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Plant Parts and Functions By : Alisa Kowalski Jessi Spry Alyson Wilson.

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Presentation on theme: "Plant Parts and Functions By : Alisa Kowalski Jessi Spry Alyson Wilson."— Presentation transcript:

1 Plant Parts and Functions By : Alisa Kowalski Jessi Spry Alyson Wilson

2 Parts of The Plant

3 Roots 2 Types of Root Systems  Taproot System Primary root grows down from the stem with some small secondary roots forming Examples: Carrots & Turnips

4 Roots  Fibrous System Small lateral roots that spread out just below the soil’s surface Examples: Corn & Beans

5 Parts of the Root  Epidermis  Cortex Outermost layer of cells Tissue inside epidermis that stores starch and other substances necessary for the growth of the root

6 Parts of the Root  Root Cap  Root Hairs  Vascular Tissue Provides protection for the root tip Site of absorption Within cortex, contains cells that transport water, nutrients, and minerals to all parts of the plant

7 Root Functions 1. Absorption of water and nutrients (performed by root hairs) 3. Anchor plant to maintain stability Roots have 4 primary functions 2. Transportation of water and nutrients to stem 4. Store food and water

8 Leaves ÙBlade Main body of leaf ÙPetiole Attaches blade to stem ÙMidrib Large central vein

9 Leaves ÙApex Tip of leaf ÙBase Attaches to petiole, if petiole is absent attaches directly to stem ÙMargin Edge of leaf

10 Leaves ÙEpidermis Responsible for gas and water exchange ÙStomata Opening in epidermis where gas and water exchange ÙMesophyll Middle layer of leaf where photosynthesis occurs

11 Important Functions of Leaves ÀPhotosynthesis Process that plants use to produce their food 6CO2 + 6H2O  C6H1206 + 6 O2 ÁTranspiration Loss of water and exchange of carbon dioxide

12 Parts of the Stem  Node Areas where side branches and leaves develop from  Internode Area between nodes  Lenticles Small holes located in the stem (breathing pores)


14 Functions of the Stem 1. Transports water and nutrients from roots to leaves 2. Supports leaves, fruits and flowers 3. Food Storage

15 Fruit Classification Aggregate Develop from a single flower with many ovaries Examples: Strawberries & Tulips

16 Fruit Classification Multiple Fruit develops from a group of tightly clustered flowers Examples: Pineapples & Figs

17 Fruit Classification Simple Develop from a single ovary Examples: Cherries & Tomatoes

18 Fruit’s Function Site of seed production


20 Flower Parts Pistil Female part of plant Consists of: Stigma Style Ovary

21 Flower Parts Stamen Male reproductive organ Consists of: Anther Stamen

22 Flower Parts Petals Highly colored part of the flower, may contain perfume and/or nectar glands Sepals Small green structures on the base of a flower that protect the flower bud

23 Flower Classification Complete flower Has all four male and female parts Incomplete flower Missing one of the four male or female parts Perfect flower Has stamens and pistils Imperfect flower Lacking either stamens or pistils

24 Flower Function Sexual Reproduction is the flowers sole function Pollination by: Wind Insects and Birds

25 Parts of the Seed *Endosperm Tissue that provides nutrition for the developing seed *Cotyledon Food storage tissue *Embryo Growing part of seed

26 Parts of the Seed *Seedcoat Protective outer covering of the seed *Scutellum Absorbs the endosperm

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