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 Define pronoun..  Personal pronouns refer to what?

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Presentation on theme: " Define pronoun..  Personal pronouns refer to what?"— Presentation transcript:

1  Define pronoun.

2  Personal pronouns refer to what?

3  Name a 1 st person singular pronoun.

4  What is an antecedent?

5  Complete this phrase: Ken and _________ (me/ I) organized the show.

6  I myself will complete the study guide (reflexive/intensive)

7  Give a dollar to Ms. Colacicco and (her/she)

8  Billy and (I/me) will go see the movie Frozen this weekend.

9  What pronouns are objects that refer back to the subject of the sentence?

10  Tommy and (me, I) will go see a movie this weekend.

11  (She and I, or Her and Me) play basketball for ECMS.

12  Did (you, yourself) like the movie, “Frozen”?

13  Madison told (she, her) all about the surprise party.

14  My boys and (me, I) played outside all weekend!

15  Identify the pronouns in this sentence: Jordan gave him $20.00, but he did not five her correct change.

16  Identify the “antecedent” for the underlined pronoun: If Jaheem loses his agenda, his mom will be upset.

17  Identify the pronoun and its antecedent: “Did Iyeleonna announce her intent to run for class president?” asked Dennis.

18  Identify the pronoun and its antecedent: “No, the election is too long, and I don’t have time for it.”

19  Fix the problem with the pronoun and antecedent in the following sentence: Catherine, Alyssa, and Kristian left his instrument in Mrs. Jefferson’s class

20  What is a subjective pronoun?

21  Identify the “subjective pronouns” in the list below: I, them, me, we, he

22  Identify the correct “subjective pronoun.” Neither you or (they, them) will go to the zoo.

23  Identify the correct “subjective pronoun.” Brandon and (he, him) have gone on a long bike ride.

24  What is an “objective pronoun?”

25  Identify the “objective pronoun(s) in this sentence: Alex will give Tommy a knuckle sandwich if he continues to bug him.

26  Identify the “objective pronoun(s) in this sentence: On his birthday, Sarah gave him a hug.

27  Choose the “objective pronouns” in the list below: me, we, us, them

28  What is a possessive pronoun?

29  Identify the possessive pronoun in the sentence: You can’t have my cookie.

30  Identify the intensive pronoun: She herself won the gold medal in swimming.

31  Identify the intensive pronoun: The dog itself chased the bone.


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