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Govt. Engineering College Kozhikode TEQIP –II VII th Review meeting 24-25 th April 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Govt. Engineering College Kozhikode TEQIP –II VII th Review meeting 24-25 th April 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Govt. Engineering College Kozhikode TEQIP –II VII th Review meeting 24-25 th April 2015

2 Institution Development Proposal (IDP) Specific ObjectivesExpected resultCurrent Status Setting up new labs, modernization and strengthening of existing labs Improvement in teaching, learning and training facilities Established 1.Research lab 2.Central Computing facility 3.New seminar hall 4.PG computational lab 5.Modernized many laboratories with equipment and software Starting of new PG programs More R&D projects, and publications and Beneficial for UG students 1.Commenced 3 new PG programs with total intake of 54 2.Organized national conference 3.Substantial improvement in faculty publications 4.Significant improvement in research projects under the review of RGC chaired by Prof. L.M. Patnaik Faculty and staff development Better teaching – learning environment. 1.Majority of faculty and staff members attended quality training programs 2.5 faculty members presented papers in international conference at abroad and another 4 faculty members got BOG approval

3 Institution Development Proposal (IDP) Specific Objectives Expected resultCurrent Status Collaborative programs with industry Industry exposure to faculty and students 1.UG elective associating with industry expert 2.Live projects in association with MILMA, Datri Impex, Malabar Cements, IndElec Up grading faculty qualification Improvement in teaching – learning environment. 1.12 faculty members with Ph.D. qualification (Engg. Discipline) 2.By August 2015, 11 faculty members expecting Ph.D. degree 3.5 faculty members doing part time Ph.D. at NIT Calicut (TEQIP Assistance) Additional Objective in IDP ISO certification of the Institution Current status World bank approved our ToR for service procurement of ISO consultancy The work will commence in June and expecting certification by March 2016.

4 Base Year : 2010-11 No. of Students Appeared: 253 No. of Students Passed: 151 Pass Percentage: 59.68 % Current Year : 2013-14 No. of Students Appeared: 291 No. of Students Passed: 230 Pass Percentage: 79.03 % Improvement in First year Transition rate

5 First Year Result Analysis AE&IMECHCEEC Year :2010-11 No. of Students Appeared: 64 6362 No. of Students Passed: 41 3534 Pass Percentage: 64 % 55.5 %54.8 % Year :2011-12 No. of Students Appeared: 62 6862 No. of Students Passed: 22444847 Pass Percentage: 35.5 %71 %70.6 %75.8 % Year :2012-13 No. of Students Appeared: 6362616063 No. of Students Passed: 4947 4546 Pass Percentage: 77.8 %75.8 %77 %75 %73 % Year : 2013-14 No. of Students Appeared: 615859 54 No. of Students Passed: 4246485143 Pass Percentage: 76.36%79.31%81.36%86.44%79.63%

6 Name of the Performance auditor: Dr. S. Arumugham Dates of 2 nd Performance auditing: 26 th to 28 th June 2014 Rating of the performance audit report (By NPIU) : A (Good report rated “A”, Average report rated “B”, Poor report rated “C”) S. NoRemarks of the performance AuditorFollow-up action 1 The institution has effectively utilized the fund allotted 2 The vacancy positions are filled with contract faculty. It is not healthy for achieving the goals of TEQIP II. Vacancy positions reported to the DTE. For the PG programs under ME and EC department and EC UG program, required faculty posts are not created. 3The student academic performance is good 4Faculty members attended good training programs 5Research activity must be increasedRGC committee constituted under Prof. L.M. Patnaik. So far 3 RGC meeting held and 30 faculty projects are going on under the review of RGC Performance Audit report

7 Name of the Performance auditor: Dr. S. Arumugham Dates of 2 nd Performance auditing: 26 th to 28 th June 2014 Rating of the performance audit report (By NPIU) : A (Good report rated “A”, Average report rated “B”, Poor report rated “C”) S. NoRemarks of the performance AuditorFollow-up action 6Transfer of faculty should be avoided 7 Faculty members with Ph.D. qualifications are not allowed to guide the scholars As per the new guidelines of the University of Calicut, 3 departments applied for research centers. 8Campus placement is poor Established new Central Computing facility, signed MoU with ICT academy, arranged more training programs 9The infrastructural facility is not yet improvedEstablished new CCF, ME department PG computational laboratory, Research lab (Chemical), TBI Cell, and Language lab. However, progresses of the ongoing civil works are not encouraging. Performance Audit report

8 NBA Accreditation Current status  Self Assessment Report (SAR) submitted on 09-04-2014 for the following programmes. B.Tech Applied Electronics & Instrumentation B.Tech Civil Engg. B.Tech Chemical Engg. B.Tech Mechanical Engg.  New dates of visit intimated to the NBA are 18-09-2015 - 20-09-2015 16-10-2015 - 18-10-2015 30-01-2016 - 01-02-2016 13 -02-2016 - 15-02-2016 27 -02-2016 - 01-03-2016

9 Accreditation StrengthWeakness 1.Faculty profile 2.Academic performance of the students 3.Faculty publications 4.Research projects 5.Industry institute interactions 6.Academic support programs for weak students 7.Faculty and staff development programs 8.Visiting Faculty Programs 9.Industry visits 10.QEEE programs 1.Infrastructure facility 2.Placements statistics 3.Unfilled faculty positions

10 Governance Self review and Development Plan CategoryPracticeDevelopment Plan A Primary accountabilities 1.The institution will present a detailed budget in BoG meeting (First BoG meeting in a financial year) for discussion and approval. 2.Governing body will evaluate the performance of the procurement, construction and maintenance cell of the institution. 3.Result analysis of the students, placement statistics and faculty performance, research activities will be monitored and improvements will be discussed. 4.At the first meeting of the academic year, the head of the institution’s performance will evaluated in terms quantifiable measurable items like fund utilization, placement status, progress in civil work etc. B Openness and Transparency in the operation of governing body 1.Detailed annual report of the institution in terms of financial, academic, training and other activities will be presented in the BoG meeting and after approval from BoG, the report will be published in the web site.

11 Governance Self review and Development Plan CategoryPracticeDevelopment Plan C Key attributes of Governing body 1.The BoG will meet at least 4 times in a year. 2.The Governance document containing roles and responsibilities of the members will be placed before the BoG meeting for approval D Effectiveness and performance review of Governing body 1.Every year one workshop will be arranged for BoG members E Regulatory Compliance 1.Steps will be taken for all the eligible programs will be accredited by NBA to assure quality

12 Budget of Revised IDP Sl. No. Activities Amount as per IDP (in lakhs) Revised Allocation ( in lakhs) Amount spent as on 31/03/15 (in lakhs) Amount to be utilised in remaining months 1 Infrastructure improvement for teaching, Training & Learning 550 550.00 530.69 19.31 2Providing Teaching and Research Assistantships 100 85.00 51.85 33.15 3 Enhancement of R&D and institutional consultancy Activities 20 40.00 9.46 30.54 4Faculty and Staff Development 100 145.00 58.32 86.68 5Enhanced Interaction with Industry 40 20.00 9.49 10.51 6Institutional Management Capacity Enhancement 30 30.00 5.23 24.77 7Implementation of Institutional Reforms 20 20.00 13.36 6.64 8Academic Support for Weak Students 40 40.00 10.12 29.88 9Incremental Operating Cost 100 70.00 28.55 41.45 TOTAL 1000 717.07 282.93


14 Thank You

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