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Worms 5 th Grade. 3 major Phyla Flatworms Roundworms Segmented worms.

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Presentation on theme: "Worms 5 th Grade. 3 major Phyla Flatworms Roundworms Segmented worms."— Presentation transcript:

1 Worms 5 th Grade

2 3 major Phyla Flatworms Roundworms Segmented worms

3 Characteristics of ALL worms Invertebrates Long, narrow bodies without legs Have head and tail ends

4 Do they have tissues, organs, and body systems? Yes! Unlike sponges and cnidarians, worms DO have tissues and organs Worms are the simplest organisms WITH A BRAIN

5 How does a worm’s brain and sense organs work? Sense organs can detect objects, food, mates, and predators quickly Sense organs that are sensitive to light, touch, and vibrations pick up information from the environment Brain interprets that information and directs the animal’s response

6 Example: A worm’s sense organ senses the vibrations of a footstep, and the brain tells the worm to quickly return to its underground burrow

7 Reproduction Worms have asexual and sexual reproduction depending on the species Some worms reproduce asexually by breaking into pieces. If you cut some kinds of worms into several pieces, a whole new worm will grow from each piece

8 What kind of symmetry to worms have? Bilateral Symmetry

9 1) Flatworms Flat soft like jelly Ex. Tapeworms, Planarians, Flukes

10 Flatworms CAN be parasites Parasite: an organism that lives inside or on another organism Parasites take food from their host Host: the organism that the parasite feeds on

11 Parasites: Rob their hosts of food Make the hosts weak May injure the host’s tissues or organs Rarely kill host ALL flukes and tapeworms are parasites

12 Fluke

13 Flukes 10,000 species of flukes Range from.2 inches to 4 inches

14 Tapeworm

15 Tapeworms Attack the intestines Range from.04 inches to 50 ft

16 Planarians Free-living flatworms Free-living organism: does not live in or on other organisms Glide over rocks in ponds, slide over damp soil, swim slowly through the ocean

17 Planarians are scavengers! What is a scavenger?

18 Scavengers: organisms that feed on dead or decaying material Planarians feed like a vacuum cleaner Glide onto their food and insert a feeding tube into it Digestive juices flow out of the planarian and into the food, breaking down the food while it is still outside of the body Planarian sucks up the partly digested bits

19 Planarians are scavengers and predators Either feed on dead or decaying food Or Attack any animals smaller than they are

20 Planarians

21 Size: usually between 1/8 of an inch to 1 inch Some tropical forms can be up to 2 ft!

22 Planarians Have 2 dots that look like eyes Eyespots: can detect light but cannot see a detailed image as human eyes can Planarian head also has cells that pick up odors Planarians rely mainly on smell, not light to locate food

23 Planarians

24 Tapeworm Life Cycle PEs PEs

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