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Nepal Export Idea: Potash Fertilizer

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1 Nepal Export Idea: Potash Fertilizer
Scott Jefferson University of Guelph

2 Nepal ▪Small country between China and India ▪Agriculture is a large part of the economy, employing 76% of workforce

3 Agriculture in Nepal

4 Terai Region (Plains)

5 Hilly Region

6 Mountain Region

7 ▪Potash must be mined, as it is found 1km underground ▪The potash industry employs 5 041 Canadians

8 ▪Potash is abundant in Saskatchewan, with many mines in the province
▪ 46% of the world’s potash reserve is in Canada

9 ▪Headquarters in Saskatoon ▪6 locations in Canada, 5 in Saskatchewan, 1 in New Brunswick ▪Employs people in Canada, people worldwide

10 Benefits to Nepal Farmers of Nepal have been cropping their land and stripping the land of the essential nutrients needed for the plants to grow Potash contains the essential nutrient potassium, and adding nutrients back to the soil will give farmers higher yields

11 + Water Retention

12 Application

13 Cost A metric tonne of potash will cost approximately $300.00 US
Other costs include the cost of shipping

14 Transportation Potash would be put on a train to Vancouver, where it will be put on a boat to India From India it must be trucked to Nepal All shipping in Canada is done by Canpotex Limited


16 Thank You for Watching. Scott Jefferson University of Guelph in partnership with IDRC, CIFSRF, and DFAIT. For further information: A detailed written evaluation of this export idea is posted on this website Faculty Sponsor: Prof. Manish Raizada Total Presentation Time: 4 minutes 40 seconds

17 References Adhikary, B., & Karki, K. (2006). Effect of Potassium on Potato Tuber Production in Acid Soils of Malepatan, Pokhara. Nepal Agriculture Research Journal, Vol.7( X), Retrieved October 7, 2014, from al Rawashdeh, R., & Maxwell, P. (2014). Analysing the world potash industry. Resources Policy, 41, doi: /j.resourpol Canada's Potash Industry. (2012, August 9). Retrieved October 7, 2014, from Locations. (2013, March 22). PotashCorp. Retrieved October 7, 2014, from Profile, Vision & Goals. (2014, February 28). PotashCorp.. Retrieved October 7, 2014, from

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