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System Performance Stephen Schultz Fiber Optics Fall 2005.

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1 System Performance Stephen Schultz Fiber Optics Fall 2005

2 Performance Limitations
Two primary performance limitations Attenuation limited length Optical signal is too low to receive the correct data Depends on: Fiber attenuation Receiver sensitivity Transmitted power Dispersion limited length Pulse are spread too much Fiber dispersion Linewidth of the optical source Stephen Schultz Fiber Optics Fall 2005

3 Receiver Sensitivity Signal needs to be higher than the noise
The bit error rate (BER) depends on the received optical energy per bit Energy per bit Eb= h f N h is planks constant f is the optical frequency N is the number of photons The required value for Eb depends on the noise of the detector and supporting electronics The required optical power is then given by Pmin = Eb B (where B is the data rate) The required power scales with data rate Pmin(B) = Pmin(Bo) + 10log10 (B/Bo) dBm Stephen Schultz Fiber Optics Fall 2005

4 Attenuation Limited Length
Determined by the power budget Received power > Pmin Contributors to power loss Connections between components and fiber Connections between fibers Fiber attenuation Margin of error The power budget equation is Resulting in an attenuation limited length of The length varies with bit rate Stephen Schultz Fiber Optics Fall 2005

5 Power Budget Stephen Schultz Fiber Optics Fall 2005

6 Attenuation Limited Length
Stephen Schultz Fiber Optics Fall 2005

7 Dispersion Limited Length
To eliminate inter-symbol interference (ISI) the change in pulse width must be The dispersion limited length becomes Where Dtot is a combination of intermodal and intramodal dispersion Usually this breaks up into two distinct cases Multi-mode (Dinter » Dintra Dl) Single mode (Dinter = 0) Stephen Schultz Fiber Optics Fall 2005

8 Standard Optical Fiber Dispersion
Step index D≈0.004 Graded index D≈0.02 Dispersion Step index multi-mode optical fiber (Dtot~10ns/km) Graded index multi-mode optical fiber (Dtot~0.5ns/km) Single mode optical fiber (Dintra~18ps/km nm) Stephen Schultz Fiber Optics Fall 2005

9 What is the laser linewidth?
Wavelength linewidth is a combination of inherent laser linewidth and linewidth change caused by modulation Single mode FP laser Dllaser~2nm Multimode FP laser or LED Dllaser~30nm DFB laser Dllaser~0.01nm Laser linewidth due to modulation Dllaser ~Dlmod when B=600Mb/s Stephen Schultz Fiber Optics Fall 2005

10 Total Dispersion Total dispersion of multimode optical fiber
Total dispersion of SMF28 single mode optical fiber With single mode FP laser With DFB laser (0.69 [2.86 Stephen Schultz Fiber Optics Fall 2005

11 Dispersion Length Multimode fiber 0.2km @ 2.4Gb/s
Single mode fiber with FP laser 2.4Gb/s Single mode fiber with DFB laser 2.4 Gb/s Stephen Schultz Fiber Optics Fall 2005

12 Length Limitations Solid lines: attenuation limit
Dashed lines: dispersion limit Stephen Schultz Fiber Optics Fall 2005

13 Length Limitations Low bit rates: attenuation limit
High bit rates: dispersion limit Stephen Schultz Fiber Optics Fall 2005

14 System Performance Examples
Configurations Single mode Vs. graded index multimode fiber FP laser Vs. DFB laser Common laser wavelengths in order of increasing cost 850nm, 1310nm, 1550nm Low cost system Short distance (LAN) Data rates around 100Mb/s Mid cost system Moderate distances (WAN) Data rates 622Mb/s or 2.4 Gb/s High cost system As far as possible Data rates 2.4 Gb/s or 10 Gb/s Stephen Schultz Fiber Optics Fall 2005

15 Example: Low Cost System
Data Rate: B=100 Mbps Use standard multimode graded index optical fiber (D=0.02) Easier alignment and connection (lower cost) With multimode fiber the length will probably be dispersion limited Intermodal dispersion dominates Wavelength linewidth doesn’t matter FP and DFB laser have the same performance so use FP laser Laser (FP-LD) Pt=10mW = 10 log10(10)= 10 dBm Photodetector sensitivity Pmin=-22 Gbps Scaled to B=100 Mbps: Pmin=-36 dBm Stephen Schultz Fiber Optics Fall 2005

16 Example: Low Cost System (cont.)
Total dispersion The attenuation limit only needs to greater than 5km Pmin=Pt - a L - extra losses -36 dBm = 10 dBm – a dB/km * L – 6dB L = 1/a (40) Use a laser with a wavelength of l=850nm a =2.72 dB/km L=14.7km Dispersion limited L = 5 km Summary: Graded index MM fiber, 850nm FP laser Stephen Schultz Fiber Optics Fall 2005

17 Example: Mid Cost System
Data Rate: B=622 Mbps Use a FP laser l=1550nm for lower cost Pt=10mW = 10 log10(10)= 10 dBm Dl=2 nm Photodetector Sensitivity Pmin=-22 Gbps Scaled to B=622 Mbps: Pmin=-27 dBm Standard single mode optical fiber (smf28) a = 0.22 dB/km Stephen Schultz Fiber Optics Fall 2005

18 Example: Mid Cost System (cont.)
Attenuation Limit Pmin=Pt - a L – extra losses -27 dBm = 10 dBm dB/km * L – 6dB L = 140 km Dispersion Dispersion limited L = 22.5 km Faster data rate and longer distance than low cost system Stephen Schultz Fiber Optics Fall 2005

19 Example: High Cost System
Data Rate: B=2.4 Gbps Laser (DFB laser) l=1550 nm Pt=10mW = 10 log10(10)= 10 dBm Dl=0.01 nm Photodetector Sensitivity Pmin=-22 Gbps Standard single mode optical fiber (smf28) a = 0.22 dB/km Stephen Schultz Fiber Optics Fall 2005

20 Example: High Cost System (cont.)
Attenuation Limit Pmin=Pt - a L – extra losses -22 dBm = 10 dBm dB/km * L – 6dB L = 118 km Laser linewidth (dominated by modulation) Total dispersion Attenuation limited Stephen Schultz Fiber Optics Fall 2005

21 Increasing Link Length
Signal regeneration Before the attenuation or dispersion length Convert signal to electrical signal Demodulate Retransmit the signal optically Correcting attenuation Amplify the optical signal Use Erbium Doped Fiber Amplifiers (EDFA) Correcting dispersion Intermodal dispersion (in multimode fiber) Cannot be easily corrected Intramodal dominated by chromatic dispersion Can be corrected using dispersing elements Stephen Schultz Fiber Optics Fall 2005

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