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Shibboleth for Streaming Video the VIVA Experience Ralph Alberico Virtual Library of Virginia/James Madison University ICOLC April 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "Shibboleth for Streaming Video the VIVA Experience Ralph Alberico Virtual Library of Virginia/James Madison University ICOLC April 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 Shibboleth for Streaming Video the VIVA Experience Ralph Alberico Virtual Library of Virginia/James Madison University ICOLC April 2009

2 About VIVA The Virtual Library of Virginia (VIVA) 15 Public Colleges and Universities 24 Public 2-Year Colleges (VCCS) 32 Private Non-Profit Colleges The Library of Virginia ~ 400,000 students, faculty and staff Annual budget > $10M USD More information:

3 Video Streaming Opportunities Educational video on demand Multiple viewers at one time Level the playing field across institutions Deliver video to classrooms & public spaces Enhance learning via out-of-class experiences Put videos into broader contexts

4 Video Streaming Challenges New and rapidly changing technology Competing technical standards Uneven infrastructure across campuses General unfamiliarity with policy issues Working across organizations & cultures

5 Streaming Video Scenarios Multimedia licensing as a strategic objective VIVA licenses content, vendor hosts VIVA licenses content and hosts centrally VIVA members host content on a peer-to- peer basis Each VIVA school hosts content locally VIVA contracts with 3 rd party to host content Combination of the above

6 The PBS Collection Content supports learning across member schools 498 titles, over 500 hours of video Delivered as MPEG-4 DVDs ~2 mbps Broad subject coverage & high production values, low “volatility” License in perpetuity; one fee, host your own Downloading prohibited User id and password required for authentication and authorization

7 Strategy Elements Emphasize VIVA principles of sharing, equitable access and cost effectiveness University of Virginia provides central hosting under Shibboleth; other schools can opt to host their own content and/or use central host Define and follow best practices Encode files to a standard and share them Divide the labor, avoid duplication of effort Pursue common denominator solutions (e.g. same encoding and cataloging for local and central hosting)

8 Shibboleth Decision Making Surveyed all VIVA members Analyzed responses from 54 campuses Adopted parallel strategy of short term support for local hosting and long term support for central hosting Using Shibboleth as authentication mechanism for centrally hosted content Shibboleth decision drives encoding choices

9 What do I need at my school? Adequate bandwidth to the edge of campus (varies depending on amt of traffic) Eliminate bandwidth restrictions on inbound VIVA files Adequate bandwidth to buildings where videos will be played Off-campus users with broadband connectivity Media players that can play H.264, MPEG-4 streams Join the InCommon Federation Install Shibboleth Identity Provider (IdP) software and connect it to the campus identity management service

10 Let’s federate!

11 Shibboleth Definition The Hebrew word used by Jephthah as a test- word by which to distinguish the fleeing Ephraimites (who could not pronounce the sh) from his own men the Gileadites (Judges xii. 4-6). 2. transf. a. A word or sound which a person is unable to pronounce correctly; a word used as a test for detecting foreigners, or persons from another district, by their pronunciation. Source: Oxford English Dictionary, Second Edition, 1989

12 Shibboleth Internet2 Definition “The Shibboleth System is a standards based, open source software package for web single sign-on across or within organizational boundaries. It allows sites to make informed authorization decisions for individual access of protected online resources in a privacy-preserving manner.” Source: Shibboleth® Web Site Short Definition: Single sign-on access to online services based on assertions about user attributes. The VIVA PBS project offers a low risk, high benefit opportunity to test the technology.

13 Shibboleth Steps 1.VIVA members join InCommon and establish a “trust fabric” and policies governing which types of users have access to which types of video streams 2.University of Virginia implements a Shibboleth Service Provider (SP) for video streaming 3.InCommon federation manages policies and WAYF (Where Are You From?) services 4.Install Shibboleth Identity Provider (IdP) software at participating campuses

14 Federated Identity in Action IdP Service Provider (SP) Service Provider (SP) InCommon WAYF InCommon WAYF 1 Service please? 2 I don’t know you, I’ll redirect to the federation. Where are you from? 3 4 I’m from JMU 5 OK, I’ll check your IdP 6 Login please 7 User id & password 8 Pass attributes to SP 9 Provide service

15 Let’s try it out. JMU LEO Online Library Catalog Shibboleth-Enabled Service at University of Virginia For VIVA Members via InCommon

16 Central Streaming Service Support Shibboleth Service Provider (SP) Streaming server management Application interface (with advice from VIVA) Contact with InCommon Issue tracking with VIVA IT contacts

17 Local Campus Support Shibboleth Identity Provider (IdP) Campus Identity management service Campus online catalog & resource discovery Media player support Learner & classroom support Campus Help Desk services IT Contact with Shibboleth Service Provider (SP) at University of Virginia

18 Resource Discovery Strategies Produce records for video streams from existing OCLC MARC records Modify OCLC MARC records to suit local needs Prepare records to be imported into local integrated library systems Script iTunes atom level embedded metadata at time of encoding Ingest metadata from file manifest spreadsheet or add manually for use in local file systems and repositories

19 Current Status Streaming files encoded at 300 and 800 kbps in QuickTime/MPEG-4 H.264 format State contract available for subsequent encoding services Cataloging records developed for streaming files Video files and catalog records available from JMU Catalog records available from VIVA FTP site Locally hosted service available at several schools Centrally hosted Shibboleth streaming operational at UVa Contract template for InCommon Federation developed (13 VIVA members have joined); service in production at 6 schools created Google Site for the projectGoogle Site InstallFest held on 12 Nov 2008

20 What does this mean? Single sign-on solution for web services Quality online video collections for VIVA members without the hassle of managing a streaming service Ability to place online video in educational contexts and reference streams in many ways Federated identity opens possibilities for more sharing across institutions Services based on trust relationships can be differentiated based on user attributes

21 Shibboleth Use Cases Database and information provider access – EBSCO, Elsevier, JSTOR, ProQuest, Safari etc. Software downloads and instructional content – Microsoft DreamSpark, Apple iTunes U Research computing and collaboration – NIH, NSF, grid computing projects etc. Services and applications for higher education – wikis, repositories, Fedora, Blackboard, Moodle etc.

22 Identity Providers Scenario Service Provider (SP) Service Provider (SP) IdP

23 Service Providers Scenario Service Provider (SP) Service Provider (SP) Service Provider (SP) Service Provider (SP) Service Provider (SP) Service Provider (SP) Service Provider (SP) Service Provider (SP) IdP Service Provider (SP) Service Provider (SP) Service Provider (SP) Service Provider (SP) Service Provider (SP) Service Provider (SP) Service Provider (SP) Service Provider (SP) Service Provider (SP) Service Provider (SP) Service Provider (SP) Service Provider (SP)

24 Peer-to-Peer Service Providers Scenario IdP Service Provider (SP) Service Provider (SP) IdP Service Provider (SP) Service Provider (SP) Service Provider (SP) Service Provider (SP) Service Provider (SP) Service Provider (SP)

25 Lessons learned so far 1.The best solution is not necessarily the quickest or easiest 2.Addressing legal, technical, policy and user support issues across institutional boundaries is a big challenge 3.Establishing standards is important 4.Someone has to take ownership 5.Patience is a virtue

26 Questions?

27 Discussion Questions Is your consortium working with Shibboleth? Is your consortium planning a federated identity project? Briefly describe your project. What challenges have you faced? What lessons have you learned? What are the most important benefits of Shibboleth for you? What response have you had from your user community?

28 More Discussion Questions How did you manage the policy issues? How did you address the legal/procurement issues associated with federated identity? How did you bridge the cultural gap between the library, legal/procurement and IT communities? What kind of technical challenges have you faced? How do you handle technical support? How do you handle user support?

29 Shibboleth Project Examples of interest to ICOLC Members CARL shared repository VIVA video streaming – InCommon InC-Library – Current InCommon Participants – Shibboleth Enabled Applications and Services –

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