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Les Amérindiens / Native American History. How Hollywood has portrayed Native Americans.

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Presentation on theme: "Les Amérindiens / Native American History. How Hollywood has portrayed Native Americans."— Presentation transcript:

1 Les Amérindiens / Native American History

2 How Hollywood has portrayed Native Americans

3 Selected tribes c. 1500 Source: Norton Anthology of American Literature, 8th ed.

4 Last Ice Age: 75,000-10,000 BCE (Before the Common Era). Arrival of « first Americans »?

5 Clovis spear point British Museum For hunting large game: mammoth, mastodon, caribou, bison (also called buffalo) Oldest points date to 10,000 BCE

6 Bison hunting Painting by George Catlin, 1844

7 Desert Southwest 1500 BCE: maize (corn) introduced from Mexico 1000 BCE: squash and beans introduced from Mexico 200 CE: permanent villages 500 CE: extensive irrigation: « Hohokam » culture

8 Desert Southwest

9 Late 17th-early 18th century kiva in Pecos, New Mexico Irrigation system

10 Casa Grande (1300s) Compound, c. 1400 Ruins ofGreat House, c. 1890 Source: National Park Service

11 Desert Southwest

12 Chaco Canyon (10th-13th century CE)

13 Mesa Verde (550 CE- 1300 CE) Source: National Park Service

14 After the drought Anasazi -> Pueblo Indians in New Mexico Hohokam -> Pima and Papago Indians in Arizona Joined by new groups: Apache and Navajo

15 Eastern Woodlands

16 Poverty Point, 1000 BCE-700 BCE Source: Louisiana State Parks

17 Source: Encyclopedia Britannica Turn toward agriculture: 700 CE-1000 CE Maize, squash and beans

18 Mississippian trade center Artistic reconstructions of Cahokia at its peak c. 1050 CE

19 Cahokia Cahokia today Artist reconstruction c. 1050 CE

20 Selected tribes c. 1500 Source: Norton Anthology of American Literature, 8th ed.

21 The Iroquois Mohawk Oneida Onondaga Cayuga Seneca  (14th century?): The Iroquois Confederacy

22 Red Jacket (Sa-go-ye-wa-tha) 1835 lithograph after a painting by Charles Bird King

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