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1 Linac/400 MeV BPM System Status Nathan Eddy PIP Meeting 8/8/12.

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1 1 Linac/400 MeV BPM System Status Nathan Eddy PIP Meeting 8/8/12

2 Production Board Status (6/6/12) Received first fully stuffed production board before shutdown for checkout Found error in PCB  Require remaking 80 PCBs  Delay Assembly  $5k additional cost  $10k additional cost due to parts 10 Additional boards + Prototypes New PCBs in production Assembled boards ~1 month 2

3 Production Board Status PCB manufacturer had issues with first run, boards failed testing  Lost their production line manager They had to re-run the boards – 6 week delay PCB boards are now complete & tested and were all delivered to the assembly house Expect first golden sample from assembly house by next week 3

4 Production Board Status Cont’d Plan thorough checkout of the golden sample before releasing  Will include installing in LE Linac Once released assembly of all boards will be complete in 4 weeks  Expect all boards delivered by mid September Boards will be bench tested then can be installed  Will start with LE Linac  If feasible, all boards could be beam tested in LE Linac before installation elsewhere 4

5 LE Linac Beam Tests Work underway to instrument bpms (2H, 2V) from tank 3 with new electronics  Electronics installed last week (prototype)  ACNET device conversion underway Will install golden sample when available Expand to include all LE bpms which see beam during NTF running 5

6 Software Status Provide average Position, Intensity, & Relative Phase over each beam pulse for every BPM @15Hz – in ACNET via linac controls Have an OAC to perform setup and control  Read/Write all control registers  Synchronized waveform readback Position, Intensity, Phase @3MHz  Calibration control  Basic functionality tested 6

7 400 MeV Line Software Current 400 MeV Line bpms use different electronics, readout, and application software Had several meetings to discuss options Plan is to extend Linac Controls readout to these bpms  Existing front-end vme processors will be used  Readout structure will be tweaked to support existing 400 MeV BPM applications 7

8 Plan Complete conversion of LE Linac bpms to new system  Network connections done  Need to provide 805MHz  Replace these boards with Production boards once available Will replace the rest of the crates as Production boards become available  Driven by board checkout  May rotate them through LE section for beam checkout  Expect all new boards installed early next year 8

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