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Published byMelvyn Gordon Modified over 9 years ago
General Aviation Support System (GASS) GMU SEOR Master’s Project SYST 798 John Glaeser Linda Jarusewski Mark Locher Mobeen Vaid 12 December 2008
The GASS Team John Glaeser VP Engineering, Chief Architect MS SE – Architecture-Based Systems Integration Linda Jarusewski CIO, VP Operations MS SE – C4I Mark Locher CFO, Lead Systems Integrator MS SE – Systems Engineering Analysis; PhD Candidate Mobeen Vaid VP Marketing, VP Research & Development MS SE – C4I Role: Product Developer pitching to key industry heavyweights (e.g. Piper Aircraft) for investment and further development 2
Purpose & Objective Purpose To present the General Aviation Support System (GASS) What is GASS? How does GASS work? How GASS will be implemented? Why is GASS a viable business opportunity? Objective Obtain funding for future development Demonstrate the systems engineering knowledge and skill set of the GASS Team 3
Overview Background Solution GASS Market Plan & Costing System/Project Scope & Methodology System Architecture Systems Engineering Management Considerations Summary & Project Conclusions Q&A 4
The Problem & Background 220,000 civilian aircraft and 624,000 licensed pilots in the United States 2007 - 1,631 general aviation accidents resulting in 491 fatalities** GASS Team identified need for additional safety; convenience promotes use & profit Aviation Accident Causes 1950-2006* * Courtesy of the Aircraft Crashes Record Office; Geneva, Switzerland ** Courtesy of the U.S. National Safety Transportation Board No single-source, user-friendly integrated solution of safety & convenience features available to General Aviation Public 5
The GASS Solution GASS will provide the economic and user-friendly integration of pre-flight, in-flight, and post-flight services to reduce accidents and streamline flight operations GASS Services Flight Planning Support (FPS) Real-Time Condition Monitoring (RACM) –Aircraft hull & systems, pilot physiology In-Flight Support (IFS) –Notifications/alerts, recommendations, rerouting Trend monitoring Record maintenance –Pilot & aircraft Subscription-fee based service Goal: To deliver a system with basic functionality in 2010, with increments adding aircraft monitoring in 2011 and full system coverage in 2012 Courtesy of the Aircraft Crashes Record Office; Geneva, Switzerland 6
Concept of Operations 7 (Fixed Base Operators) (Federal Aviation Administration)
Bottom Line Up Front GASS is a feasible system Market analysis justifies implementation Key risks identified & mitigation strategies identified Critical technologies are mature and available for rapid system development Base architecture developed with eye towards future incremental upgrades – system improvements/new markets Costs Development: $5.8M Break-even: 4 years Return on investment (IRR): 67% Managerial concerns GASS Team has corporate organizational structure in place Groundwork laid for systems engineering management tactics 8
Potential Competitors / Partners / Suppliers EDS Flight planning services Automated route maintenance, pilot self-planning tools, crew briefing packages, flight tracking, NOTAMS (critical flight-specific information), weather/infrastructure status, and historical statistical data Target market: commercial airlines Produces flight plans, finds nearby airports, scours the map for area fuel prices, provides info on Navaids and fixes, and many other useful tools for pilots Target market: corporate & business pilots Boeing Remote Management of Real-Time Airplane Health Monitoring system Target market: commercial airlines Intrusion-Free Physiological Condition Monitoring System Target market: fighter & high performance aircraft pilots Pilot Loss of Conscious (PLOC) Monitor Target market: fighter & high performance aircraft pilots 9 Potential for buyout from competitors and partners
Market Segmentation Start Here 1 Expand here 2 4 3 ** * Courtesy of Piper Aircraft, Inc **Courtesy of the National Transportation Safety Board * 10
Market Growth and Segment Penetration 11 33% Penetration 3% Penetration 11% Penetration
Cash Flow Analysis (Cumulative) 12 Payback in ~5 years, Up to 7 years if growth 60% of forecast Primary cost drivers are manpower & FAA certification Influence diagram used for cash flow sensitivity analyses
Cash Flow Variance Analysis (Annual Basis) Predicted Investment Required: $5.8M Positive cash flow in year 4 64% IRR (1 st 10 years) 80% Growth Rate Investment Required: $8.4M Positive cash flow in year 4 44% IRR 60% Growth Rate Investment Required: $10.9M Positive cash flow in year 5 29% IRR Predicted Net Present Value (NPV) (25 years @ 18%): $52.3M
Tornado Diagram Most significant factors affecting cost
NPV Risk Profile
Planning Define Objectives Determine Scope Stakeholder analysis Assumption definition Project workplan Intent specification Analysis AoA (Utility analyses) Market analyses Risk analyses Cost estimate Design System level design following the Department of Defense Architecture Framework (DODAF) Construction, Implementation, & Operation beyond scope Waterfall Development Process Planning Analysis Design Implementation Construction 3 phases and deliverables iterated to obtain final design Operation 16
Incremental development process to modularly add functionality in 3 phases Scope & Context Planning Analysis Design Implementation Construction Planning Analysis Design Implementation Construction Planning Analysis Design Implementation Construction Basic Architecture (Pilot) Aircraft Increment Current status - investment and further design Spiral or waterfall process could be used for future iterations 17 Basic Architecture (Pilot) Basic Architecture (Pilot) Aircraft Increment Final Increment
SV-5A Map Tracing System Form to Needs System Functions SV-4 System Elements Definition SV-2 System Elements Choice Space Definition Morphological Box, Component Compatibility Matrix Intent Spec (ICD) Stakeholder Value Decomposition Utility Values And Weights Requirements / Capabilities Needs/Req Trace Matrix Utility Analysis Matrix System Elements Choice Space Selection SV-5B Map Operational Activities Architectural Choice Space Definition OV-5 Architectural Choice Space Selection Concept OV-2 Multiple OV-2s Problem Mission, Goals, Use Cases, Interviews Stakeholder Needs Needs Matrix Documented Deliverable Traceability Method System Review Complete traceability from system instantiation to problem achieved
GASS Context Diagram System Boundary * * * * * * Key stakeholders including GASS Developers User Associates* 19
Winning System Architectural Choice Semi-Centralized Operations System Boundary DODAF OV-1 DODAF OV-2 20
GASS p-Diagram Summation of information elements and impact factors 21
Morphological Box 2 – 20 potential solutions per element Initial reduction based on top level assessment Incompatibility and Data Throughput analysis reduced 332.5 M instantiations to 88.2 M Limiting factors = COTS equipment, wireless installations, and 32 kbs transmittal rate Downselection achieved through utility analysis 22
Utility Analysis Weighted evaluation of stakeholder value per area used to determine final utility function 23 Weight Utility(Relative) =∑Weight Stakeholder *Value Stakeholder
Management - Risk 1. Loss of contact/communications 2. Incompatibility with Existing Manufacturer-Installed Sensor Suite 3. FAA NOTAMs & TFR Procurement Issues 4. NWS Weather Data Procurement Issues 5. Physiological Sensor Suite Lack Robustness 6. Physiological Distress Sensitivity 7. Incompatibility with Manufacturer-Installed Display Unit 8. Investor Funding Reductions 9. FAA Approval 10. Electromagnetic Interference Top Risks Identified Worst risks not catastrophic; easily mitigated through early stakeholder involvement 24
Management – Structure Vetted work breakdown structure (WBS) constructed based on system lifecycle Currently developed to system acceptance Verification & Validation accomplished throughout Component Development Entrance/exit criteria and deliverables well defined Corporate structure established Small business ready for rapid expansion Matrix organization crosses technical capabilities with WBS Section 3 project areas Risks identified, WBS, corporate structure, and system development schedule in place provide strong management base 25
GASS Corporate Structure 26 Investors Investors to provide influence through or as a part of the GASS Board of Directors GASS Divisions
GASS Matrix Organization Matrix organization selected due to potential for rapid business expansion; free flow and access to information and personnel required 27 Operations Manager
Legal Issues Minimization of liability Retain proper legal advice Terms and Conditions agreement Customer training Ensure business practices comply with state and federal regulations Provide a legal handbook to managers and employees Negotiate contracts that will protect our rights and help avoid disputes with our suppliers and customers Corporate and officer insurance coverage Intellectual Property Trademark the GASS brand Patent GASS processes, procedures, & arrangements Copyright unique GASS software 28
GASS Summary Market identified for a sole-source supplier of general aviation services GASS automates value-added services that are done manually today and offers a logical joining of pre-flight, in-flight and post- flight services GASS will improve and promote safety through convenience GASS is feasible business opportunity Incremental introduction into market in 2010, 2011, and 2012 $5.8 M investment 67% return on investment 4 year breakeven point Minimal risks Basic architecture developed with eye towards expansion Organizational structure and development schedule established for strong start Investment is the only roadblock to a successful venture 29 Join the GASS Team - Invest today and be a part of the future of aviation services!
Project Conclusions Translated systems engineering activities into a viable business case Broad range of GMU-instilled systems engineering & engineering management practices utilized Architecture development Decision analysis Requirements generation Risk analysis Costing Scheduling Organization Keys to success Design: Traceability from system instantiation to original needs & problem statement necessary to achieve design solidarity Management: Gantt & PERT charts used to outline and track group progress Group: hard work, good ideas, and open communication Recommendation to future groups A business case provides an interesting and unique approach to integrating prior coursework and personal experience in a practical (although constrained) application 30
QUESTIONS? Questions? *Image courtesy of Piper Aircraft, Inc. 31 Many thanks to the following individuals for their contributions to our project Dr. Thomas Speller, GMU John Becker, Piper Aircraft Steven Josephson, FAA Syst 798 Classmates GMU SEOR Faculty
GASS Process Implementation Use cases and stakeholder discussions determine Needs Concept of Operations developed Intent specification (Initial Capabilities Document) map Requirements to Needs 3 alternate general architectures developed: centralized, semi- centralized, and decentralized operations Architectures downselected via utility analysis Target development of Department of Department of Defense Architecture Framework (DODAF) deliverables to visualize GASS architecture Operational capabilities/functions & system functions developed Potential system elements identified via morphological box and downselected via utility analyses Marketing, cost, and risk analyses conducted to support system implementation 33
Provide General Aviation Services Preflight Needs Quality Flight Plan Formulation Completeness of Support Services In-flight Needs Pilot awareness of External Conditions Awareness of Incipient In-flight Problems Support in case of emergency Aircraft Status Communication with Associates Postflight Needs Notification of problems Notification of routine due events General Ease of access Ubiquity of access High Availability Timely Service Response Accurate Service Cost Effective Installation & Services Needs Breakdown Needs derived from use cases and stakeholder discussions 34
Detailed Stakeholder Analysis Weighted evaluation used in utility analyses From use cases From interviews, market analysis, & discussions 35
Provide both recreational pilots and small scale commercial operations an integrated range of services similar to those provided by a commercial airline company through its operations center. This integrated system will combine: Flight Planning Support (FPS) Real-Time Condition Monitoring (RACM) of both aircraft systems and the pilot In-Flight Support (IFS) for routine, advisory and safety-critical situations Aircraft capability trend monitoring, with maintenance advisory notification Pilot flight record maintenance Services accessible remotely (away from aircraft) and from the aircraft cockpit Concept 36
Use Case Development 37 5 Top level use cases developed
System Architectural Choice #1 Maximum Centralization System Boundary 38
System Architectural Choice #2 Decentralized System / Max on-aircraft processing Ring Network System Boundary 39
AIR & SPACE TRAVEL CONTINENTAL US FLIGHT OPERATIONS PROVIDE GENERAL AVIATION SERVICES PROVIDE FLIGHT PLANNING SUPPORT Request Flight Plan Initiate Flight Plan Create Flight Plan... PROVIDE INFLIGHT SUPPORT Provide Real-time Aircraft Condition Monitoring Provide Pilot Assistance Communicate with Associates PROVIDE POSTFLIGHT SUPPORT Provide aircraft RACM data support Provide aircraft maintenance record service Provide Pilot Flight Records Services Operational Function Decomposition Operational functions finalized and decomposed down 4 levels; Top 2 levels shown Need: Safety & Convenience Want: Convenient integration of the following safety oriented features: Flight Planning, Pilot/Aircraft Monitoring & Tracking, Pilot/Aircraft Post-flight Record Analysis Mission: To help maximize flight safety and streamline flight operations by integrating an affordable solution of flight planning, monitoring, tracking, and record analysis features Problem: Given 1,631 general aviation accidents resulting in 491 fatalities in 2007 alone, it is evident the continued lack of a convenient, affordable, and integrated method of flight planning, flight tracking, and human/aircraft monitoring is required to help prevent the loss of life and aircraft. Purpose: To promote safety and generate revenue via a sole-source integrated solution of flight planning, monitoring, tracking, and record analysis services Goal: To field a commercially viable prototype by 2010 and to introduce the GASS system into the target market by 2011 Level -1 Level 0 Level 1 Level 2 Level -2 40
Provide General Aviation Services Provide User Interface Provide telephonic user interface Provide email user interface Provide web-based user interface Provide Information Assurance Provide User Identification and Authentications Provide data confidentiality Provide data integrity Acquire External Data (includes data updating) Acquire user profile data Acquire air navigation support data (maps, etc) Acquire weather data Acquire NOTAMs/TFRs Acquire air traffic data Acquire Aircraft Related Data Acquire Navigation Data Acquire Aircraft Condition Data Acquire Pilot Physiology Data Provide aircraft - ground communications Provide data communications Provide voice communications Support Operations Prepare flight plans Track On-going flights Record Operations Center Activity Process Acquired data Provide alerts and notifications Provide system availability Provide high assurance of communications Provide high system availability System Function Decomposition System functions developed to 3 rd level detail; top 2 levels shown here 41
IDEF0 Activity Diagrams OV-5 42
IDEF0 Activity Diagrams OV-5 43
IDEF0 Activity Diagrams OV-5 44
IDEF0 Activity Diagrams OV-5 45
IDEF0 Activity Diagrams OV-5 46
IDEF1X Data Model OV-7 47
SV-2 48
System Functions (SV-4 Format) Impetus of DODAF System View (SV) development 49
Request Flight Plan SV10b 50
Aircraft Communications SV-10b 51
Maintain Records SV-10b 52
Component Diagram for SV-10b 53
Sample Utility Function 54
Stakeholder Utility Weighting 55
Data Throughput & Storage Analysis GASS data link determined to be of critical importance to capability development and technology selection Onboard (aircraft) data capture 6 hr flight to generate ~3 Mb data Data transmittal 30 bytes/min steady state burst 65,536 bytes end-of-flight condition message 16 kbs for in-flight communications 32 kbs emergency data transmission Ground data storage 7.2 Tb online storage 30 Tb offline storage Max transmittal rate of 32 kbs limited potential system solutions 56
Influence Diagram 57
GASS Summary Schedule 58
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