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EXTERNAL MIGRATION. Learning Objectives  Recap what external migration is Difference in emigration and immigration  A look at the Australian emigration.

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2 Learning Objectives  Recap what external migration is Difference in emigration and immigration  A look at the Australian emigration  Investigate New Zealand migration in a New Zealand context  Debate Pros/Cons of Migrants

3 Recap  External Migration  Immigration  Emigration  Long-term migrant  Short-term/ temporary migrant  Rural-urban migration  Migration for work; seasonal, temporary  Inter-city migration  Refugee migration

4 Migrants wanted  500,000+ New Zealanders live in Australia  Population of New Zealand  A large proportion of the countries working age population

5 New Zealand Emigration  Cartoon investigation

6 Timeline  Today’s migration  Net emigration  1000+ per week leaving for Australia  Where have our migrants come from in the past  Timeline

7 The big picture

8 Immigration pros  We buy cheep goods from China so why not workers  Immigrants tend to be hard working  Willing to do jobs New Zealanders don't  Skilled – due to immigration limitations  New innovation with immigration Yahoo, Google, EBay all cofounded by immigrants

9 Immigration cons  Over population  Over qualified migrants taking New Zealand jobs  Loss of cultural diversity The theory that the world is moving towards a single culture

10 Debate  Should New Zealand close all immigration like China did OR  Should New Zealand have unlimited immigration  How would we balance accurately immigration?

11 New Zealand emigration  Limits to emigration for New Zealand  No considerable limit to emigration  Unpaid fines over $1000  Court dates prevent immigration  Interest free student loans generate interest if you leave the country  Issues to emigration  The Brain Drain Consider the statement “Brain drain claims third of New Zealand’s PhDs”

12 Cartoon Interpretation

13 Migrating to Australia  New Zealand and Australia have a relationship where either resident can get a Special Category Visa  Australia has a very strict migration policy  But New Zealanders can freely migrate because of a migration agreement between our countries  Australians can also freely migrate to New Zealand  New Zealanders are taking advantages of the strong Australian economy and migrating  Should the government be trying to stop this

14 Summary  Covered what external migration is The difference in emigration and immigration  A look at New Zealand emigration and immigration  Investigate international example of migration

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