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Investigating ways to increase the efficient use of Electrical Energy in the Manufacturing Industry MALTA.

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Presentation on theme: "Investigating ways to increase the efficient use of Electrical Energy in the Manufacturing Industry MALTA."— Presentation transcript:

1 Investigating ways to increase the efficient use of Electrical Energy in the Manufacturing Industry MALTA

2 Department of Industrial Electrical Power Conversion Faculty of Engineering – University of Malta Energy Efficient Electric Motor Systems Key Experts: Prof. Ing. C. Spiteri- Staines Co-Supervisors: Dr. Cedric Caruana Researcher: Mr. Peter Spiteri Industrial Partners : Playmobil Toly Products Andrews Feeds

3 Department of Industrial Electrical Power Conversion, University of Malta Introduction It is estimated that motor driven systems account for around 65% of the electricity consumed by the European industry. 1.5% improvement in the motors’ efficiency implies a reduction of around1% energy consumption in the European industry. The more efficient use of energy in the manufacturing industry has become a key factor for the industrial organisations to maintain a competitive edge.

4 Department of Industrial Electrical Power Conversion, University of Malta Aims of Project The objective is to facilitate the adoption of energy saving measures on electric motors by the Maltese industry. Carry out an extensive Data gathering exercise on Energy Usage and Patterns of Electrical Motor Systems in various local industries Develop a user-friendly software tool to help organisations take intelligent decisions on the options available for reducing electric motors’ energy consumption. Other benefits derived from project: –Knowledge on : electrical motors used in selected manufacturing industries energy savings mechanisms for manufacturing industry –Additional benefits: possibility for reduced heat dissipation and lower maintenance costs.

5 Department of Industrial Electrical Power Conversion, University of Malta Increasing Efficiency in Motor Systems

6 Department of Industrial Electrical Power Conversion, University of Malta Results 6 Experimental Tests were carried out : In a laboratory set-up and On-site in selected industries Studies were carried out to quantify the energy savings that can be achieved by a Motor Energy Controller (MEC) or a High Efficient Motor (HEM). Lab rig tests: Profile of an Elevator load Two different Injection Mould Machine profiles On-site Case Studies: Andrews Feeds (Malta) Ltd Motor Energy Controller High Efficient Motor Toly Products (Malta) Ltd Motor Energy Controller FS Eng. & Plastics Ltd (Malta) Motor Energy Controller

7 Department of Industrial Electrical Power Conversion, University of Malta Laboratory Test Rig schematic

8 Department of Industrial Electrical Power Conversion, University of Malta Laboratory Test Rig

9 Department of Industrial Electrical Power Conversion, University of Malta Lab test rig results Motor (5.5kW) at no load 471W 305W Motor Energy Controller switched ON 35% Energy Savings

10 Department of Industrial Electrical Power Conversion, University of Malta Lab test rig results Comparison of efficiency with the MEC ‘on’ and ‘off’ for different operating points Low Load High Savings High Load Low Savings

11 Department of Industrial Electrical Power Conversion, University of Malta Elevator Profile (Lab Results) 5.3% overall energy savings 9.7% 1%

12 Department of Industrial Electrical Power Conversion, University of Malta Injection Mould Machine (Lab Results) Profile 1 12

13 Department of Industrial Electrical Power Conversion, University of Malta MEC OFF MEC ON 3.3% energy savings Injection Mould Machine (Lab Results) Profile 2

14 Department of Industrial Electrical Power Conversion, University of Malta Case Study 1 Motor Energy Controller (MEC) installed on elevator motor at Andrews Feeds Ltd More than 20% energy savings were achieved at low load

15 Department of Industrial Electrical Power Conversion, University of Malta Case Study 2 Motor Energy Controller (MEC) was installed on an Injection Mould Machine at Toly Products (Malta) Ltd Motor rating = 22kW Average power with the MEC OFF = 7.12kW Average power with the MEC ON = 6.89kW Energy savings = 3.2% Motor Energy Controller (MEC) installed IMM motor at Toly Products Ltd

16 Department of Industrial Electrical Power Conversion, University of Malta Case Study 3 Motor Energy Controller (MEC) installed on IMM at FS Engineering & Plastics Ltd 2.2% energy savings

17 Department of Industrial Electrical Power Conversion, University of Malta Case Study 4 High Efficient Motor (HEM) replaced ‘older’ elevator motor at Andrews Feeds Ltd. More than 35% energy savings at low load Around 25% overall energy savings

18 Department of Industrial Electrical Power Conversion, University of Malta Motor Energy Saving Tool (MEST) Screenshot of software tool developed to guide technical persons in industry to take right decisions in order to increase the efficiency in motor applications

19 Department of Industrial Electrical Power Conversion Faculty of Engineering – University of Malta Increasing Energy Efficiency during Testing of Equipment by novel Grid‐connected Load Units Key Experts: Dr. Maurice Apap Co-Supervisors: Prof. C. Spiteri Staines & Prof. J. Cilia Researchers: Mr. Francarl Galea Industrial Partners : Abertax Delta (Malta)

20 Department of Industrial Electrical Power Conversion, University of Malta Introduction Manufacturing Cycle Testing of each product must take place before reaching the market and the customer. Testing of certain products leads to high energy consumption. power supply full load burn-in test usually last for a minimum of 24 hours. (can exceed 400,000kWhr yearly.) batteries testing is carried out by cycling.

21 Department of Industrial Electrical Power Conversion, University of Malta Aims This project is targeted at increasing the efficiency during testing of manufactured electrical equipment: namely, DC Power Supplies and Battery Banks. Currently Electrical Energy consumed during testing is ‘wasted’ (as heat) in Active Loads. The aim of this project is to REDIRECT the Electrical Energy used during testing back to the Electrical Supply. 70% energy saving is predicted.

22 Department of Industrial Electrical Power Conversion, University of Malta Case Study Testing of a 70V 800W Power Supply with the Regenerative Load The energy savings obtained in this test were 83% (excluding losses in the Power Supply).

23 Department of Industrial Electrical Power Conversion, University of Malta Case Study List of savings obtained when testing various models of Power Supplies Device under test Power consumed in resistive load Power consumed with Regenerative Load Percentage Decrease in Energy consumption (excluding losses from the Device under Test) 200V800W123W84.6% 70V800W135W83.1% 35V800W212W73.5% 30V300W65.4W78.2% 30V150W43W71.5% 30V1500W418W72.1% 70V2000W350W83.5% 200V2000W255W87.5% 300V2000W272W86.4% 400V2000W261W87% 600V2000W275W86.3%

24 Department of Industrial Electrical Power Conversion, University of Malta Thank you for your attention - next talk shall consider in detail one case study concerned with regenerative load testing MALTA

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