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What do you know about Australian Aborigines?. Return to our……. “Essential Question(s)” What are the major physical features of Australia, and where are.

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Presentation on theme: "What do you know about Australian Aborigines?. Return to our……. “Essential Question(s)” What are the major physical features of Australia, and where are."— Presentation transcript:

1 What do you know about Australian Aborigines?

2 Return to our……. “Essential Question(s)” What are the major physical features of Australia, and where are they located on a map (Great Barrier Reef, Coral Sea, Ayers Rock, and Great Victoria Desert)?

3 Ayers Rock “Uluru” Great Victoria Desert Coral Sea

4 R67 Australian Aborigine Culture

5 Review Standard SS6H8 The student will describe the culture and development of Australia prior to contact with Europeans. DescribeoriginscultureAborigines a. Describe the origins and culture of the Aborigines.

6 Intro to our……. “Essential Question(s)” How did Aborigines migrate to Australia? What impact did the migration of the Aborigines have on the development of society and culture in Australia? How are the origins of the Aborigine people explained? How have the traditions and beliefs of the Aborigine people shaped their cultures over time?

7 Aboriginal Australians

8 Where did the 1 st Inhabitants of Australia Come from? How did they get there? When did they get there? Economy Government (Organization of Society) Beliefs Cultural Expression(s) Most Likely Southeast Asia Possibly by watercraft (small rafts) *Some areas may not have been covered in water as they are today (New Guinea & Australia may have been one landmass) Approximately 40,000 years ago

9 Aboriginal Australians

10 Where did the 1 st Inhabitants of Australia Come from? How did they get there? When did they get there? Economy Government (Organization of Society) Beliefs Cultural Expression(s) Most Likely Southeast Asia Possibly by watercraft (small rafts) *Some areas may not have been covered in water as they are today (New Guinea & Australia may have been one landmass) Approximately 40,000 years ago Traditional – Hunting & Gathering

11 Aboriginal Australians

12 Where did the 1 st Inhabitants of Australia Come from? How did they get there? When did they get there? Economy Government (Organization of Society) Beliefs Cultural Expression(s) Most Likely Southeast Asia Possibly by watercraft (small rafts) *Some areas may not have been covered in water as they are today (New Guinea & Australia may have been one landmass) Approximately 40,000 years ago Traditional – Hunting & Gathering Visual – Dot Art Musical – Didgeridoo Oral Storytelling

13 Aboriginal Australians

14 Where did the 1 st Inhabitants of Australia Come from? How did they get there? When did they get there? Economy Government (Organization of Society) Beliefs Cultural Expression(s) Most Likely Southeast Asia Possibly by watercraft (small rafts) *Some areas may not have been covered in water as they are today (New Guinea & Australia may have been one landmass) Approximately 40,000 years ago Traditional – Hunting & Gathering Animism – Interconnected w/ nature Origin Mythology – “Dreamtime” Visual – Dot Art Musical – Didgeridoo Oral Storytelling Tribal (varied from group-to-group) Autocratic- Ruled by a chief Oligarchic- Ruled by a group of elders Democratic- group made decisions by consensus

15 Australian Aboriginal “Dot Art”















30 “Didgeridoo”

31 “Koobor the Koala and Water” Australian Aboriginal Legend The art of storytelling

32 Return to our……. “Essential Question(s)” How did Aborigines migrate to Australia? What impact did the migration of the Aborigines have on the development of society and culture in Australia? How are the origins of the Aborigine people explained? How have the traditions and beliefs of the Aborigine people shaped their cultures over time?

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