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CPSC 203 Introduction to Computers Lab 21, 22 by Jie (Jeff) Gao Location: ES650.

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Presentation on theme: "CPSC 203 Introduction to Computers Lab 21, 22 by Jie (Jeff) Gao Location: ES650."— Presentation transcript:

1 CPSC 203 Introduction to Computers Lab 21, 22 by Jie (Jeff) Gao Location: ES650

2 17 May 2004 CPSC 203 Labs by Jie Gao 2 Who Am I? Name:Jie Gao Nick: Jeff E-mail: Labs:B21 MW 2:00pm ES650 B22 MW 4:00pm ES650

3 17 May 2004 CPSC 203 Labs by Jie Gao 3 Lab Setup MS Office and related knowledge Duration: 110 minutes Split into two parts In each part –I talk for about 30 minutes –You practice and I help you individually for about 20 minutes

4 17 May 2004 CPSC 203 Labs by Jie Gao 4 Lecture Website (By F. Deur) Address: Contains information about: –Course outline –Assignments –Related links –…

5 17 May 2004 CPSC 203 Labs by Jie Gao 5 The Lab Website (By Me) Address: Contains: –Course and lab information –More detailed information about assignments –Slides and materials used in the labs –Query marks online

6 17 May 2004 CPSC 203 Labs by Jie Gao 6 Textbooks Lecture: Computer Confluence Lab: Projects for Microsoft Office 2000

7 17 May 2004 CPSC 203 Labs by Jie Gao 7 Assignments Normally due at 4:00 pm on the due days Assignment boxes are in the hallway of the 2 nd floor, Math Science building. (Pictures are on my web site) You should put your assignment hand-ins into the box labeled with your course number, lab number and my name.

8 17 May 2004 CPSC 203 Labs by Jie Gao 8 Using the Lab The lab is equipped with computers and a printer. You need an IT account to login to the machines (more details later). Black white laser printing is available in the lab. You need to pay for printing (5 cents/page)

9 17 May 2004 CPSC 203 Labs by Jie Gao 9 Store Your Work You are required to save your assignment files You may be asked by Mr. Deur to show your assignment files Two options: –Floppy disks –Webdisk service by IT (more details later)

10 17 May 2004 CPSC 203 Labs by Jie Gao 10 E-mail You need an e-mail address for –correspondences with me or Mr. Deur –Hand in some particular assignments You can get one along with your IT account ( Please use the e-mail address when contacting me or Mr. Deur

11 17 May 2004 CPSC 203 Labs by Jie Gao 11 Apply an IT Account Find a computer connected to the internet (e.g. in library block) Open a web browser (IE, Netscape) and go to Find the link to User Registration System on that page Follow the steps You need to wait for several hours before the new account is activated

12 17 May 2004 CPSC 203 Labs by Jie Gao 12 Login to the Computer Press Ctrl-Alt-Del on the keyboard A login window appears Input your IT account username and password Click login or press Enter key Remember to log off after using the machine

13 17 May 2004 CPSC 203 Labs by Jie Gao 13 Personal Storage The computers do not have personal storage on them Files on Desktop or in My Documents can be accessed by any user You should keep your own files on –The Webdisk –Floppies

14 17 May 2004 CPSC 203 Labs by Jie Gao 14 Use Webdisk On the screen you can find an icon “Connect to Webdisk” Double click it and input your IT username and password The Webdisk is mounted to the system with a drive letter (normally “U”) Remember to disconnect after using it For information about using Webdisk at home, see

15 17 May 2004 CPSC 203 Labs by Jie Gao 15 Avoid File Loss The Webdisk is sometimes not stable when you open a file directly from the Webdisk (U: drive) Recommended way: 1.Copy your file from Webdisk to the current computer (Desktop, My Documents) 2.Open the copied file on the local computer and work with it 3.Copy the modified file from your local computer back to Webdisk to update your file

16 17 May 2004 CPSC 203 Labs by Jie Gao 16 Software on the Computers Windows 2000 Microsoft Office 2000 (individual programs can be found in Start menu) Web browser: Internet Explorer and Netscape (on desktop or in Start menu) Webdisk: on desktop Others: see Start menu

17 17 May 2004 CPSC 203 Labs by Jie Gao 17 Printing Use the Print command in the software you are using Select the printer \\ICNW1\ICQ1 Print Find your workstation No. on the computer Go to the printing station, swipe your ID card On the screen, find the task with your workstation No. Use the mouse to click on that task Get the print out

18 17 May 2004 CPSC 203 Labs by Jie Gao 18 What to Do Now? Get yourself familiar with the lab, the computer and the printer Next part: –Talk about Excel operations –Assignment 1 information

19 17 May 2004 CPSC 203 Labs by Jie Gao 19 For Those Who Are Not Familiar With Windows Mouse Operation Files Folders Floppy disks Run a program

20 17 May 2004 CPSC 203 Labs by Jie Gao 20 Mouse Operation Cursor Icon Click Double click Right click

21 17 May 2004 CPSC 203 Labs by Jie Gao 21 Files A set of data. A file has a filename (a name and an extension) The extension usually indicates the type of the file No two files in the same folder can have the same filename.

22 17 May 2004 CPSC 203 Labs by Jie Gao 22 Folders A set of files and/or folder Have a name Two folders in the same folder can not have the same name. All folders consist a “tree”

23 17 May 2004 CPSC 203 Labs by Jie Gao 23 Floppy Disks Insert a floppy disk into the floppy drive with the label up. Insert and eject a floppy disk only when the light on the drive is off. To format it, insert it into the floppy drive, then right click on the floppy drive icon in My Computer, select “ Format ” Keep away from heat and magnetic.

24 17 May 2004 CPSC 203 Labs by Jie Gao 24 Run a Program Double click the icon If the icon stands for a program, it runs. If the icon stands for some document, the program which processes the document runs. From the Start menu.

25 17 May 2004 CPSC 203 Labs by Jie Gao 25 Save a File All the work you have done should be saved in some files The files can be on the harddrive or on a floppy disk Remember to save in time, because sometimes the program you use crashes.

26 17 May 2004 CPSC 203 Labs by Jie Gao 26 The End

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