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101 + WAYS TO PROMOTE READING MSTA Convention November 12, 2010.

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1 101 + WAYS TO PROMOTE READING MSTA Convention November 12, 2010

2 Brenda Steffens PK-12 Librarian Morgan County R-I School Stover

3 Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body. Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body. Joseph Addison

4 1.Building Block Award Preschool through Kindergarten Missouri Library Association 2.Show Me Readers Award Grades first through third Missouri Association of School Librarians howme_readers

5 3. Mark Twain Award Grades 4-5 MASL Posters 4. Truman Award Grades 6-8 MASL Posters

6 5.Gateway Award Grades 9-12 MASL Posters 6.Caldecott Club Student read a certain number of Caldecott winners and become a member of the club rdsgrants/bookmedia/caldecottmedal/caldec ottwinners/caldecottmedal.cfm

7 7.Newbery Club same as Caldecott 8.Reading Circle Sponsored by MSTA New guidelines 9.Read poster make your own or purchase from ALA


9 10. Author visits can get a grant from Missouri State Library ment/grants.asp 11. Skype Can’t afford an author you can Skype an author for free.

10 12. Facebook School library Facebook with information about books and activities. 13. Twitter Another way such as Facebook Follow other people and find out what works 14. Children’s Book Week May2-8, 2011

11 The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go. Dr. Seuss

12 15. Teen Week a/teenreading/trw/trw2010/home.cfm a/teenreading/trw/trw2010/home.cfm Wrestle Mania 16. National Gaming Day Nov. 13—can get free game by signing up. Sponsor this event in your library or classroom.

13 17. Poetry Month April /41 18. Humor Month April Joke Contest

14 19. National Book Month October 20. Read a New Book Month December/September 21. National Young Readers Day November 9 Created by Pizza Hut

15 22. National Game and Puzzle Week November 21-26, 2010 23.Book Club for students Meet during lunch Read any type of book and talk about it

16 24. Book Clubs for staff Meet weekly at 7:15 Bagels and coffee Have a name—TMZ Read different books 25. Reading Bags—Bulldog Read Bags Each bag has 7 books and send home once a week

17 26. Summer Reading Program Can work with public library or get a grant from the Missouri State Library Grant is due November 15 27. Book Mobile Deliver books in the summer to areas that don’t have access to books

18 28.I Love this book video with students showing their favorite book saying “I Love This Book” Show video at lunch or in the library 29.Paper Demco sells special paper 30.Movie Nights Show movies in the library. Get a license.

19 Children are made readers on the laps of their parents.

20 31. Magazines Buy magazines the students really like and want to read. 32.Kindle/Nook Have eBooks for the students. 33.Playaways Great for students who may not like to read

21 34. Graphic Novels 35. Videos /DVD Let students check out 36. Book Displays New books, Award books, holidays, etc

22 37. Signs Display some books with a sign that says “These books were purchased for the Middle School Students” 38. Stuffed animals Book characters Kohl's

23 39.Decorations Lots of book related and book character items 40.T-shirts Wear reading related shirts. Stop Falling, Highsmith, Kohl's, ect. Decorating Design your own 41.Tattoos Reading tattoos and make special ones

24 42. Magnets for Car Bulldogs Read 43. Fair and parades Hand out tattoos at fairs and drive car in parades. 44. Theme Use one theme—Bulldogs Read

25 “There is more treasure in books than in all the pirate’s loot on Treasure Island.” Walt Disney

26 45. Bulletin Boards Different themes 46. Slide Picture Frames Pictures Book trailers Activities

27 47. Signs outside of teachers classrooms that say “I’m reading________________ 48. Bookmark contest 49. Poster contest

28 50. Book trailers YouTube Make your own. Photo 3 Schooltube Teachertube 51.Blogs Award

29 52.Dress Up Days Get tied up in reading Reading comes in all colors. Hats off to reading Go hunting for a good book Sock it to Reading Stick to reading—Stickers Favorite characters Don’t sweat it! Read Peace out

30 53. Book Fairs 54. Record your own book blurbs Use recording cards 55. Reading Quotes 56. Author websites

31 57. Newsletters Keep parents and students informed 58. Day Cares Read to the kids Let them have books also

32 59. Use this poem before reading a book- In this box is a surprise for you. To make you feel happy when you are blue. To make you feel as special as you are like a bright and shining twinkling star. Let’s open up the box, Oh my, take a look. It’s a gift for my friends. It’s a ___________ book. We will sit by the story bench as quiet as can be and read this story just you and me.

33 60. Post pictures of kids reading. Adults also 61. Newspapers Spread the news about reading. 62. Costumes Rent or borrow book character costumes ns_book_characters.html

34 Reading is the basic tool in the living of a good life. Mortimer J. Adler

35 63. Teen Nights Crafts, activities, special events for teens. 64. Student Advisory Committees Middle School High School 65. Contests Prizes for contests

36 66. 100 books in a year. Challenge the students and staff to read 100 books in one school year Blog your books 67. Books as prizes 68. Quilts Decorate with quilts that the students help make.

37 69. Publishers Will send bookmarks, posters, galley copies and even books for free. 70.Workshops Great place to get ideas Missouri State Library puts on free workshops 71. Books Buy what they want to read

38 72. Web Junction join this discussion group and take classes and have a chance to communicate with other librarians 73. Listservs Lm_Net MASL

39 74. Grants Missouri State Library offers lots Pepsi Target Dollar General 75. Reading Extravaganza Celebrate reading Games Crafts Food

40 76. Post signs outside of school 77.White board with speakers 78.Calendars Display book character calendars in the library 79.Clocks Highsmith or decorate your own.

41 80. Story Bench 81. Activity Kits Online to go along with books 82. Book Swaps Hold book swaps so students can exchange books 83. Poetry Poem in my pocket

42 84. Nonfiction 86. Flip cameras Record book trailers Record book blurbs Easy to use 86. Dear time or SSR 87. Suggestion Box Students can make suggestions easily

43 88. Book Review Wall Students write book reviews and post on the wall 89. Pumpkins Pumpkin carvings in the library aj_fotos/sets/ 72157625109250067/

44 “A book is like a garden carried in your pocket.” Chinese Proverb

45 90. Professional Books 91.Songs Use songs to promote reading 92. Signature on E-mail—Now reading________

46 96. Jewelry 96. All I Really Needed to Know We Learned From Children’s Books

47 All We Really Needed to Know We Learned From Children's Books (Seen in the 1998 movie "You've Got Mail!") Do something to make the world more beautiful. (Miss Rumphius) Clean up the house when you're through playing. (Cat in the Hat) You don't have to fight if you don't want to. (The Story of Ferdinand the Bull) We're all meant to need each other. (Missing May) Stay golden. (The Outsiders) If you think you can, you can. (The Little Engine That Could) Don't leave home without your purple crayon! (Harold and the Purple Crayon) Eat a balanced meal every day. (Bread and Jam for Frances) There's no place like home. (The Wizard of Oz) Never eat someone else's vegetables. (The Tale of Peter Rabbit)

48 It doesn't matter how small you are. (The Borrowers) It doesn't matter how big you are. (The BFG) Don't cross the street without your mother! (Make Way for Ducklings) Never eat the last piece of the puzzle! (Curious George Goes to the Hospital) Ole Golly is right. Sometimes you have to die. (Harriet the Spy) Be glad you live in a world where there are Octobers. (Anne of Green Gables) Expect all the summers to be magic ones. (Gone Away Lake) A person is a person no matter how small. (Horton Hatches an Egg)

49 “There is no substitute for books in the life of a child.” Mary Ellen Chase

50 98.Puppets Interactive stories Involve the students 99.Critter Sitters Bag with a small stuffed animal, puzzle, book, and activity sheet. Take turns taking it home.

51 100. Vote for your favorite books Hold an election and have the students pick out their favorite books. 101. Puzzles 102. Library Cards and Book Sticks Mark where popular authors and or series are located for the students.

52 102. Prizes that reflect reading Have students pick out prizes that they would like. High School Students especially. 103. Dial a Story Have students or teachers record a different story each week.

53 104. Coffee House Night Host a night and let students perform Serve coffee, hot chocolate, etc 105. One Book Hold one of your own Participate in one 106. Authors birthdays

54 107. Wal-Mart, Target, etc Display or have a special activity for Dr. Seuss’ birthday, or special reading days 108. Very Hungry Caterpillar Day Read the story over the intercom with each teacher having a copy of the book in their room. March 20

55 109. Bulldog Reading Nights Held monthly—well almost monthly at the three locations Programs held for parents and for the kids Teachers sign up to attend at least one Reading Night a month Each month has a theme

56 110. READ, READ, READ! Be an example

57 “Today a reader, tomorrow a leader.” W. Fusselman

58 You Can Learn to Read You’re staring at the page and you’re upset* You can’t understand a single word that it says* You just can’t read the story like they do* You’re in your room, it’s a typical day, you’re bored* You need to read to let your imagination soar* But you just can’t read the stories like they do* So many good books, open up and take a look* But with silent Es, Qs and Us, you’re getting confused* Dreaming about the day when you wake up and find* That you can make some sense out of all those little lines* If you could see how all those letters work together* Line ‘em up and sound ‘em out, then you’d see* You can learn to read, you can learn to read* Reading all the words and knowing what they mean* I can’t help thinking this is how it ought to be* Laughing on a park bench, reading to yourself--Hey, isn’t this easy?*

59 There’s somethin’ ‘bout reading that can turn your life around* ‘Specially when you find a book that you can’t put down* You say you’re fine, I know you better than that* I know you wanna read a book like that* History and dinosaurs, fairy tales, cookbooks* Animals and astronauts, Goosebumps and joke books* Dreaming about the day when you wake up and find* That you can make some sense out of all those little lines* If you could see how all those letters work together* Line ‘em up and sound ‘em out, then you’d see* You can learn to read* Standing by and watching how your mom reads* All this time, how could you not know, baby?* You can learn to read, you can learn to read* Oh, pretty soon you’ll be reading ‘neath the covers in the middle of the night* All the books that make you laugh and the books that make you cry* You’ll have your favorite ones and you’ll share them with your friends* Think I know it won’t belong, think I know how this will end….* *Inspired by Taylor Swift’s “You Belong with Me”; new lyrics by Kristi Hazelrigg *

60 Kristi Hazelrigg, who is the librarian at Parkview Elementary in Oklahoma City has created a video to help reluctant younger readers feel better about the sometimes daunting aspects of learning to read. She got the idea for the video last summer while listening to Taylor Swift’s son, “You Belong to Me.” She wrote her own lyrics, and SINGS IT HERSELF!!! Here are the links to her video: On 4shared: Can_Learn_to_Read.html Can_Learn_to_Read.html On YouTube: o o

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