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+ Technology Tools Rachel Jacob ESE 252 M3A1. + Smart board/ Smart notebook Description: Interactive Smart Board technology.

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1 + Technology Tools Rachel Jacob ESE 252 M3A1

2 + Smart board/ Smart notebook Description: Interactive Smart Board technology for education and business Strengths: Interactive, easy to use, real-time editing and interaction Availability: Expensive, most classrooms in most districts have them already. Instructional use: digital manipulatives, write and edit on interactive white board. Meet student needs: interact with technology

3 + Renaissance Accelerated Reader 360 Description: Online reading program Strengths: Online, digital, students select preference, comprehension questions, teacher tools are easy to use Availability: Expensive Instructional use: Students start with a test to see their level, gives personal goals, Meet student needs: interactive, suited and checks individual’s performance levels, engaging, choice and preference

4 + Reading A to Z Raz-kids Description: Online leveled reading program Strengths: Leveled program, easy to use, comprehension questions and some books have audio/video Availability: Expensive Instructional use: Independent reading and teacher can see scores of quizzes Meet student needs: Independent practice, easy to use

5 + Encyclopedia Britannica Description: Online Encyclopedia Strengths: Comprehensive information, search ability, digital tools accessible Availability: Free, apps and other related services have a cost Instructional use: Use to search information Meet student needs: Reliable search engine and information gathering

6 + Turning Technologies Interactive data collection Description: Student response system for taking informative assessment Strengths: Real time assessment, easy to use, Availability: Expensive Instructional use: Real time informative assessment, Meet student needs: Interactive, different way to take a quiz/assessment

7 + Remember the Milk To do list app Description: Digital app to help you remember to do tasks Strengths: Digital app Availability: Free (Apple, GooglePlay, Blackberry) Instructional use: Students can keep track of assignments Meet student needs: Digital app, easy to use, a way to keep track of assignments

8 + Cool-Math Decimals cruncher cruncher-addition.html Description: Online decimal game Strengths: Interactive, fun colors, gives feedback Availability: Online, free Instructional use: Can use it as a review game or assign for independent practice/homework Meet student needs: Interactive, gives feedback, easy to use

9 + Free Rice Description: Online vocabulary/other subjects review Strengths: For each right answer, the company donates 10 grains of rice through the World Food Program Availability: Free, online Instructional use: Class review, use for elementary computer time, connect learning to giving Meet student needs: Giving through learning, review of subjects

10 + Touch Math Green Editions me Description: Online content managing and lesson planning system for Touch Math Strengths: Touch math system, online, easy to use Availability: Expensive Instructional use: Lesson planning, Touch math content Meet student needs: Touch math is easy to use and digital friendly green edition is perfect for a technology savy student

11 + ABCYA Description: K-5 interactive software for multiple subjects Strengths: Interactive games, fun, easy to use, multiple subjects with multiple games Availability: Free Instructional use: Class game, independent practice Meet student needs: Fun and interactive games to promote retention of any number of subject content from K-5 grades.

12 + Starfall Description: Interactive reading software for reading and related content Strengths: Interactive games, fun, easy to use, multiple games and videos Availability: Some parts of the website are free, otherwise: $70 Teacher, $150 Classroom, $270 School Instructional use: Class game, independent practice Meet student needs: Fun and interactive games to promote retention of any number of subject content from K-5 grades.

13 + Selecting relevant resources Selecting appropriate resources for student with exceptional needs is dependent on a teacher’s knowledge and understanding of the student and their needs. If a student has a motor impairment, than using a computer for the resource will not be beneficial, but using technology with a touch screen capability would a better way to use the resource. Also, knowing the content and objective of the software or resource is key. If you want the student to show you that they know something, then a review type game or software would be best; but if you want to instruct, then a game/software with manipulatives and tools will be best.

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