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Jessica Sheridan, Amanda Westin, and Angelina Woltmann Design the Future The Pink Panthers.

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Presentation on theme: "Jessica Sheridan, Amanda Westin, and Angelina Woltmann Design the Future The Pink Panthers."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jessica Sheridan, Amanda Westin, and Angelina Woltmann Design the Future The Pink Panthers

2 Group Name: The Pink Panthers We came up with our name by throwing out options and picking our favorite.

3 Teamwork: Our Group Norms  make at least one contribution to conversation every day  listen to and consider others' ideas  put out all of your ideas; nothing is a stupid idea  try your hardest!  work together  cooperate

4 Teamwork: Group Norms How did we follow these norms?  Common sense  Staying involved with the rest of the group  Being considerate of our group members

5 Teamwork: Our Roles  We didn’t have specific roles  Divided work for each assignment  We each did a little of everything

6 Teamwork How did you work well together?  We cooperated well  We compromised  We divided the work evenly

7 Teamwork How could we have worked together better?  Communication?  We didn’t have many issues at all

8 Teamwork We enjoyed working as a team  Reassurance  Division of labor

9 Our Product:

10 Description  Water proof hair product  Effects wear off after 24 hours  Protects from water and all that comes with it (frizz from humidity)

11 Our Product Benefits  No worries of ruining hair due to weather  Recyclable container  Saves energy (less straitening/ blow-drying)  Saves time (less straitening/ blow-drying)

12 Our Product Costs  Rely on consumers to recycle  allergies

13 Our Product Technologies Involved  Water proofing technology  Pump nozzle for container

14 Survey Analysis Our survey tells us…  that people would rather it be scented  that it’s directed more towards girls  That we need to have the lowest price possible

15 Survey Analysis Based on the results, we will change the product by making the design on the label more whimsical.

16 Survey Analysis Mostly girls who get frizzy hair will be buying our product.



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