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Urban Stakeholder Committee Julie Saare-Edmonds May 27, 2015 DWR, Urban Water Use Efficiency Unit.

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Presentation on theme: "Urban Stakeholder Committee Julie Saare-Edmonds May 27, 2015 DWR, Urban Water Use Efficiency Unit."— Presentation transcript:

1 Urban Stakeholder Committee Julie Saare-Edmonds May 27, 2015 DWR, Urban Water Use Efficiency Unit

2 The Department shall update the State Model Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance through expedited regulation. This updated Ordinance shall increase water efficiency standards for new and existing landscapes through more efficient irrigation systems, greywater usage, onsite storm water capture, and by limiting the portion of landscapes that can be covered in turf…

3 …It will also require reporting on the implementation and enforcement of local ordinances, with required reports due by December 31, 2015. The Department shall provide information on local compliance to the Water Board, which shall consider adopting regulations or taking appropriate enforcement actions to promote compliance. The Department shall provide technical assistance and give priority in grant funding to public agencies for actions necessary to comply with local ordinances.

4 Receive input from stakeholdersthrough May Draft model ordinancemid-June Public draft releaseJune 12 Public meetings -southern CaliforniaJune 16 -northern California June 19 Adopt model ordinancemid-July

5 IA/ASIC CLCA ASLA APLD BIA CUWCC Landscape Committee City, County, Water Suppliers


7 Lack of enforcement Inconsistent enforcement Unqualified staff at local agencies High turnover Should be inspected by building officials Third party irrigation audits


9 Limit application rate, know infiltration rate Run times (drip) and multiple runtimes, Sensors Master valves Pressure regulation Flow Sensors Hydrometers Lower ETAF More emphasis on soils


11 Don’t require use of graywater Research with Art Ludwig and Brad Lancaster sources Appropriate products (soaps and detergents) Concern over salts and pH Encourage double plumbing of new buildings Reinforce plumbing code requirements on local agencies


13 Dry stream beds Drywells Living soils, compost and mulch Sometimes esthetically unappealing Costs Favor bio-retention Bioswales Don’t require raingardens


15 Warm season only Backyards, sports fields only Avoid invasive plants in shrubs beds Some supply issues for short term, contract growing for long term Turf growers are hard hit by drought

16 Hearing Friday 5/29 1:00PM- 400 R Street Emergency Update of Cal Green Outdoor Water Use Standards BSC HCD DSA OSHPD

17 Email: Contacts: Peter Brostrom Vicki Lake Julie Saare-Edmonds

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