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German Language Online Proposal Linda Rosenthal World Language Teacher New Canaan High School October, 2011.

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2 German Language Online Proposal Linda Rosenthal World Language Teacher New Canaan High School October, 2011

3 Hello, my name is Linda Rosenthal, and I currently teach Mandarin and Spanish at New Canaan High School. I previously also taught German at the High School, levels 1-3, and hold certifications in German, Russian, Spanish and Mandarin.

4 The growth in technology in recent years now makes it feasible to offer additional courses to our students who, for a wide range of reasons, may prefer the online route to learning. My proposal aims to address the need not only for more online course offerings at the High School, but to highlight the tremendous benefits that online learning can bring to our district.

5 Before I discuss the benefits of online learning and my course outline in particular, you should be aware that Connecticut already has an existing virtual high school. I have looked at the course listings and German, along with other important languages, is not offered. Although such a German course may already exist somewhere out in cyberspace, it would lack a few critical components for success, in my opinion.

6 1. Without the rigorous standards that are established & upheld at NCHS, how do we know that a level 1 German class is comparable to one of our own offerings (Spanish/Mandarin)? 2.The course, should it exist, does not have an on-site instructor to assist student(s). 3.There could be copyright issues & other legalities that could present themselves down the line w/outside programs.

7 Benefits of Online German Course: Students with learning issues could benefit by revisiting my courses online as often as needed for greater understanding. Students who wish to study a language not currently offered by NCHS now have another choice. Students who wish to study German will now have the opportunity once again. Remember, German is still an extremely important language that is offered in many high schools across the country.

8 Benefits…continued Those who wish to study a 2 nd world language but cannot fit one into their schedule can now do so. Students once limited to an independent study that usually gave them a limited knowledge base, can now learn a language through reading, writing, speaking, listening, and culture w/a certified on-site teacher. Students who need world language credit for college could eventually study levels 1  3 online.

9 How My Course Will Work I will use my own website, as the online site for instruction, written activities, homework, assessments, & all other class- related activities. I will record my voice so students can hear the language and repeat the words, phrases, etc…as often as needed for optimal learning.

10 I will arrange to meet twice a week with students for reviewing face- to-face the learning that was accomplished during that week, for speaking in German with me to improve pronunciation, and for tests & quizzes. All assessments will be done in my presence.

11 As the program grows to include students in other levels of German and perhaps, Russian, I would like to have the online students meet with me during free periods to review, instruct, etc. Until that time however, the students and I will meet during our free periods, before or after school. I would also make myself available to students through email even after school hours.

12 This course would have weekly assessments, a midterm and a final exam. The work would be comparable to any “regular class” in terms of skills learned & material covered. Students could fulfill their language requirement & receive as much credit as any “regular class.”

13 The next question is cost. With budgetary constraints in mind, the use of technology is the best way to leverage our dollars. We would have to discuss what sort of compensation is appropriate at a later date, assuming approval. I plan on creating my own lessons so there would never be a copyright problem. You would not have to hire a certified German or Russian instructor, yet these 2 world languages could be offered w/traditional ‘classroom’ languages.

14 The administration would have to advertise this new way of online learning to students much more than it has done in the past (Mandarin is a good example). I cannot do it all.

15 Now that you have a basic understanding, let me begin by having you look at two basic lessons I have created. Please keep in mind that with approval tenuous at best, I have created two very basic lessons on counting in German. Please view…

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