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Writing topic sentences (TS) Use the following steps: Step 1: QA (tgc and what each is about) Step 2: Brainstorm for points/reasons to answer the question.

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Presentation on theme: "Writing topic sentences (TS) Use the following steps: Step 1: QA (tgc and what each is about) Step 2: Brainstorm for points/reasons to answer the question."— Presentation transcript:

1 Writing topic sentences (TS) Use the following steps: Step 1: QA (tgc and what each is about) Step 2: Brainstorm for points/reasons to answer the question (arguments) using 5W1H, PERMS, levels Step 3: Take a stand Step 4: Craft TS ensuring that each point/reason/argument supports your stand. Make sure that you have one alternative argument.

2 Step 1: Question Analysis (QA) Is marriage important in today’s world? Topical word: Marriage Define: legal union to establish family unit, for protection of individuals ie husband, wife, kids, property Having fundamental functions, purposes, benefits Characteristics: 1)Developed Countries and cities– pp are more individualistic, think of own happiness first, less conservative ideas etc 2)Less dev countries (LDC) and rural communities – more traditional values

3 Step 2: Brainstorm for TS – using 5W1H, PERMS and levels Is marriage important in today’s world? To who (5W1H) in what kind of society (5W1H)? 5W1H/PERMS 1)To educated (PERMS) women in modern societies, 2) To men in rural and religious (PERMS) communities, etc Levels -Individual level – educated women, men in conservative society - government level - govt in labour-scarce countries support the idea of marriage because Modern society – characteristics eg individualistic, personal happiness above family/community Conservative society – traditional values Modern society – characteristics eg individualistic, personal happiness above family/community Conservative society – traditional values

4 Topic Sentences to support your stand Each TS provides a reason for your stand Q: Is marriage important in today’s world? * To whom in what type of societies? Why? Considering the values/characteristics that the various types of societies hold (context). * Who deems marriage not important because …(why) consider the values/characteristics of that society (context)

5 Essay Plan (Incomplete) Question: Is marriage important in today’s world? Stand: Marriage is losing its importance in some parts of the world. ( This is better than saying “not important” because you want to show a trend that is taking place.) TS 1 : Marriage is not important because (not necessary) Educated women in modern societies (who/level - individual) do not perceive marriage as (why) important for gaining financial support as they are well-capable of doing that themselves unlike (contrast) in the case of women in traditional societies where their ability to meet their basic needs is greatly dependent on marriage.

6 2 nd TS In modern, liberal societies (level), marriage seem irrelevant at worst and antiquated at best to the current generation labelled as “Generation Me”. Antiquated - outdated or old-fashioned

7 Alternative TS Marriage is especially important for Asian societies (who/level) that subscribe to the belief that marriage leads to the formation of the traditional family; the bedrock of society.

8 Alternative TS Even as society modernises and traditional values erode, many individuals (who/level) view as a goal to be pursued because marriage is a formal representation of a personal, lifelong commitment that also provides social and economic stability.

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