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- 1 - Boston University February 2012 Credibility Marketing.

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1 - 1 - Boston University February 2012 Credibility Marketing

2 - 2 - To build credibility and sell business Why do we Promote Ourselves?

3 - 3 - Selling is much easier if you can get clients to call you Can you sell well?

4 - 4 - HVS Sells through Credibility Marketing  Producing authoritative articles or publications  Organizing and speaking at conferences and seminars legitimizes you  Writing books Write ArticlesWrite PublicationsSpeak at ConferencesQuoted in PublicationsWrite Books

5 - 5 - Why Credibility Marketing?  Steve Rushmore founded the company on the Credibility Marketing principle by writing “the book” on how to appraise hotels  He lectured around the country and taught thousands of people his methodology  People called him for assignments because they saw him demonstrate his knowledge in either his book, magazine column or lectures  People do business with people they perceive as being credible  Selling is much easier once people realize your credible  Improves public relations

6 - 6 - Writing Articles Provide Readers with Useful Information that will Assist in their Endeavors  No other hospitality consulting firm publishes more articles or attracts more readers  Our contact database is the largest in the industry  Keeps HVS constantly in the minds of most industry players  Our articles provide an HVS perspective on subjects in which our potential clients have something invested  The more that clients see the HVS name associated with relevant and accurate information and analysis, the more they’ll feel secure in engaging our talents

7 - 7 - Credibility Marketing – Article Writing  Everyone at HVS can write articles for the weekly publication to promote themselves, their service, and the company  Associates are encouraged to write articles in order to be promoted  All articles are published on our web site and promoted on our weekly Global Hospitality Report email  As of January 2012, over 100,000 recipients  It’s common for articles to be syndicated in other publications  Articles are crawled and republished onto other web sites  Associates love the exposure and the recognition from industry professionals  Talk to your Managing Director if you can’t think of any ideas for an article

8 - 8 - What should I write about?

9 - 9 - Consider Some Aspect of the Industry that Intrigues You Demonstrate how a technology, trend, attraction, etc. can come to bear on the lodging industry, with specific examples from one or more markets.  “The Evolution of Space Tourism from Novelty to Opportunity”  “The Power Of The Per-diem Rate”  “The Need for More Branded Hotels in Panama City Beach, Florida”

10 - 10 - Market Specific Knowledge Leverage your market experience from a recent assignment to demonstrate your local knowledge.  “TIANJIN: The Gateway for North China”  “Economic Cycles Affect the Differentials between Top Caribbean Lodging Facilities”  “Hotel Rooms Remain In Short Supply Throughout Wyoming’s Energy Corridors”  “HVS Market Intelligence Report: Asheville, North Carolina”  “New Orleans - Going up or Going down?”

11 - 11 - Open Your Article With:  Ask a ?  Share an Anecdote – humanize it  Paint a Picture (“imagine yourself”)  Use an Analogy, Metaphor or Smile  Site a Shocking Statistic  Embrace a list

12 - 12 - Write a zippy lead Conduct a survey or poll Get great art to compliment the story, even free stock photos Write conversationally What is the title of your Article?

13 - 13 - Credibility Marketing – Conferences & Seminars  HVS Organizes several conferences throughout the world  India  South America  China  Mexico  Bahamas  Benefits  Many speaking opportunities for HVS  Builds relationship with industry  Profitable  Limits exposure to competition

14 - 14 - Leora Lanz 516.248.8828 ext. 278 ?

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