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WP 8 Life cycle assessment of cost, sustainability, safety and aesthetics Participants: CTU | DTI | ELC | PD | SUP | GS | DTP| DRA | UNC | GR.

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Presentation on theme: "WP 8 Life cycle assessment of cost, sustainability, safety and aesthetics Participants: CTU | DTI | ELC | PD | SUP | GS | DTP| DRA | UNC | GR."— Presentation transcript:

1 WP 8 Life cycle assessment of cost, sustainability, safety and aesthetics Participants: CTU | DTI | ELC | PD | SUP | GS | DTP| DRA | UNC | GR

2 WP8: Life cycle assesment of cost, sustainability, safety and aesthetics Research Partners:DTI, CTU Industrial Partners: PD, SUP, GS, DTP, GR, DRA, UNC, ELC Workpackage Objective: To assess the TailorCrete concept in the life cycle regarding cost, sustainability, safety and aesthetics. The main objective is to compare TailorCrete to the traditional concept.

3 Tasks Task 8.1: Life cycle costingDRA60% Task 8.2: Life cycle environmental impactsDTI60% Task 8.3: Safety in the life cycleCTU75% Task 8.4: AestheticsUNI50% Task 8.5: Overall assessmentCTU20% Deliverables D8.1: Results of life cycle cost analysisM42 Not Complete D8.2: Results of life cycle screening regarding sustainabilityM42Not Complete D8.3: Results of assessment of safetyM42Not Complete D8.4: Results of aesthetic assessmentM45Not Complete D8.5: Summary report on life cycle assessmentM48Not Complete WP8 Structure and Progress Update

4 Life ‐ Cycle phases –Pre ‐ construction phase – design –Raw material production –Construction –Operation and use, maintenance –Demolition WP8: Life cycle assesment of cost, sustainability, safety and aesthetics

5 Construction Formwork WP8: Life cycle assesment of cost, sustainability, safety and aesthetics

6 Such evaluation is a very complex task –Some tasks need not to be analyzed, as their impacts/costs are approximately the same in both approaches (design, demolition) –The focus is on differences between traditional and TailorCrete approaches WP8: Life cycle assesment of cost, sustainability, safety and aesthetics

7 Task objective: To compare costs between the traditional process and the TC for a specific construction project. Representative structure (ML 8.1) Benidorm Wall Particular section Extrapolated drawings T8.1 Life Cycle Cost

8 Traditional and TC processes: construction phase decomposition Identification of partners to provide data. Continuous process to gather information of the construction process in terms of costs, resources, etc. Identification of tasks which do not need cost analyzed since they cost the same (or with negligible differences) both in the traditional process or in the TC process. T8.1 Life Cycle Cost

9 Traditional and TC processes: construction phase decomposition Identification of partners to provide data. Continuous process to gather information of the construction process in terms of costs, resources, etc. Identification of tasks which do not need cost analyzed since they cost the same (or with negligible differences) both in the traditional process or in the TC process.

10 Gathered project (CAD files) and cost data for traditional process data not complete, unit disappeared some data has to be estimated/re-calculated Traditional costs updated to actual ones. T8.1 Life Cycle Cost

11 Task objective: To asses sustainability of TailorCrete concept, evaluate product’s energy use, and environmental carbon, water, and waste footprints. The same representative considered: Section of Benidorm wall Prepared extensive LCA data sheet for the partners to fill out. Continuous process to gather information of the construction process of the Benidorm Wall (CAD files, Costs, Materials, Resources and construction processes followed). GaBi software evaluated, facilitating investigation and comparison of environmental impacts of a process, material or building work. LCA Database with the cost, energy and environmental impact data T8.2 Life Cycle Analysis

12 Task objective: To make sure that TC concept will not worsen existing safety concerns. Existing safety issues should be improved, if possible. Developed material data sheets and safety questionnaire The open literature and project materials reviewed (DLs, Reports) Currently data analysis under progress to identify possible safety issues and to propose possible solutions. T8.3 Safety in the life cycle

13 Material data sheet Document with information on the potential hazards (health, fire, reactivity, and environmental) of any material Including description on composition, handling, and work safety of the product Example: Wax Not a new material, but its processing requires melting -> possible risk for workers -> protective gear recommended. The electronic version of this questionnaire can be downloaded from T8.3 Safety in the life cycle

14 Safety questionnaire –Structured according to individual life cycle phases –Focused on identification of new safety issues during individual phases. –Recommendations to how possible or existing safety problems can be eliminated. –Collected results (6 partners contributed) Example: Fibers –Service life: -> improvement of safety (improved ductility - earthquakes, polypropylene fibers - spalling prevention) –Production: need for quality control (dosage) -> solved for steel fibers, still open for polypropylene T8.3 Safety in the life cycle The electronic version of this questionnaire can be downloaded from

15 Task objective: To assess the aesthetic factors (smoothness, texture, surface deterioration) using accelerated tests Accelerated testing allows to simulate in a short period time the expected performance of cement specimens exposed to different environmental conditions. 11 samples for accelerated aesthetic evaluation have been received from project partners Concrete tiles of eleven different conventional or SCC recipes have been casted following the same procedure in different laboratories with similar hydration time Carried out colour measurements during a preliminary conditioning period T8.4 Aesthetic evaluation

16 Due to delays in delivery of some samples, the completion of the accelerated ageing tests will have been postponed 2 months A draft of DL8.4 will be prepared for 31 st of January 2013 with the preliminary results and conclusions from the accelerated ageing tests. The final DL8.4 will be submitted by 1 st of April 2013 and uploaded to ECAS. T8.4 Accelerated testing

17 WP8 Future Planning Tasks 8.1 and 8.2: (LCA+LCC) 1.Considered postponement of DL8.1 and DL8.2 to perform LCA and LCC directly on demonstrator project. 1.Higher impact to project 2.Results more valuable and solid Task 8.3: (Safety) Final communication with partners to propose solution on how to improve identified issues DL 8.3 will be on time. Task 8.4: (Aesthetics evaluation) Accelerated testing of received samples and their evaluation in progress.

18 WP8 Highlights During M30-M36 Task progress: Task 8.1+8.2 (LCC, LCA): Based on selected representative structure (seafront at Benidorm), initiated process to gather data of construction process, including CAD files, costs for each construction phase, and specific construction processes followed, etc. GaBi software evaluated, facilitating investigation and comparison of environmental impacts of a process, material or building work. Task 8.3 (Safety): Collected safety questionnaires (data received from 6 partners), data evaluation in progress to reveal new safety issues and propose possible solutions. Task 8.4 (Aesthetics): Samples for accelerated testing received. Carried out colour measurements during a preliminary conditioning period of 14, 28, 35 and/or 42 days, to ensure the colour stability and uniformity.

19 WP Exploitable Results N.Exploitable ResultsExploitable Result Manager Beneficiaries Involved Relevant WPs Relevant Deliverable s Progress % Expected Date of achievement 12Life cycle assessment regarding costs, sustainability, aesthetics and safety of TailorCrete concept CTUPotential investors, designers, production companies ALLDL 8.52010/2014 Selected WP Exploitable Results

20 Exploitable Result 12: Life cycle assessment regarding costs, sustainability, aesthetics and safety of TailorCrete concept Exploitable Result N. 12 The assessment will compare the TailorCrete concept to the traditional approach in the life cycle, regarding cost, sustainability, safety, and aesthetics. The focus will be on differences, with the aim to identify added benefits and possible new issues compared to traditional approach. Dissemination in the form of report, publication in professional journal No difficulties encountered yet, still in data acquisition and evaluation phase Achievements: Representative structure selection, Input templates preparation, collection of data.

21 Intent is to provide the opportunity to list questions you need answered, coordination that must occur, resources or assistance you need to be successful. Any deviations from the workplan should be addressed here (or somewhere in the briefing) This section should also be utilized to stimulate discussion amongst the partners These points will be taken down, and maybe resolved at the steering committee level. WP Discussion Points

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