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Jake Driscoll 10/3/14. 1. Allopatric speciation. The differentiation of geographically isolated populations into distinct species 2. Benthos. Organisms.

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Presentation on theme: "Jake Driscoll 10/3/14. 1. Allopatric speciation. The differentiation of geographically isolated populations into distinct species 2. Benthos. Organisms."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jake Driscoll 10/3/14

2 1. Allopatric speciation. The differentiation of geographically isolated populations into distinct species 2. Benthos. Organisms that live associated with the sea bottom. 3. Disturbance. A rapid change in an environment that greatly alters a previously persistent biological community. 4. Endosymbiotic. Being symbiotic and living within the body of an individual of the associated species. 5. Epibenthic (epifaunal or epifloral). Living on the surface of the bottom.

3 3 species are ragworms, earthworms and leeches. 1. Annelida worms Can survive being frozen if not froze to rapidly. 2. Some aquatic annelids have thin-walled, feathery gills through which gases are exchanged between the blood and the environment. 3. Adult annelid worms range from >1/2 inch 22 ft.

4 tubular bodies with a long red plume The body plan: no mouth, no digestive track, no eyes, and the outer shell is made of chitin which is the main exoskeleton of shell fish.

5 The giant tube worm lives at a minimum of 1 mile below sea level. They are most commonly found in the south pacific. They are most commonly found in the intertidal and pelagic zones, at a temperature at around 28 degrees Fahrenheit. They live in and around hydrothermal vets.

6 Symbiotic bacteria. the giant tube worm relies on this to obtain the energy it requires for growth and development. The bacteria in the tube worms body convert the chemicals from the hydro thermic vent like sulphide into organic material to use as food. The giant tube worm is a heterotroph, and it is a herbivore. Deep sea crabs and shrimp feed on the worms re plume. The crab has adapted to climbing up the worms outer shell to get to the plume, and its massive pinchers used to pick pieces off. Shrimp have Sharp teeth

7 The Giant tube worm has two major defense adaptions. 1. Its shell has doubled in with, so it would be a lot harder for a predator to get past it. 2. Another is speed. The worms can retract their plume into the safety of their shell in a second if they feel in danger.

8 The giant tube worm is not mobile. They are cemented into the rock bed.

9 An adult Giant Tube Worm will remain in one spot for its entire life. This species of worm can survive water pressure around 2,000 pounds per square inch. The female tube worms produce and release eggs that are rich in lipids into the water, which then float upwards.

10 worm.html worm.html pachyptila/ pachyptila/

11 54320-1 VocabularyIncluded at least 5 vocab words and definitions that were directly applicable to the project Included 4 vocab words and definitions. Included 3 vocab words and definitions. Included 2 vocab words and definitions. Included 1 or no vocab words and definitions SpeciesIncluded 3 or more species with a picture and 3 facts about each species Includes 2 species with 3 facts each and pictures Included 1-2 species with some pictures and facts Includes 1 species with a picture or a fact. Included a species with no additional information. Characteristi cs Included correct symmetry, body plan and reproduction type. Included correct symmetry and body plan. Includes correct symmetry and tissue reproduction. Includes 1 of these.Includes no to minimal information on this topic. Feeding Thoroughly explains how the phyla/class obtains food and include adaptations. See template. Thoroughly explains how the phyla/class obtains food and include adaptations. See template Questions on template are answered but not thoroughly explained. Questions on template are answered but not explained. Some questions are answered. Movement Explains how the class/phyla move. Any adaptations that help them move are included. Changes over their lifespan is also included with appropriate vocabulary. Explains how the class/phyla move. Any adaptations that help them move are included. Changes over their lifespan is also included with limited vocabulary. Explains how the class/phyla move. Any adaptations that help them move are included. Changes over their lifespan is also included but does not include vocabulary. Explains how the class/phyla move. Any adaptations that help them move are included. Briefly explains how the class/phyla move. Defense Adaptations All adaptations for defense are included and thoroughly explained. Most adaptations for defense are included and thoroughly explained. Some adaptations for defense are included and thoroughly explained. Some adaptations for defense are included and somewhat explained. Some adaptations for defense are mentioned. Habitat Student thoroughly explained all 5 questions on the template. Student thoroughly explained 4 items on the template. Student thoroughly explained 3 items on the template. Student explained 2 items on the template. Student explained 1 item on the template. Fun factsAt least 5 fun or unique facts are explained 4 fun facts are mentioned.3 fun facts are mentioned. 2 fun facts are mentioned. 1 fun fact is mentioned. Presentation Each slide has at least 1 picture. Text is easy to read and there are not too many words on each slide. The formatting is consistent and visually- appealing. 5+ references are included in correct format. Each slide has at least 1 picture. Text is easy to read and there are not too many words on each slide. The formatting mostly is consistent and visually- appealing. 4+ references are included in correct format. Each slide has at least 1 picture. Text is mostly easy to read and there are not too many words on each slide. The formatting is somewhat and visually-appealing. 3+ references are included in correct format. Each slide has at least 1 picture. Text is not easy to read and there are too many words or too little words on each slide. The formatting is not consistent or lacks visually-appealing. 2+ references are included in correct format. Presentation lack consistency. And visual appeal. 1+ reference used.

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