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Yvette Raven Master of Education Program Instructional Technology DIGITAL PHOTOGRAPHY & STILL IMAGES 2004.

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3 Yvette Raven Master of Education Program Instructional Technology DIGITAL PHOTOGRAPHY & STILL IMAGES 2004

4 Contents 2004 Introduction Producing Images Methods Adjustments & Techniques Storytelling DIGITAL PHOTOGRAPHY & STILL IMAGES Y. Raven

5 Y. Raven - Digital Photography & Still Images 2004 [ exit ] [ form ] My formal introduction to still images was through the work of French photographer Eugène Atget (1856 - 1927). [ patience ] Introduction [ composition ] Tuileries - l’Aurore, 1908 Eugène Atget

6 Y. Raven - Digital Photography & Still Images 2004 [ exit ] Atget photographed Paris for 30 years. He chronicled buildings streets, parks and monuments. Introduction [ form ] [ patience ] [ composition ] Eugène Atget Hotel de Sens Rue du Figuier, 1901

7 Y. Raven - Digital Photography & Still Images 2004 [ exit ] Many of which were destroyed during the first and second world wars. Introduction [ form ] [ patience ] [ composition ] Eugène Atget Ministere de L’Interieur, 1909

8 Y. Raven - Digital Photography & Still Images 2004 [ exit ] Many of which were destroyed during the first and second world wars. Introduction [ form ] [ patience ] [ composition ] Eugène Atget Cour de Dragon, 1913

9 Y. Raven - Digital Photography & Still Images 2004 [ exit ] I was in awe of his work because he spent many hours setting up his shots. Using mostly morning light, he captured soft, shadowy landscapes, Introduction [ form ] [ patience ] [ composition ] Les Bords du Marne au Perreux (Seine), 1903 Eugène Atget

10 Y. Raven - Digital Photography & Still Images 2004 [ exit ] [ form ] stoic and mundane storefronts typical of life in Paris in the early 20th century. [ patience ] Introduction [ composition ] Vielle Boutique 8 Rue Volta, 1910 Eugène Atget

11 Y. Raven - Digital Photography & Still Images 2004 [ exit ] [ form ] Photography was a slow, and labor intensive craft. For one shot, it could take 2 to 3 hours— therefore patience had to be the rule. [ patience ] Introduction [ composition ] Vielle Boutique 8 Rue Volta, 1910 Eugène Atget

12 Y. Raven - Digital Photography & Still Images 2004 [ exit ] [ form ] Atget was a master at turning simple scenes into photographic portraits. [ patience ] Introduction [ composition ] Meaux - ancien cloitre de Chanoines, 1910 Eugène Atget

13 Y. Raven - Digital Photography & Still Images 2004 [ exit ] [ form ] He composed his photographs with amazing skill, capturing striking angles, and deep curving lines, texture, and shadows. [ patience ] Introduction [ composition ] Rue St. Rustique,1922 Eugène Atget

14 Y. Raven - Digital Photography & Still Images 2004 [ exit ] [ form ] Atget’s images are referred to as “art” photography. [ patience ] Introduction [ composition ] Eugène Atget Cour 56 Rue de la Verrerie, 1908

15 Y. Raven - Digital Photography & Still Images 2004 [ exit ] [ form ] In my work I tried to find similar scenes resembling the photographic compositions of Atget. [ patience ] Introduction [ composition ] Yvette Raven

16 Y. Raven - Digital Photography & Still Images 2004 [ exit ] [ form ] I used morning sun to produce the composition technique: Rule of thirds [ patience ] Introduction [ composition ]

17 Y. Raven - Digital Photography & Still Images 2004 [ exit ] [ form ] Photographic composition technique: Rule of thirds [ patience ] Introduction [ composition ]

18 Y. Raven - Digital Photography & Still Images 2004 [ exit ] [ form ] Photographic composition technique: Fill frame [ patience ] Introduction [ composition ]

19 Y. Raven - Digital Photography & Still Images 2004 [ exit ] [ form ] Photographic composition technique: Leading lines [ patience ] Introduction [ composition ]

20 Y. Raven - Digital Photography & Still Images 2004 [ exit ] [ form ] Then using the cityscapes of historic Downtown Stroudsburg both in color [ patience ] Introduction [ composition ]

21 Y. Raven - Digital Photography & Still Images 2004 [ exit ] [ form ] and in black and white. The visual meanings are strikingly different. [ patience ] Introduction [ composition ]

22 Y. Raven - Digital Photography & Still Images 2004 [ exit ] [ form ] Balancing objects that are unrelated except for shape and form. [ patience ] Introduction [ composition ]

23 Y. Raven - Digital Photography & Still Images 2004 [ exit ] [ form ] Front lighting to illuminate the subtleties of the image. [ patience ] Introduction [ composition ]

24 Y. Raven - Digital Photography & Still Images 2004 [ exit ] [ form ] Using objects that are simple... [ patience ] Introduction [ composition ]

25 Y. Raven - Digital Photography & Still Images 2004 [ exit ] [ form ] yet have a lot of detail. [ patience ] Introduction [ composition ] Interesting unplanned similarity to Atget

26 Y. Raven - Digital Photography & Still Images 2004 [ exit ] Producing Images Still images can supplement any visual presentation. The camera supplies only the images to be integrated into a project. [ tools ] [ output ]

27 Y. Raven - Digital Photography & Still Images 2004 [ exit ] Producing Images Still images can supplement any visual presentation. The camera supplies only the images to be integrated into a project. [ tools ] [ output ]

28 Y. Raven - Digital Photography & Still Images 2004 [ exit ] Producing Images The first step is to asses what delivery method you want to use— print, web, CD, etc. [ tools ] [ output ] ORIGINAL IMAGE — Digital Camera IMAGE: 72ppi

29 Y. Raven - Digital Photography & Still Images 2004 [ exit ] Producing Images — Graduate School Web Site 2004 _____________ IMAGE: 72ppi TYPE: GIF HTML [ web ] [ output ] ORIGINAL IMAGE

30 Y. Raven - Digital Photography & Still Images 2004 [ exit ] Producing Images —Graduate School Newsletter 2004 _____________ IMAGE: 72ppi TYPE: PCT QUARKXPRESS [ print ] [ output ] ORIGINAL IMAGE

31 Y. Raven - Digital Photography & Still Images 2004 [ exit ] Producing Images The second step is to assign the hardware and software tools, to capture, integrate and output to your project. HARDWARE: Camera, computer, printer, scanner, etc. [ tools ] [ hardware ]

32 Y. Raven - Digital Photography & Still Images 2004 [ exit ] Producing Images The second step is to assign the hardware and software tools, to capture, integrate and output to your project. [ tools ] [ hardware ] HARDWARE: Camera, computer, printer, scanner, etc.

33 Y. Raven - Digital Photography & Still Images 2004 [ exit ] Producing Images Images for this portfolio were produced using an Olympus C-4000 digital camera, and a 35mm, Zoom Nikon F55. SOFTWARE: Adobe PhotoShop Microsoft PowerPoint Microsoft Word Graphic Converter HARDWARE: Digital and 35mm Cameras Computer Printer Scanner [ tools ] [ hardware ]

34 Y. Raven - Digital Photography & Still Images 2004 [ exit ] Adjustments & Techniques [ lighting ] Manipulating Images Showcase: Image shot using a digital camera, indoors, early morning. Light filters through skylights, yet there isn’t enough brightness. [ color-digital ]

35 Y. Raven - Digital Photography & Still Images 2004 [ exit ] Adjustments & Techniques Adjustments were made in Adobe PhotoShop. By adjusting curves, hue, saturation and light, the image has more detail. [ lighting ] [ color-digital ]

36 Y. Raven - Digital Photography & Still Images 2004 [ exit ] Adjustments & Techniques Original is a b&w photo, scanned from film. With slight manipulation of mid-tones, shadows, and highlights From one, can come many... [ scan b&w film ]

37 Y. Raven - Digital Photography & Still Images 2004 [ exit ] Adjustments & Techniques Any wine in those barrels? on a layer mask, I moved up the red, green and yellow. Final images superimposed onto the original. [ scan b&w film ]

38 Y. Raven - Digital Photography & Still Images 2004 [ exit ] Adjustments & Techniques Situation 1, a train track with no end in sight, actually a good example of a “leading line.” But where is it going? [ scan b&w print ] [ merge ]

39 Y. Raven - Digital Photography & Still Images 2004 [ exit ] Adjustments & Techniques [ merge ] Situation 2, another road, without an apparent end. Only the arrow shows where it might be going. [ scan b&w print ]

40 Y. Raven - Digital Photography & Still Images 2004 [ exit ] Adjustments & Techniques Result. The road and tracks now meet, there is an end in sight, but which came first, the road or the track? Image merged in PhotoShop. Where two roads meet. [ merge ]

41 Y. Raven - Digital Photography & Still Images 2004 [ exit ] Methods Scan film, scan print? It depends on your output. [ scan b&w print ] Original b&w scanned from print. Print size doubles original.

42 Y. Raven - Digital Photography & Still Images 2004 [ exit ] [ scan b&w film neg ] Methods Original b&w scanned from film. 2700ppi Images scanned from film have a softer quality.

43 Y. Raven - Digital Photography & Still Images 2004 [ exit ] [ scan-color negative ] Methods Original scanned from negative. 1200ppi

44 Y. Raven - Digital Photography & Still Images 2004 [ exit ] [ scan-color slide ] Methods Original scanned from slide. 1200ppi

45 Y. Raven - Digital Photography & Still Images 2004 [ exit ] [ images-only ] Storytelling

46 Y. Raven - Digital Photography & Still Images 2004 [ exit ] [ images-only ] Storytelling

47 Y. Raven - Digital Photography & Still Images 2004 [ exit ] [ images-only ] Storytelling

48 Y. Raven - Digital Photography & Still Images 2004 [ exit ] [ images-only ] Storytelling Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, and sorry I could not travel both

49 Y. Raven - Digital Photography & Still Images 2004 [ exit ] [ images-only ] Storytelling And be one traveler, long I stood, And looked down one as far as I could, To where it bent in the undergrowth;

50 Y. Raven - Digital Photography & Still Images 2004 [ exit ] [ images-only ] Storytelling Then took the other, just as fair, And having perhaps a better claim,

51 Y. Raven - Digital Photography & Still Images 2004 [ exit ] [ images-only ] Storytelling Because it was grassy and wanted wear, Though as for that the passing there

52 Y. Raven - Digital Photography & Still Images 2004 [ exit ] [ images-only ] Storytelling Had worn them really about the same.

53 Y. Raven - Digital Photography & Still Images 2004 [ exit ] [ images-only ] Storytelling And both that morning equally lay In leaves no step had trodden black

54 Y. Raven - Digital Photography & Still Images 2004 [ exit ] [ images-only ] Storytelling Oh, I kept the first for another day! Yet knowing how way leads on to way,

55 Y. Raven - Digital Photography & Still Images 2004 [ exit ] [ images-only ] Storytelling I doubted if I should ever come back.

56 Y. Raven - Digital Photography & Still Images 2004 [ exit ] [ images-only ] Storytelling I shall be telling this with a sigh Somewhere ages and ages hence:

57 Y. Raven - Digital Photography & Still Images 2004 [ exit ] [ images-only ] Storytelling Two roads diverged in the woods, and I-

58 Y. Raven - Digital Photography & Still Images 2004 [ exit ] [ images-only ] Storytelling I took the one less traveled by,

59 Y. Raven - Digital Photography & Still Images 2004 [ exit ] [ images-only ] Storytelling And that has made all the difference.

60 Y. Raven - Digital Photography & Still Images 2004 [ exit ] [ fin ] Storytelling —The Road Not Taken, by Robert Frost

61 Y. Raven - Digital Photography & Still Images 2004 [ exit ] [ output-print ] Printing Above, left: 100% Bottom, left: Resampling Bottom, right: Resizing

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