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Day of Giving Participating Organization Training.

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1 Day of Giving Participating Organization Training

2 4 years of giving from the heart... Year2011201220132014 Match $$25,000$40,000$50,000 Raised $$131,910$165,314$213,758$301,177 TOTAL $$156,910$205,314$263,758$351,177 Match % $0.18.5$0.24 $0.17 Orgs Participating36373949 # Gifts9641,1891,3181,933

3 Guidelines Nonprofit organizations:  501(c)3, schools, churches & municipalities (for a special community project), in or serving Armstrong County  Other Foundations and religiously affiliated organizations are to participate ONLY if they are raising money for a particular community project that serves the larger community.

4  The Community Foundation will determine if the organization is eligible. If approved, the profile will be published on  Registration—Deadline is April 30   Submit a copy of IRS Determination Letter, a current list of board of directors, & the Participation Agreement to: Community Foundation, 220 S Jefferson ST, Kittanning, PA 16201 or email to or fax to 724-548-4275.

5  Minimum Gift * : $20.00  Maximum Gift * : $5,000.00  Organizations are prohibited from donating to themselves.  Previous pledges, other regular gifts (like regular tithes or offerings), proceeds from sales & fundraisers, or grants are ineligible for matching dollars. * All gifts under $20 will be passed through; any amount over $5,000 will be passed through.

6 Fundraisers vs. Special Events What’s the darned difference? 82% of 2014 Day of Giving survey respondents DID NOT want money from fundraisers included in eligible donations. Fundraiser = raffle, bake sale, auction, golf outing = an event where people pay to get something in return. *You could ask for an extra, free-will gift!* Special Event = like an open house, where no money is required to attend, although free-will gifts may be given and turned in on the Day of Giving.

7  All donations for approved nonprofits must be made payable to the Community Foundation, with the organization designated to qualify for matching funds.  All qualifying contributions will receive a pro-rated portion of the match.  The matching dollars granted will depend upon the total amount of the Match Fund, and the total amount of donations received.

8  Thursday, May 14, 2015 12:00am-11:59pm  All donation activity must take place ON the Day of Giving.  qualifying donations must be received on or postmarked on May 14.  Credit card (online only), check, and cash donations will be accepted.  Donations hand delivered after business hours can be left in the mail slot. NEW RULE regarding CASH: Organizations receiving cash must submit a check to the Community Foundation for the total amount of cash received ALONG WITH a detailed donor list in a format provided by us.

9  Online fees:  Online fees will be deducted from the total online donation.  Nonprofit organizations may ask their online donors to give a few extra dollars to cover this cost.  Fee calculation is 2.2% + $0.30 per transaction, except for AmEx 3.5%.  The Community Foundation is not eligible to participate or receive matching funds.

10  Three options for making your donation :  Write a check to the Community Foundation with [organization] in the memo and hand deliver it on May 14 to 220 S Jefferson ST, Kittanning.  Write a check to the Community Foundation with [organization] in the memo and mail it to 220 S Jefferson ST, Kittanning, PA 16201 on May 14 (postmark must be May 14, 2015, not delivered on May 14).  Make a secure online donation from on May 14.  Repeat after me: ON MAY 14.

11 Example:  $70,000 match  $350,000 eligible community donations  Jane Doe’s $100 donation  70,000 / 350,000 =.20  20% match = $0.20/dollar = $20 match  Total donation to your organization = $120!

12 Sign Up!   Submit your IRS Determination Letter, list of Board of Directors, and Participation Agreement...  Fax: 724.548.4275  Email:  Mail: Community Foundation 220 S Jefferson ST Kittanning, PA 16201

13 Promote, Promote, Promote!  Start with your board of directors  Then go to your donors/mailing list:  Letters  Flyers  Postcards  Newsletters / Press Releases

14 Promote, Promote, Promote!  Emails – now, then more frequently as May 14 th nears  Social Media (Facebook, Twitter, etc.)  Come up with a 10-day count down to build excitement  Phone Calls – now and on May 13th

15 Promotional Strategies – Focus on your Donors; you are giving them an opportunity to make a difference! Be sure to tell them how they can make a difference by giving.

16 Who gives? There are two sources of money for all the nonprofits in the United States: the public sector (the government, primarily financed by taxes), and the private sector. The private sector includes 4 sources of funding: 1.Living individuals 2.Bequests 3.Foundations 4.Corporations Which of these four sources do you think most contributions come from?

17 Would it surprise you to know that 82% of all the money given away by individuals comes from families with incomes of $60,000 or less? In fact, a 1994 study showed that families living on incomes of $10,000 gave away an average of 4.6% of their gross income, compared to an average of 1.1% of families living on incomes of $100,000. Although many wealthy people are very generous, their giving does not make up the majority of giving. This is good news for us because it means that we already have access to all the people we must know to raise all the money we need. We are going to ask our friends and acquaintances, and when we have asked all of them, we will ask them who they know and begin to ask friends of friends. Good News

18 The Big Day  Our office will be well marked – balloons and free parking  We will be open early in the morning, late in the afternoon  Mail slot in the door for before/after hours  Totals will be updated online throughout the day and on our Facebook Page Facebook Page

19 $$$ Pay Day $$$ – We hope to have final calculations and checks issued by the end of May. – We will send: Results A check totaling all contributions made for your organization, plus your portion of the match for the eligible donations All donor contact information

20 Follow Up – Say THANK YOU! Send thank you letters (or make calls) to your donors within 2 weeks of receipt of your list. We will send thank you letters to donors of $250 or more, as required by the IRS. THIS DOES NOT EXCUSE YOU FROM THANKING THESE DONORS! Send thank you letters to all of the match partners (after all, they provided the match money!)

21 To help others understand why they should give to your organization, be able to answer these ?’s for yourself: Why are you doing this? Why this cause? Why this organization?


23 Questions? 724-548-5897 or

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