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Human Resources Committee Presentation Kigali, Rwanda 28 th May 2015 1.

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1 Human Resources Committee Presentation Kigali, Rwanda 28 th May 2015 1

2 Introduction The Human Resources Committee (HRC) is one of the three standing Committee established by the EACO Constitution under art.13. During its first two-year cycle the Human Resources Committee implemented its constitutional mandate and this report presents the performance of the Committee for the period 2013/14 and 2014/15. 2

3 Review of the HR Committee Terms of Reference (ToR) Following the formation of Human Resources Committee (HRC), the HRC reviewed the Terms of Reference of the former Human Resource Development & Training Committee to guide it in its first cycle of operation. The reviewed ToR`s were as follows: - 1) To assess the skills gaps and human resource development needs of the EACO members and the communications sector in general. 3

4 2) To develop/review and interpret the EACO Human Resource Manual and Financial Rules and Regulations. 3) To develop and harmonize the human resource development framework in the region in collaboration with the Academia and other training institutions. 4) To promote adoption of ICT tools for HR functions in the Region. 5) To organize and recommend capacity building programmes for EACO members and the Secretariat. 4

5 Action Plan and Development of the Annual Work Plan for the First Cycle (2 years) The reviewed Terms of Reference and the items agreed for implementation at the 20th EACO Congress were used to develop the action plan for the HR Committee for its first cycle of operation. 5

6 Training Plan for EACO Members The HRC was tasked with the responsibility of determining the training needs of the sector and adopted the Training Plan with eight programmes in a period of two years. HR Committee worked closely with AFRALTI in designing appropriate content for the planned courses. 6

7 Training programmes conducted in the period S/nCourse TitlePeriodStatus 1 Long Term Evolution- Technology & Business Drivers 2014 The course was conducted on 24 th to 28 th March 2014 in Kigali, Rwanda with 32 participants. 2 Training on Digital Migration 2014The course was conducted on 7 th to 9 th July 2014 in Bujumbura, Burundi with 28 participants. 7

8 Training programmes conducted in the period (Cont.) 3 Training on Satellite Communications 2014 The course was conducted on 10 th to 11 th July 2014 in Bujumbura, Burundi with 31 participants. ITSO paid all the costs of facilitators, logistics and conferencing. 4 Fiber optic certification2014 The course was conducted on 13th to 17th October 2014 in Bujumbura, Burundi with 15 Participants. 5Quality of Service, Monitoring and Compliance 2015The course was conducted on 4 th to 8 th May 2015 in Kigali, Rwanda with 18 participants. 8

9 Review of the HR Manual and Financial Rules & Regulations Review of the HR Manual The HRC reviewed the HR Manual to accommodate various changes and developments at the Secretariat. The reviewed Manual was adopted during the EXCOM meeting of 9 th December 2013. 9

10 Financial Rules & Regulations A consultant has been engaged to review the EACO Secretariat’s Financial Rules & Regulations and to draft its accounting policy following EXCOM’s advice. 10

11 Accommodation of EACO Offices in the planned new RURA Building The HRC submitted the organization structure and corresponding office and facilities requirements as advised by the Executive Secretary (ES/EACO). 11

12 The EACO Strategic Plan Format EXCOM directed the Committee to develop a Strategic Plan format that would include specific activities under each program, each activity to have associated cost and measurable performance indicators. It also directed that the proposed format be aligned to strategic objectives. The HRC developed the format which was later on approved by EXCOM. 12

13 Performance Appraisal System The HR manual requires staff of the Secretariat to be annually appraised to measure their performance against set targets. The HRC was tasked to develop the Performance Appraisal System that would be in alignment with the EACO Strategic Plan. The Committee developed the system and submitted for consideration by the EXCOM. The EXCOM approved the Performance Appraisal system at its meeting held on 16 th January 2015. 13

14 Surveys on Gender Mainstreaming and Adoption of ICT Tools for HR Functions In realizing the importance of gender issues and the use of ICT Tools for HR Functions in the Region, the Committee developed questionnaires and ToR`s with the purpose of undertaking surveys on these two items. Requests for quotations (RFQ) for the two consultancies is currently on. 14

15 Preparation for the Forum For The Academia and the ICT Industry The HRC noted that there exist skill gaps between academia and the Communications industry and decided that a survey would be undertaken to determine the actual gaps. In addition, the HRC recommends the introduction of forums between players in the Communications industry and academia to be held back to back with EACO Assemblies starting from 2016 and that the outcomes of these forums be implemented upon the conclusion of each annual assembly. 15

16 HR forum for sharing Best Practices The HRC noted that regional HR professionals did not have a Forum for sharing best practices. The Committee recommends that at least one such Forum be held annually in addition to the scheduled HRC meetings. 16

17 Thank you! 17

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