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Can Underwater Animals Communicate With Each Other? By: Caitlin.

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1 Can Underwater Animals Communicate With Each Other? By: Caitlin

2 Intro For my Genius Hour project my big question is “Can Underwater Animals Communicate with Each Other?” I have researched 4 animals to see if sea animals could communicate to each other outside their species. These animals are dolphins, whales, sharks and fish.

3 Dolphins Dolphins use eco-location to communicate with each other. The sound they make through the eco-location is clicks. This sound comes from their nasal cavities just below their blow hole.

4 Whales Whales have 3 types of sounds to communicate with each other, clicks, whistles, and pulsed calls.

5 Fish Fish can communicate with each other through sound or vibrating their swimmer blades.

6 Sharks Sharks communicate using body language. Some of the most known ways sharks communicate is by arching their backs and swimming in aggressive swimming patterns.

7 Conclusion So some animals are able to communicate with each other like dolphins and whales. This is because they both use clicks so they are able to talk to each other. But not all animals can communicate to each other. So it is possible for some underwater animals to communicate with each other.

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