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Los Artículos Definidos

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1 Los Artículos Definidos
Definite Articles: “The”

2 Bell Ringer On your vocabulary list, highlight all of the words that begin with “el” in one color and all of the words that begin with “la” in a different color. For example: libro escuela el la

3 Warm Up: Macho vs. Girly Act out your articles!
Words with “el” are MACHO Words with “la” are GIRLY

4 Definite Article Rules

5 Nouns Have Genders In English, we have one definite article, which is “the.” It can be used with all of the nouns in our language. In Spanish, nouns or “sustantivos” have genders. They can be either masculine nouns or feminine nouns.

6 El versus La The article “el” indicates that a noun is masculine (masculino) and singular. Example: El libro (the book) is masculine because it is modified by the article “el.” The article “la” indicates that a noun is feminine (femenino) and singular. Example: La escuela (the school) is feminine because it is modified by the article “la.”

7 Rule of Thumb Typically, if a noun ends in “o” it is masculine.
Example: El libro Typically, if a noun ends in “a” it is feminine. Example: La escuela

8 Exceptions to the Rule There are some words that do not fit the el = o and la = a rule. Example: El mapa What do you do??? MEMORIZE THE GENDER WHEN YOU LEARN NEW VOCABULARY!!!

9 Nouns with Different Endings
Some nouns do not end in “o” or “a” Example: el lápiz Example: el borrador What do you do??? MEMORIZE THE GENDER WHEN YOU LEARN NEW VOCABULARY!!!

10 Let’s see what you have learned!

11 What is the definite article for masculine singular nouns?

12 What is the definite article for feminine singular nouns?

13 Is “la carpeta” masculine or feminine?

14 Is “el cuaderno” masculine or feminine?

15 Is “el mapa” masculine or feminine?

16 Making Articles Plural

17 Masculine Plural Articles
If a noun is masculine, change the article from “el” to “los.”

18 Feminine Plural Articles
If a noun is feminine, change the article from“la” to “las.”

19 Making Nouns Plural

20 Rules for Making Plural Nouns
If a noun ends in a vowel, add “s” Example: las escuelas

21 Rules for Making Plural Nouns
If a noun ends in a consonant, add “es” Example: los borradores

22 Rules for Making Plural Nouns
If a noun ends in “z”, change the “z” to a “c” and add “es” Example: el lápiz  los lápices

23 Rules for Making Plural Nouns
If a noun is compound and already ends in “s” but has a singular article, just change the article. Example: el sacapuntas  los sacapuntas

24 Let’s Practice Together!

25 What is the plural from of “la grapadora?”

26 What is the plural from of “el libro?”

27 What is the plural from of “el material escolar?”

28 What is the plural from of “el mapa?”

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