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Teaching with Instructional Software

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1 Teaching with Instructional Software
Chapter 3 Teaching with Instructional Software

2 Technology Integration Example: The Alien Rescue® Project
Phases 1-2: TPACK & relative advantage Phase 3: Objectives and Assessments Phase 4: Integration Strategies Phase 5: Instructional Environment Phase 6: Evaluate and Revise

3 Instructional Software
Programs designed specifically to deliver or support one or more kinds of learning activities

4 Instructional Software Functions
Drill-and-Practice skill practice Tutorial information delivery Simulation demonstration exploration Instructional Games skill practice exploration Problem Solving

5 Instructional Roles for Software
Today’s software can be difficult to classify Several different activities Overlap of functions in one package Example: Language learning software might incorporate: Drill activities (directed strategy) Problem solving & gaming (constructivist strategy)

6 Learning Theory Connections
First instructional software reflected behavioral and cognitive learning theories Some functions (e.g., drill & practice, tutorial) remain focused on directed strategies Later software designed to support a constructivist approach Some functions (e.g., simulation, games) can be used in either directed or constructivist ways

7 Programming Languages as Instructional Software
Educational Programming Languages Instructional software Tool software Logo Used to introduce young children to problem solving through programming

8 Recent Trends in Software Design and Delivery
Online access and components Web 2.0 technologies Rich user experiences Renewed emphasis on directed strategies and networked systems Integrated learning systems (ILS)

9 Drill-and-Practice Types Criteria for Well-Designed Programs
Flash card activity Branching drill Extensive feedback activities Control over presentation rate Answer judging Appropriate feedback for correct & incorrect answers

10 Drill-and-Practice Benefits Limitations and Problems
Immediate feedback Motivation Saving teacher time Perceived misuses Criticism by constructivists

11 Drill-and-Practice Integration Strategies Guidelines for Use
Supplement or replace worksheets and homework exercises Prepare for tests Set time limits Assign individually Use learning stations

12 Tutorials Types Criteria for Well-Designed Programs Linear tutorial
Branching tutorial Extensive interactivity Thorough user control Appropriate pedagogy Adequate answer-judging and feedback Appropriate graphics Adequate record keeping

13 Tutorials Benefits Limitations and Problems Immediate feedback
Motivation Time savings Self-contained & self-paced unit of instruction Criticism by constructivists Lack of good products Reflect only one instructional approach

14 Tutorials Integration Strategies Guidelines for Use Self-paced reviews
Alternative learning strategies Instruction when teachers are unavailable Assign individually Use learning stations or individual checkout

15 Simulations Types Criteria for Well-Designed Programs Physical
Iterative Procedural Situational System fidelity and accuracy Good accompanying documentation to explain system characteristics and uses

16 Simulations Limitations and Problems Benefits Compress time
Slow down processes Get students involved Make experimentation safe Make impossible possible Save money and resources Repetition with variations Observation of complex processes Accuracy of models Misuse of simulations

17 Simulations Integration Strategies Replacement or supplement to:
lab experiments role-playing field trips Introducing or clarifying a new topic Fostering exploration & process learning Encouraging cooperation and group work

18 Simulations Guidelines for Use
Can be equally effective with whole class, small groups, or individuals Particularly good to instigate discussion and collaborative work Usually considered more appropriate for pairs and small groups

19 Instructional Games Characteristics
Criteria for Well-Designed Programs Rules Elements of competition and challenge Amusing or entertaining formats Appealing formats and activities Instructional value Reasonable physical dexterity requirements Social, societal, and cultural considerations Minimal violence/aggression

20 Instructional Games Benefits Limitations and Problems High interest
Retention Appeals to students’ desire to complete and play Learning versus having fun Confusion of game rules and real-life rules Inefficient learning

21 Instructional Games Integration Strategies Guidelines for Use
In place of worksheets and exercises To teach cooperative group working skills As a reward Use appropriately Involve all students Emphasize the content-area skills

22 Problem Solving Types Criteria for Well-Designed Programs
Content-area skills Content-free skills Challenging and interesting formats Clear links to developing specific problem-solving skills or abilities

23 Problem Solving Benefits Limitations and Problems
Challenging activities increase interest and motivation Prevents inert knowledge by illustration situations in which skills apply Names versus skills Software claims versus effectiveness Possible negative effects of directed instruction Transfer

24 Problem Solving Integration Strategies Guidelines for Use
Teach component skills in problem- solving strategies Provide support in solving problems Encourage group problem solving Directed teaching Clearly define skills and the teaching strategy Constructivist approach Encourage exploration Provide structure Vary amount of direction and assistance Promote reflection Stress process over correct answers

25 Integrated Learning Systems (ILS)
Characteristics Criteria for Well-Designed ILS Networked or online system of instruction Provide complete curricula on a topic Monitor and provide reports on student progress Summarize data by student, class, school Good curriculum coverage Good pedagogical strategies Several different report formats Easily read and interpreted reports

26 Integrated Learning Systems (ILS)
Benefits Limitations and Problems Provide supplemental educational services required by NCLB Benefits of drill, tutorials, simulations, instructional games, and problem solving—depending on selection Easier to access via network or online Personalized instruction Summary progress data Costs Research on impact Concerns about the role of ILS

27 Integrated Learning Systems (ILS)
Guidelines for Use Clear problem Closed or open system Match scope and sequence Match to target population Adequacy of reporting and management system Cost of hardware and software resources Project educational benefits Obtain ILS updates from vendors Evaluate ILS for match with expectations Calculate personnel and fiscal impact

28 Integrated Learning Systems (ILS)
Integration Strategies Directed applications Remediation Mainstream delivery system Constructivist applications Resource-rich environments

29 Software Reviews Online
SREB EvaluTech California Learning Resource Network SuperKids Education World

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