intrapartum Antibiotics
Maternal antibiotics for suspected chorioamnionitis? Duration of IAP before delivery < 4 hours # Full diagnostic evaluation * Empiric therapy++ Limited evaluation$ & Observe ≥ 48 hours If sepsis is suspected, full diagnostic evaluation and empiric therapy ++ Gestational age <35 weeks? No evaluation No therapy Observe ≥ 48 hours** Maternal Rx for GBS? Signs of neonatal sepsis? YES YES YES NO NO NO * CBC, blood cx, & CXR if resp sx. If ill consider LP. ++ Duration of therapy may be 48 hrs if no sx. $ CBC with differential and blood culture # Applies only to penicillin, Ampicillin, or cefazolin. ** If healthy & ≥ 38 wks & mother got ≥ 4 hours IAP, may D/C at 24 hrs.
Immediate Antibiotics Blood Culture Positive
Careful Observation & Immediate Antibiotics Careful Observation pending review of screen Symptomatic INFANT Maternal intrapartum fever > 38.6o “Chocolate” or foul smelling fluid Ill mother Fetal tachycardia Home delivery Maternal fever < 38.6o PROM Mat GBS with < 2 dose abx (-) Screen (+) Screen (-) Screen (+) Screen d/c abx; careful obs and monit bld cx until d/c Cont abx until bld cx neg for 48o if asympt. Use clini-cal judgement for cessation of abx if pt is/was sympt Careful obs and monit bld cx until d/c Initiate abx & cont until bl cx (-) for 48o. Clinical judgement for cessation of abx if pt sympt Blood Culture Positive Initiate, resume or continue abx therapy and treat for 7-10 days for gram pos organism or longer if gram neg organism cultured. LP may be performed at the discretion of attending, especially in seriously symptomatic pt
SEPSIS SIGNS and SYMPTOMS temp instability • lethargy
poor feeding/residuals • resp distress glucose instability • poor perfusion hypotension • bloody stools abdominal distention • bilious emesis apnea • tachycardia skin/joint findings
SEPSIS LABORATORY EVALUATION Provide added value when results are normal high negative predictive value low positive predictive value abnl results could be due to other reasons and not infection IT < 0.3, ANC > 1,500 (normal) do not start abx, or d/c abx if started, if pt remains clinically stable IT > 0.3, ANC < 1,500 consider initiation of abx pending bld cx in “at-risk” pt who was not already begun on antibiotics for other factors
SEPSIS LABORATORY EVALUATION Positive screen total WBC < 5,000 – I/T > 0.3 ANC < 1,500 – platelets < 100,000 Additional work-up CXR, urine cx, and LP as clinically indicated CRP no added value for diagnosis of early onset sepsis best for negative predicative value or when used serially not to be used to decide about rx, duration of rx or need for LP positive results for a single value obtained at 24 hrs ranges > mg/dL
SEPSIS TREATMENT Review protocol Antibiotics Symptomatic management
Ampicillin 100 mg/kg/dose IV q 12 hours Gentamicin 3.5 mg/kg/dose IV q 24 hours IM route may be used in asymptomatic pt on whom abx are initiated for maternal risk factors or to avoid delays when there is difficulty obtaining IV For meningitis: Ampicillin mg/kg/d Symptomatic management respiratory, cardiovascular, fluid support
Prognosis Fatality rate 2-4 times higher in LBW than in term neonates
Overall mortality rate 15-40% Survival less likely if also granulocytopenic (I:T > 0.80 correlates with death and may justify granulocyte transfusion).
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