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National Electrical Power Company تم رفعه بواسطة صفحة : الهندسه الكهربيه ”علم وفن“ أدمن : م/علاء محمد حمادى INSTRUMENT TRANSFORMERS ETC NEPCO
National Electrical Power Company INSTRUMENT TRANSFORMERS An instrument transformer is a device used to reduce the current or voltage values into values can be handled by other equipments. Is a device to transform the power system current and voltage to lower magnitudes, and provide an isolation between the power network and the relay and other instruments connected to the transformer secondary winding ETC NEPCO
Instrument Transformers Why is it Needed?
National Electrical Power Company Instrument Transformers Why is it Needed? - Reduce the voltage or current into values that other equipment can handle it. -Isolate the equipments from the power network(i.e. we need more insulation) -To provide possibilities of a standardization of instruments and relays to a few rated currents and voltages. ETC NEPCO
Classification of Instrument Transformers
National Electrical Power Company Classification of Instrument Transformers -OIL IMMERSED -CAST RESIN -Epoxy ETC NEPCO
Types Of Instrument Transformers
National Electrical Power Company Types Of Instrument Transformers 1-Current transformers 2-Voltage transformers ETC NEPCO
National Electrical Power Company
CURRENT TRANSFORMER IEC 60044 National Electrical Power Company
A current transformer is used to transform a primary current quantity in terms of its magnitude and phase to a secondary value such that in normal conditions the secondary value is substantially proportional to the primary value. IEC 60044 ETC NEPCO
Construction of Current Transformer
National Electrical Power Company Construction of Current Transformer A current transformer is a transformer has its primary primary winding is connected in series with the power circuit with thick windings and few turns , usually one turn. and the secondary with thin windings with many turns. Equation of current transformer: Ip/Is = Ns/Np ETC NEPCO
CT Equivalent Circuit National Electrical Power Company ETC NEPCO
Referred to secondary ETC NEPCO
Types Of Current Transformers
National Electrical Power Company Types Of Current Transformers Wound primary type The wound type has a separate primary and secondary winding mounted on a laminated iron core. It is used for auxiliary current transformers and for many low or moderate ratio current transformers used in switchgear of up to 11kV Rating. ETC NEPCO
And is connected to instruments or control devices
National Electrical Power Company The wound primary is used for the smaller currents, but it can only be applied on low fault level installations due to thermal limitations as well as structural requirements due to high magnetic forces. This type of current transformer is designed so that the primary winding consists of one or more turns of heavy wire connected in series in the circuit The secondary winding consists of a larger number of turns of relatively smaller wires. And is connected to instruments or control devices ETC NEPCO
Bushing type: National Electrical Power Company
would be mounted in a transformer or circuit breaker For currents greater than 100 A, This consists of a cylindrical ring core built up of thin iron laminations. Around the core is wound copper wire which forms the secondary winding. The primary winding is formed by the bushing conductor ETC NEPCO
Window current transformer
National Electrical Power Company Window current transformer If we enclose the current transformer in the bushing type In a molded case, we obtain another type of current transformer called the window type Through the core and secondary winding, there is an insulated hole through which the user can place his own conductor. ETC NEPCO
Current Transformer Rating
National Electrical Power Company Current Transformer Rating The current transformer is designed to give the secondary a current that is proportional to the primary current The rating of a CT has its own standards. the rating is 5 A , 2 A and 1 A IEC ETC NEPCO
Examples: CTR = 200/5 = 40 CTR = 1200/5 = 240 CTR = 400/1 = 400
National Electrical Power Company Examples: CTR = 200/5 = 40 CTR = 1200/5 = 240 CTR = 400/1 = 400 ETC NEPCO
CT Characteristics National Electrical Power Company
CT errors results from the excitation current, so in order to check the ct function its essential to measure the excitation curve, The magnetizing current of a CT depends on the cross section and the length of the magnetic circuit, the number of turns and the magnetic circuit material This curve is the best method of determining a CT’s performance. It is a graph of the amount of magnetizing current required to generate an open-circuit voltage at the terminals of the unit. ETC NEPCO
Current Transformer Knee-point
National Electrical Power Company Current Transformer Knee-point ETC NEPCO
CT response in saturated state
National Electrical Power Company CT response in saturated state If the load and the magnitude of the primary current are large enough to saturate the CT, neither the flux nor the induced voltage are sinusoidal. The excitation current can take large magnitudes and the resulting error will be large. The secondary current is no longer proportional to the primary current. The current error which corresponds to the magnetization current increases significantly ETC NEPCO
CT Secondary National Electrical Power Company
Current transformers generally work at a low flux density. Core is then made of very good metal to give small magnetizing current the e.m.f, induced in the secondary winding is that required to drive the secondary current through the total impedance of the secondary circuit, And that the core flux inducing this e.m.f, on open-circuit, secondary impedance now becomes infinite and the core saturates. This induces a very high voltage in the primary up to approximately system volts and the corresponding volts in the secondary will depend on the number of turns, multiplying up by the ratio (i.e. volts/turn × no. of turns). ETC NEPCO
Or we can say. National Electrical Power Company
With CT’s the increase of CT secondary burden will also increase the secondary voltage. This is maintain the correct magnitude of secondary current. As the burden decreased will result in decreasing the secondary voltage as well. This voltage increase will increase the secondary burden, supposing that we have infinite secondary burden, theoretically the secondary voltage is infinite, but for practical reasons, the voltage will be very high. In terms of hundreds of kilovolts. This voltage will cause to break down the insulation between secondary and primary voltage, or between the secondary coils, so the secondary of CT should never be opened. ETC NEPCO
THEY CAN KILL YOU! National Electrical Power Company
Since CT normally has much more turns in secondary compared to the primary, the voltage generated on the open-circuited CT will be much more than the system volts, leading to flashovers. this peak value may be as low as a few hundred volts in a small measuring c.t. with a 5A secondary winding, but it might reach many kilovolts in the case of, say a 2000/1A protective c.t. with a large core section. open circuit voltage at CT is almost: V=(3.5*Zb*Ip/Ns)^.5 THEY CAN KILL YOU! ETC NEPCO
Current Transformer Connection
National Electrical Power Company Current Transformer Connection WYE CONNECTION: ETC NEPCO
National Electrical Power Company
Current Transformer Grounding
National Electrical Power Company Current Transformer Grounding The grounding of CTs is important to both safety and the correct operation of protective relays. To assure safe and reliable operation, the neutral of the CT secondary should have a single ground location for each circuit. ETC NEPCO
National Electrical Power Company
The grounding of CTs is important to both safety and the correct operation of protective relays. To assure safe and reliable operation, the neutral of the CT secondary should have a single ground location for each circuit. The recommended method of grounding is to install a single ground point at the first point of application (switchboard or relay panel) of the CT secondary circuit. The grounding is done only at one point. Multi point may introduce some problems…….? ETC NEPCO
National Electrical Power Company
National Electrical Power Company
the grounding is done at the instrument transformer location at the site or at the first panel application. Grounding the ct’s at the site location may cause a problems: Another grounding may be done at the panel without knowing that there is a grounding at the location The grounding is done mainly at the common point, *NEPCO grounding standard : The CTs are grounded at the place where the metering or relaying *other standard. GE, ABB ….. ETC ETC NEPCO
The unused CT secondaries:
The unused secondary of the current transformers as there may be multi secondaries , and no all the secondaries are used, these un used secondaries must be grounding. The grounding practice as we mentioned later at the instrument transformers location or at the first point of application.
In case of multi ratio secondaries:
One of these connection are applicable Sometimes shorting terminals are available at the transformer secondaies.
National Electrical Power Company
CT Standards There are primarily two standards that are used to specify the performance of CTs for protection applications. ANSI and the IEC ETC NEPCO
A Ct can be separated into 2 distinct groups
National Electrical Power Company A Ct can be separated into 2 distinct groups 1-Metering Type 2-Protection Type ETC NEPCO
National Electric Power Company
Current Transformers Specifications: Rated primary currents: – 75 and their multiple factors Accuracy power: this also called the “BURDEN” and it’s the maximum load can be connected to the CT secondary for the rated secondary current. Standard values: ( ) VA. Accuracy class: this defines the guaranteed transformation ratio and phase displacement error limits under specific power and current conditions. ETC NEPCO
National Electric Power Company
Metering current transformers according to the IEC the metering Ct must have the accuracy for the rated current. The standardized IEC accuracy classes are: Classes 0.5 and 1 are used in the majority of cases. Class 0.2 is only used for precision metering. Classes are never used in medium voltage. Metering symbols : B, Fs or sometimes there is no symbol ETC NEPCO
National Electric Power Company
Metering CTs In general, the following applies CLASS: • 0.1 or 0.2 for precision measurements • 0.5 for high grade kilowatt hour meters for commercial grade kilowatt hour meters • 3 for general industrial measurements • 3 or 5 for approximate measurements ETC NEPCO
National Electric Power Company
Accuracy limit factor: ALF represents the value of the primary current at which the accuracy class still presents. ETC NEPCO
National Electric Power Company
EXAMPLE: 500/1 A 15 VA cl 0.5 ETC NEPCO
Burden National Electric Power Company
Is the amount of the impedance connected to the ct secondary and rated in ohms or VA. The burden can be expressed in two ways. The burden can be expressed as the total impedance in ohms of the circuit or the total volt-amperes and power factor at a specified value of current or voltage and frequency. Ex: the burden of a CT is 25 VA, with 5A secondary. So the burden in ohms : 25= VI = I*R *I = I²R 25=5*5*R R= burden in ohms = 1 Ohm ETC NEPCO
BURDEN (depending on pilot lead length)
National Electric Power Company BURDEN (depending on pilot lead length) • Moving iron ammeter 1-2VA • Moving coil rectifier ammeter 1-2.5VA • Electrodynamics instrument 2.5-5VA • Maximum demand ammeter 3-6VA • Recording ammeter or transducer 1-2.5VA ETC NEPCO
National Electric Power Company
CT’s for Protection: Protection symbols V,H,L T and P 1.IEC Accuracy is defined by the accuracy class. The IEC accuracy classes are 5P and 10P The IEC ALF values are: ETC NEPCO
National Electrical Power Company
Example: 100/1 A 15 VA 5P10 ETC NEPCO
Protection CT’s In general the following applies:
National Electric Power Company Protection CT’s In general the following applies: • Instantaneous over current relays & trip coils - 2.5VA Class 10P5 • Thermal inverse time relays - 7.5VA Class 10P10 • Low consumption Relay - 2.5VA Class 10P10 • Inverse definite min. time relays (IDMT) over current - 15VA Class 10P10/15 • IDMT Earth fault relays with approximate time grading - 15VA Class 10P10 • IDMT Earth fault relays with phase fault stability or accurate time grading required - 15VA Class 5P10 ETC NEPCO
National Electric Power Company
BS 3938 (class X) BS 3938 specifically defines current transformers designed for protection under the heading class X. This defines the rated knee-point voltage VK . . This voltage, when applied to the terminals of the secondary increased by 10%, causes a maximum increase in magnetizing current of 50%. ETC NEPCO
National Electric Power Company
Class PX: National Electric Power Company
Class X CTs are special CTs used mainly in balanced protection systems (including restricted earth fault) where the system is sensitively dependent on CT accuracy. Further to the general CT specifications, the manufacturer needs to know: • Vkp - Voltage knee point • Io - Maximum magnetizing current at Vkp • Rs - Maximum resistance of the secondary winding ETC NEPCO
National Electric Power Company
The "X" indicates that they do not belong to any standardized class. They are customized transformers therefore it is necessary to specify the individual characteristics of the current transformers such as the turns ratio, rated primary and secondary current, Voltage knee point, the maximum magnetizing current at the knee point and the Maximum resistance of the secondary winding. Class X CTs are generally used where high knee points are require to prevent operation at higher currents without saturation. Class X CTs are further divided into Class A and Class B CTs. Class A CTs are more expensive and are designed to operate even at maximum fault current without saturating. Class B CTs cost less and are used in high-impedance applications. They tend to saturate during transient conditions. ETC NEPCO
ERRORS IN CT National Electric Power Company 1-Ratio error
1-Ratio error represent the difference between the rated ratio and the measured ratio %E=(actual turns ratio-rated turns ratio)/rated turns ratio *100% 2-Phase error: represents the phase difference between the primary and the secondary currents (delta=θ (Ip)-θ (Is ETC NEPCO
CT Terminal Marking National Electrical Power Company Primary P1 P2
Primary P1 P2 Secondary: *single core secondary S1 S2 *single core multi ratio secondary S1-S2,S3 *multi core secondary S1, 1S1-2S2,2S ETC NEPCO
National Electrical Power Company
According to IEC ETC NEPCO
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National Electrical Power Company
National Electrical Power Company
For 132 KV Line Circuit - 800/400/1 A for distance protection and fault location equipments - 800/400/1 A for directional overcurrent, earth fault, sensitive earth fault protection and fault recorder - 800/400/1A for Busbar zone protection ETC NEPCO
For 132 KV Transformer Circuit HV Side
National Electrical Power Company For 132 KV Transformer Circuit HV Side - 100/1A for restricted earth fault protection - 100/1A overcurrrent protection /600/1A for busbar zone protection - 100/1A transformer differential protection ETC NEPCO
National Electrical Power Company
For 33KV Feeder Circuit - 400/200/1A for over current , earth fault and sensitive earth fault protection - 400/200/1 for metering ETC NEPCO
For 132KV Transformer Circuit MV Side
National Electrical Power Company For 132KV Transformer Circuit MV Side - 800/400/1A for directional overcurrent and earth fault protection - 800/400/1A for transformer differential protection and restricted earth fault protection - 400/200/1A for metering ETC NEPCO
National Electric Power Company
Current Transformer Nameplate
National Electrical Power Company Current Transformer Nameplate ETC NEPCO
National Electrical Power Company
Current Transformer Tests
National Electrical Power Company Current Transformer Tests 1-polarity test: Each transformer should be tested in order to verify the polarity of the current transformer, we perform this test to check the polarity of a CT. such that we connect a dc battery to the primary "almost 12 Vdc". and we connect an ammeter to the secondary winding. a low voltage battery is used to energize the primary winding, on closing the push button the dc ammeter should give a positive flick, and at open a negative flick, . ETC NEPCO
National Electrical Power Company
According to BS 3938 states that at the instant when current is flowing from P1 to P2 in primary, then current, in secondary must flow from S1 to S2 through the external circuit Connect battery –ve terminal to the current transformer P2 primary terminal. This arrangement will cause current to flow from P1 to P2 when +ve terminal is connected to P1 until the primary is saturated. If the polarities are correct, a momentary current will flow from S1 to S2. ETC NEPCO
Connection Diagram Of Polarity Test
National Electrical Power Company Connection Diagram Of Polarity Test ETC NEPCO
2-magnetizing current curve.
National Electrical Power Company 2-magnetizing current curve. Several points should be tested on each current transformer magnetization curve. this can be done energizing the secondary winding from local main supply through a variable autotransformer, while the primary circuit remains open. The magnetizing current is measured on the ammeter, an the secondary voltage on the voltmeter. the applied voltage should be raised slowly till the magnetizing current is seen to rise very rapidly for a small increase of voltage. this indicates the approximate knee-point or saturation flux level of the current transformer. ETC NEPCO
Connection Diagram Of Magnetizing Curve Test
National Electrical Power Company Connection Diagram Of Magnetizing Curve Test ETC NEPCO
4-Secondary resistance test 5-continuity Test:
National Electrical Power Company 3-Insulation Test In this test we will measure the insulation resistance between the primary winding and ground And between secondary winding and ground Between secondary and primary P1 with E P2 with E S1 and E S2 and E P1 and S P2 and S P2 and S P2 and S2 4-Secondary resistance test 5-continuity Test: Determine if there is no broken conductor within the transformer winding, we will use an ohm meter and connection cord, test resistance between primary windings terminals, test resistance between secondary winding terminals. ETC NEPCO
National Electrical Power Company
6-Ratio Test: Determine the transformation ratio, we will use a primary injection set, amps meters, connection cords. we inject a current into the primary then we record the secondary and find the ratio. ETC NEPCO
National Electric Power Company
7-dc Winding resistance Test: The CT resistance must be checked during the routine maintenance. A dc voltage is applied then a voltmeter measure the voltage , then the current is measured . The resistance is then R= V/I But this resistance must be compared with the manufacturer data The temperature conversion must be done to the 75 degrees….. ? ETC NEPCO
The following factors affect CT prices:
National Electrical Power Company The following factors affect CT prices: 1.Specifying a higher VA or CLASS than necessary usually results in a higher cost 2.The cost generally increases as the CT's internal diameter increases 13.A CT’s are usually more expensive than 5A ETC NEPCO
National Electrical Power Company
National Electric Power Company
National Electrical Power Company
VOLTAGE TRANSFORMER I s a device used to decrease the network voltage into values can be handled by other equipments. Equation of VT: Vp/Vs=Np/Ns ETC NEPCO
Secondary Of Voltage Transformer
National Electrical Power Company Secondary Of Voltage Transformer Rated secondary voltage 100, 100/sqrt3, /sqrt3 volts depending on the type of connection IEC ETC NEPCO
Voltage Transformer Errors
National Electrical Power Company Voltage Transformer Errors Primary source of errors is overloading the transformer. Ratio error: Represents the difference between the primary voltage multiplied by the transformation ratio and the secondary voltage. E%=(actual ratio-rated ratio)/rated ratio *100% Phase Error: Represents the phase difference between the primary side and the secondary side. Delta= θ(Vp)-θ(Vs) ETC NEPCO
National Electrical Power Company
VT Connection Voltage transformers are commonly used in three-phase groups, generally in star–star configuration WYE connection ETC NEPCO
OPEN DELTA Connection National Electrical Power Company ETC NEPCO
It is common to detect earth faults in a three-phase system using the displacement that occurs in the neutral voltage windings connected in a broken delta. The residual voltage (neutral displacement voltage, polarizing voltage) for earth fault relays can be obtained from a three-phase set of VTs, which have their primary winding connected phase to earth and one of the secondary ETC NEPCO
Secondary earthing of voltage transformers
National Electrical Power Company Secondary earthing of voltage transformers To prevent secondary circuits from reaching dangerous potential, the circuits should be earthed. Earthing should be made at only one point of a VT secondary circuit ETC NEPCO
VT Accuracy Class Voltage Transformer Accuracy:
National Electrical Power Company VT Accuracy Class Voltage Transformer Accuracy: Accuracy Grade : represents the ratio and phase error in the transformer. Voltage Factor: represents the transformer withstand voltage for 30 sec or for some VT's continuous. maximum primary voltage can the VT withstand depends on earthling system and VT primary connection. IEC specifies the voltage factors: 1.9 for systems not being solidly earthed. 1.5 for solidly earthed systems. ETC NEPCO
National Electric Power Company
Accuracy power: or the burden is the rated load that the VT can supply at the rated voltage The standardized values are: VA. ETC NEPCO
National Electric Power Company
Voltage transformers used for measuring The standardized IEC accuracy classes are: – Classes 0.1 and 0.2 are only used for laboratory devices. – Classes 0.5 and 1 are used in the majority of cases. – Class 3 is used very little. ETC NEPCO
National Electric Power Company
Example: ETC NEPCO
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Voltage transformer for protection: The IEC accuracy classes are 3P and 6P. In practice, only class 3P is used ETC NEPCO
Types Of Voltage Transformers
National Electrical Power Company Types Of Voltage Transformers shell type dry type oil type ETC NEPCO
National Electrical Power Company
Note: VT must never be short-circuited on the secondary, because the power supplied increases and the transformer can be damaged by the resulting heat rise ETC NEPCO
Voltage drop in voltage transformers
National Electrical Power Company Voltage drop in voltage transformers The voltage drop in the secondary circuit is of importance. The voltage drop in the secondary fuses and long connection wires can change the accuracy of the measurement. The voltage drop in the leads from the VT to the associated equipment must be considered as this, in practice, can be alarming mainly in case of measuring circuits. This is the one that separates the metering circuits (with low burden) from protective circuits (with higher burdens) ETC NEPCO
Voltage Transformer Nameplate
National Electrical Power Company Voltage Transformer Nameplate ETC NEPCO
National Electric Power Company
Voltage Transformer Testing
National Electrical Power Company Voltage Transformer Testing Polarity Test Insulation Resistance Test Ratio Test continuity Test High voltage test ETC NEPCO
Capacitor Voltage Transformer
National Electrical Power Company Capacitor Voltage Transformer In general, the size of an inductive VT is proportional to its nominal voltage and, for this reason, the cost increases in a similar manner to that of a high voltage transformer. One alternative, and a more economic solution, is to use a capacitor voltage transformer . A capacitor voltage transformer (CVT) is a transformer used in power systems to step-down extra- high voltage signals and provide low voltage signals either for measurement or to operate a protective relay. In its most basic form the device consists of three parts: two capacitors across which the voltage signal is split, an inductive element used to tune the device to the supply frequency and a transformer used to isolate and further step-down the voltage for the instrumentation or protective relay. ETC NEPCO
CVT Equivalent Circuit
National Electrical Power Company CVT Equivalent Circuit ETC NEPCO
National Electrical Power Company
This device is effectively a capacitance voltage divider, and is similar to a resistive divider in that the output voltage at the point of connection is affected by the load in fact the two parts of the divider taken together can be considered as the source impedance which produces a drop in voltage when the load is connected ETC NEPCO
National Electrical Power Company
National Electrical Power Company VT’S Used In NEPCO VT’S Used In EDCO ETC NEPCO
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National Electrical Power Company
Appendix ETC NEPCO
References supporting these papers:
National Electrical Power Company References supporting these papers: 1.SEL protection Instrument Transformers part 7 2.ETC Instrument transformers 3.IEC , 4. Current Transformer Grounding, by Jim wen Powell Electrical ,Manufacturing Co 5. C&C Ltd Catalogue & Price List May 2006NOTES ON CURRENT TRANSFORMERS 6. Current transformers for HV protection by Michel Orlhac 7.Shnider protection guide 8. Current transformer the basics, NK Technologies 9. Protection of Electrical Networks, Christophe Prévé ETC NEPCO
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